This guy is nuts.

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      “Items will be sent in two boxes” on the set of 10? Oh heck no! I wouldn’t touch that auction with a 20 foot pole. If I had the money I might consider the old warrior, especially if it ends cheap-ish for a prototype, but even then, it’s a huge gamble, and he’s insisting on a non-refundable form of payment. Sounds really fishy to me.


        Wow… yeah… I will be staying out of this also. 😯 😛


        I ONLY pay with Money Orders on Ebay. All it takes is one time of getting your CC # stolen and you learn to pay with cash or some form of it.
        I don’t even own a paypal account, so if someone only takes paypal, I miss out on it! But o’well. I am not however interested in 10 pieces I can get for much less than 1,299.00, especially not packed into 2 boxes. I don’t care how big they are. 🙄


          Forgive me… I cant read the auction, but maybe ‘packing in two boxes’ means double boxing?? Maybe??


          So WC what would you do if something ended up broken or you never got the item?


            Or they say they never got payment?


              I tend to agree.. paying only by physical means (i.e. check or money order) makes me nervous. I do it for friends and people I know, but for a stranger… it’s a little scary. I like to know that I have at least some recourse if someone tries to rip me off.

              I’m thankful that most credit card companies and paypal will honor the buyer if they get ripped off. Some years ago people didn’t have this form of protection (but then again there was less access to scammers back then too).

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              I agree with Nam. I always make my purchases via credit card to ensure that I can get a refund if a problem arises.


                If you pay with paypal do they get your credit card number? I know whenever I pay with it they have only the last 4 digits listed.


                No, the seller never sees your credit card info at all. That’s the nice thing about Paypal.


                I could get them for less if i payed the fulll prices for them over here! 😯


                  I saw the prototype he listed and thought thats a good price but the fact that he doesn’t even have it listed as a prototype scares me. I mean if you had the letter from melody wouldn’t you include it in your auction? I don’t know its just seems fishy to me.


                    Glad I am not the only one who thought the payment options were scary on this one.


                    ive asked the guy a question about the ow yesterday. i will let you know if/when he responds.

                    the broken english, the bad spelling, the cash payments, it does not add up well.

                    wait, i just looked at the acution. he does accept paypal.


                      The seller says he doesn’t prefer Paypal, but has it listed as an available option. Maybe he discourages it to avoid the high fee Paypal would charge, especially on a $1,200+ auction? Assuming someone bids which I’m sure he is hoping for.

                      purpledoggy wrote:

                      I mean if you had the letter from melody wouldn’t you include it in your auction? I don’t know its just seems fishy to me.

                      The auction states it comes with a Letter of Authenticity.

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