
The Tale of the Peacock Old Warrior (dumb dumb dumb)

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    littleironhorse wrote:

    sunhawk wrote:

    Wait, if the prices were in Canadian, are the stores then in Canada? WHERE?! LOL

    You and me both are out of luck Sunhawk! Most of them are out west! πŸ˜₯

    I only know of 2 withing driving distance of Montreal (and I don’t have a car). There are 2 in Ottawa, although one of them isn’t listed on the Dealers page so maybe he doesn’t carry anymore? I don’t know of any in Toronto at all.

    I thinks the mall Ruffian is refering to is West Edmonton Mall?

    Yeah, i do not know of any stores offhand in the Greater Toronto Area that sell Windstones (Green Earth used to but they stopped a few years ago, which is how i got a few of my gargoyle pieces and my dad was able to get me a Peacock Emperor since they were getting rid of their remaining pieces at a big discount) and it really sucks

    But i DO know a few people in Alberta, if there were a particular store that had them on sale i might be able to convince them to get the piece for me…. but it’d have to be a pretty hefty deal :/

    I’ve actually been to West Edmonton Mall a number of times with my relatives, in fact i almost drowned in the wave pool there one time πŸ˜‰


    Snapdragon wrote:

    ruffian wrote:

    So I go to the next store which is an upscale gift type store … the store is missing 😯 . OH I remember that it is downstairs, not upstaired πŸ™„

    Hey Ruffian, guess what, you’re not the only one who missed buying the Peacock OW at Donna Rose either. πŸ‘Ώ

    Millenium sucks too. They had it, and I wanted to buy it, and then found out it was chipped to hell. Looks like they sold it to someone after all.

    LOL it was the millenium one that I missed, donna rose never had one either, those 3 I got at the other store Julies Treasures down by PJ’s, but all they had left was a peacock scratcher and a young white uni when I left πŸ˜€ .


    Arlla wrote:

    Say, ruff, could you tell me the name of the store that had the emeralds and where it was so I can look them up and give them a call? πŸ˜‰

    Millenium had the emeralds.

    The lady at donna rose was the know it all talking about the new emerald tourquois color, and how the peacock and rainbows have been retired. Im like ya I know. Oh no you cant it just happened, uhhh huh I know.

    At the Julies the one older lady said to my friend who was buying an old star trek plate oh you could probably get alot for this on the ebay. Then I found the gothic uni for 100, and was thinking if only you knew, LOL.


      ruffian wrote:

      I didnt catch any prices really, sorry guys, except the 399.99 on the emerald emp. At least I think that is what he said, the rpice was pretty faded.

      An em. Lap = $399.99 ?? I gotta take better care of mine! O.O


        Lap? I thought emp = emperor, not lap? (Confused now)


          SPark wrote:

          Lap? I thought emp = emperor, not lap? (Confused now)

          Sorry, it did say “emp.” They were talking about laps, and I read “lap”.
          So, it’s still ok to keep stepping on mine.


            You’re not serious, are you? 😯


              Please don’t tell me you also use it as a door stop!? 😯


                I do remember mention of that in another thread… That artists can never respect their own work. Tsk tsk.


                  sunhawk wrote:

                  Yeah, i do not know of any stores offhand in the Greater Toronto Area that sell Windstones (Green Earth used to but they stopped a few years ago, which is how i got a few of my gargoyle pieces and my dad was able to get me a Peacock Emperor since they were getting rid of their remaining pieces at a big discount) and it really sucks

                  Try the Green Earth in Burlington. She told me their franchise was different from the others. She still carries Windstone (she still did last summer when I got my Black&Gold male and that’s where I got my Ruby mother). I haven’t called yet for the golds or the emp-peas, but I’m guessing that if she doesn’t have them, she’ll order them.

                  Oh, oh! You know what? We should get together there and raid the place next year! πŸ˜€

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  dragonmedley wrote:

                  sunhawk wrote:

                  Yeah, i do not know of any stores offhand in the Greater Toronto Area that sell Windstones (Green Earth used to but they stopped a few years ago, which is how i got a few of my gargoyle pieces and my dad was able to get me a Peacock Emperor since they were getting rid of their remaining pieces at a big discount) and it really sucks

                  Try the Green Earth in Burlington. She told me their franchise was different from the others. She still carries Windstone (she still did last summer when I got my Black&Gold male and that’s where I got my Ruby mother). I haven’t called yet for the golds or the emp-peas, but I’m guessing that if she doesn’t have them, she’ll order them.

                  Oh, oh! You know what? We should get together there and raid the place next year! πŸ˜€

                  Oh really? That’s good to know! And yeah, that’s a great idea! I don’t know Burlington that well, i usually have only been there for the IKEA heh heh A combining of forces for a raid sounds like a great idea ^_^


                    Ruffian – where are these stores, exactly?? Just cuz it’s hard to look up the name of a store for their phone number when you don’t even know what country it’s in….

                    "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                    -J R R Tolkien


                    Arlla wrote:

                    Ruffian – where are these stores, exactly?? Just cuz it’s hard to look up the name of a store for their phone number when you don’t even know what country it’s in….

                    LMAO, ya I guess that is kinda hard, they are all in west edmonton mall:


                    the first 2 have websites, the last one doesnt but if you scroll down to julies treasures their number is listed there.


                      ruffian wrote:

                      LOL it was the millenium one that I missed, donna rose never had one either

                      Ooook I got someone who didn’t know their junk on the phone then. And don’t feel bad about missing the one at Millenium then, because like I’ve said before — that is the one I was going to buy until I saw the rubs and nicks and passed on it. I’m surprised it actually sold in that condition.

                      I should stop in at Donna Rose and let her try to “tell me how it is” and then point out that I run the Windstone web site. Whooops, foot in mouth… 😈 😈


                      Snapdragon wrote:

                      ruffian wrote:

                      LOL it was the millenium one that I missed, donna rose never had one either

                      Ooook I got someone who didn’t know their junk on the phone then. And don’t feel bad about missing the one at Millenium then, because like I’ve said before — that is the one I was going to buy until I saw the rubs and nicks and passed on it. I’m surprised it actually sold in that condition.

                      I should stop in at Donna Rose and let her try to “tell me how it is” and then point out that I run the Windstone web site. Whooops, foot in mouth… 😈 😈

                      LMAO, I was honestly disapointed my all of their stock, or lack their of. I know I bought 3 pieces from one place but should that have been more than half of what they had? They only had the one dragon, peacock scratcher, and the 3 I bought a a young uni, that is it. Donna Rose had dragons nothing else just dragons, and only big ones, emps and mothers and fathers, and a couple of young, no one else, no spectrals, no coiled. And Millinium seemed like they tried to stock a nice range of stuff, some big one and smaller ones, a rock dragon and some gargoyles, a cat wizard, a few colors, but alot of them are damaged, some very baddly. I dont know what I expected, but I guess it was for them to have more than 5-8 pieces in stock.

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