This may be a strange question but…

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      …does anyone else have issues handling certain textures?

      For example, at the vet clinic where I did my externship for tech school, we wrapped drapes in brown paper before putting them into the autoclave for sterilization. Handling the paper for any length of time was very nearly unbearable for me; it hurt my hands, and irritated me all the way up my forearms badly enough that I would get upset at my stomach and it would go around to my shoulderblades and back if I went on long enough.

      The same goes for certain fabrics on occasion (and I cannot stand the sound/feel of someone scratching their jeans).

      My mother looked at me like I’d lost my mind when I told her this the other night. I’ve been trolling the interwebs trying to find out if it’s got anything to do with synesthesia, but so far no luck. How about the rest of you?



          lol not too strange. My little cousin hates touching things that are “too soft” and I don’t like the feel of cardboard-but specifically the thick kind. Its rougher than the flimsy cardboard of clothing boxes/gift boxes. Yick. Its like nails on a chalk board if I have to cut into it.


          Its most synthetic yarns for me, which is why most of my crocheting is very loose because so help me dog if the yarn rubs on the hook, I am getting the willies just thinking about it :puke: .


            For me, it’s certain texture in food, like custard and jello, but even worse, wet bread. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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              Most textures don’t bother me at all. But having to rub my bare hands across carpet repeatedly (like to loosen and gather pet hair) drives me NUTS.


                I don’t like handling cardboard at all! And don’t ask me to chop or cut tomatos – having to “pop” the knife through the tomatoe skin gives me an uber case of the colly-wobbles 🙄 Me cousin can’t stand how flour feels. She says it’s too “squeaky”

                twindragonsmum 😀



                  I don’t think that’s strange at all. Certain people react in different ways to different things. I knew some people who had very sensitive noses and if the office was cleaned, they had a hard time tolerating the smells. I can’t think of anything off hand that I have trouble with–oh, I do have trouble with crowds–will high-tail it out of a parking lot if I see that it is full so no Christmas shopping at the mall for me! From what I see with the other posts, you are definitely not alone!


                  That’s not weird to me. I’m the say way about textures. Some fabrics do the same thing to me as well. I’m the same way with food too. Certain textures in food just make me gag. Found out yesterday that Pasole? is one of them (those white bloated corn things in a Mexican soup) blegh.


                    I know a kid at work who can’t stand the ‘feel’ or ‘sound’ of cotton balls being pulled apart. o_o I can’t think of anything I personally dislike the feel of off the top of my head, but I guess if something reminded me of something else that was really disgusting, and I couldn’t touch it without thinking of that, I’d have a hard time? 😀


                      I’m a synesthete too 😀 For me it is numbers and colors. And music and colors. Some music actually makes me physically uncomfortable to listen to, and I ‘feel’ combinations of colors I don’t like when I listen to it. Especially grunge. Music I like makes me feel/experience combinations I enjoy. Humans sure can be weird huh!

                      I don’t think it’s all that abnormal, especially cardboard. It has a texture that irritates a lot of people, especially tactile people. I absolutely cannot stand walking with dry, bare feet on dry, smooth concrete. [SHUDDER] And I used to be able to drive my sister absolutely nuts by lightly dragging my fingertips along the fabric of the roof inside our car. She hated the noise… I was mean 😳


                        Seeing someone put fabric (like a shirt sleeve) or something wooden in their mouth makes me gag. I can’t lick a wooden spoon or eat a popsicle, even watching someone else do it makes my stomach flip.
                        I have an uncle who is terrified of corduroy-TERRIFIED!!


                        kitsunelady wrote:

                        I know a kid at work who can’t stand the ‘feel’ or ‘sound’ of cotton balls being pulled apart. o_o I can’t think of anything I personally dislike the feel of off the top of my head, but I guess if something reminded me of something else that was really disgusting, and I couldn’t touch it without thinking of that, I’d have a hard time? 😀

                        I am with your friend on that one, the thought of opening a new bottle of pills and having to pull that cotton through that little hole :puke: :puke: :puke: .


                          Gah! I can totally relate on the cotton-ball thing. It’s the weird squeaky sound it makes that drives me nuts. Just writing about it makes my skin crawl a little. I also have a aversion to synthetic wig hair, like the kind you get in cheap Halloween wigs. Weird, because I had no issues with any of my My Little Pony’s hair, but the texture is different.


                            skeeterdeee wrote:

                            Seeing someone put fabric (like a shirt sleeve) …

                            This. Except it doesn’t make me gag. It sends electricity through my front teeth. I also don’t like scratching t-shirt fabric.
                            I’m also super sensitive to certain sounds. Like someone eating crunchy things. Not everyone,just some people. I don’t know if there’s a physiological difference in the structure of their mouths or what. But noises like that bug me to the point of insanity.

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