
The Tale of the Peacock Old Warrior (dumb dumb dumb)

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      That is kinda odd. The Briar Shoppe here has /almost/ every single piece currently in production, in every color. It’s awesome!

      I should ask of they do layaway. I might actually be able to get that gold emperor if they do. I’m going to be down there tomorrow anyhow to get my bookends!


        ruffian wrote:

        but alot of them are damaged, some very badly

        Have you seen their “stockroom”? It’s the door next to the display case and they literally THROW and CRAM stuff in it. How else does stuff get damaged when it’s in glass display cases?


        EWWW I never knew that, those poor dragons.


        sunhawk wrote:

        dragonmedley wrote:

        sunhawk wrote:

        Yeah, i do not know of any stores offhand in the Greater Toronto Area that sell Windstones (Green Earth used to but they stopped a few years ago, which is how i got a few of my gargoyle pieces and my dad was able to get me a Peacock Emperor since they were getting rid of their remaining pieces at a big discount) and it really sucks

        Try the Green Earth in Burlington. She told me their franchise was different from the others. She still carries Windstone (she still did last summer when I got my Black&Gold male and that’s where I got my Ruby mother). I haven’t called yet for the golds or the emp-peas, but I’m guessing that if she doesn’t have them, she’ll order them.

        Oh, oh! You know what? We should get together there and raid the place next year! 😀

        Oh really? That’s good to know! And yeah, that’s a great idea! I don’t know Burlington that well, i usually have only been there for the IKEA heh heh A combining of forces for a raid sounds like a great idea ^_^

        Burlington? Really? The Green Earth near where I work has two owl sconces and a garg. sconce. But, if the Green Earth in Burlington still sells Windstones….Much closer to me than Ottawa. Hum, a day trip might just be in order.


        Ruffian, ignore my ignorant PM, other than the last part about WEM not being largest mall in the world…*grumbles* Don’t listen to the DR people, they know NOTHING. They probably got that info off me last time I was in there and is force-feeding it to everybody else.

        Snap, Ruff, we three need to get together one of these days XD

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