This griffin needs to visit Whippet's hospital!

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    mimitrek wrote:

    Will there be interspecies romance this time? 😆

    OH no…you must never cross feathers and scales…you would get cockrices then!! Oh dear! Besides she has her one true love…she promised to wait for him. For one day Ski will move back to ol’virginy…and she will be wanting a visit! 😆

    Oh And thanks Mimi for pointing him out. I might not have seen him otherwise. He will be a fun project.


    whippetluv wrote:

    mimitrek wrote:

    Will there be interspecies romance this time? 😆

    OH no…you must never cross feathers and scales…you would get cockrices then!! Oh dear! Besides she has her one true love…she promised to wait for him. For one day Ski will move back to ol’virginy…and she will be wanting a visit! 😆
    Quite true…quite true…

    whippetluv wrote:

    Oh And thanks Mimi for pointing him out. I might not have seen him otherwise. He will be a fun project.

    You’re welcome! I’m glad he’s going to be getting some TLC. 🙂


      Congrats Whippet! I hope he looks as good as he does in the pics. Even if he is all jacked up, im sure you will have him good as new in no time!


      He’s going to look great when you’re done with him, Whippet. I’m looking forward to oohing and aahing over another great piece of restoration. 😀


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      He’s going to look great when you’re done with him, Whippet. I’m looking forward to oohing and aahing over another great piece of restoration. 😀

      Lets hope so…I feel that I might make a worse mess out of him. But I am in the mood I guess. I am bidding on a broken toe wizard frog too. What a sucker.


      Make a worse mess of him. You’re funny, Whippet. 😆 😉


      Whippet the Windstone plastic surgeon 😀 just its not with plastic 😕


      *points down under siggie*


        whippetluv wrote:

        *points down under siggie*

        Hahahaha!!! Too funny. You are a riot, Whippet.




          Perfect motto!!! 😀


          Congrats Whippet.


          OH my gosh! Reason to ask people to pack things properly!!
          I asked if I could have it double boxed with peanuts and extra bubblewrap, and THIS is the reply I got!


          Yes please send a little more. lets say 8.00. I was going to ship it insured with a flat rate box insurance, but if I double box it, I do not think I can, You are very correct about the shipping. I sold a Flion piece that was one of my favourites and when the PO delivered it it was smashed. I of course gave a refund, but was dissapointed that the piece was destroyed.

          Holy crap! Why would he/she not require double boxing after that tragity! I could cry! Was that someone here? Anyway I paid the extra…I want him only as broken as I bought him! Wish me luck!


            LUCK!!! :mrgreen:


              Lots and lots of luck!!! 😯

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