This griffin needs to visit Whippet's hospital!

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      Congrats Whippet! He’ll be fixed up and in tip-top shape in no time!

      Side note: According to my friend, Gerard is LOVE! 😀 She sends me pics she takes at the shows and always manages to get so close to the stage too. I might be going with her and another friend down to Jersey to Bamboozle (spelling?) to see MCR.

      Back to the regularly scheduled program: Whippet, Windstone M.D.[/i]


        Yes, much luck!!! I’ve had my own gryphon in the ER for several months, I wish that upon no Windstone. Damaged Windstones make me cry 😥


          Hey Whippet… I may have a wizard coming your way. Just waiting to see if the seller would ship it directly to you for repair.


            So you won that one….congrats!!!! 😀


              starbreeze wrote:

              So you won that one….congrats!!!! 😀

              Yes, thanks!! It will be a good buy if I can get him repaired pretty descent. He is pretty rare. I really want one with the brown robe.


                hmmm….I don’t remember the brown robe. I’ll have to check the Windstone encyclopedia. 😀


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  hmmm….I don’t remember the brown robe. I’ll have to check the Windstone encyclopedia. 😀

                  Astral castle has it pictured, though you cant really see the robe. You can see the color on the hood, though. I have been wondering why the wizards are not selling very well. They are HUGE!! The whites used to go for $200 and lately sellers are lucky if they break $100.


                    I’m not sure. I love wizards and I really like the one you won. I’d like to have a blue one like it someday. If I wasn’t trying to save up for some other pieces, I would’ve given you a run for your money. 😆


                      mimitrek wrote:

                      Was that just a fluke or have the brown/tan griffin prices been going up?

                      I got a mint one about a year ago for ~$225.

                      I think it may depend on the piece. I bought mine in 2005 for either $280 or $380…I can’t remember.

                      Windstone collector in remission. 😉

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