The Story Telling Game – Nov./Dec.

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  • #938479

    (I wasn’t trying to point out anyone or anything in particular with the story. I just noticed some things and ideas seem to be repeating so I just want to get it moving forward so there isn’t too much backtracking. I want to know what happens next as it sounds like it could be a good adventure. On with the story…)

    You obviuosly were pointung me out with your criticism. I’m sorry my contribution was so terrible that you ignored everything I had written. Looks like all I did was backtrack and not move the story forward at all. Thank you for pointing that out. Gee all those English and writing classes i took in college sure went to waste. Like duh, I’m such an idiot, I can’t write good no more.

    In seriousness, this was supposed to be a fun game. Everone was to add their two cents worth and we were to build on that.


    ^^ agreed
    I’ll pick up a thread from an earlier post and see what I can weave.

    Why not just continue from the last post by Kim? Bad enough my contribution to the story was ignored. Why make it worse by ignoring her too? Let the story go on!


      (Continuing from Kim’s last story post.)

      …and grin. This reminds you of fun times watching ‘The Goonies’ when you were growing up. Puzzles have always been your thing so this is finally starting to get fun.

      Sentences in an incomprehensible language. Unknown symbols…time to pray this wasn’t as unsolvable as the Dorabella Cipher. Especially considering that creepy cry from earlier.

      Three lines of characters and several ‘characters’ per line. You hear the awful cry again, only this time it sounds closer. Your mind races. Something is familiar about the apparent structure of these sentences. What though? You hear the screech again and it clicks in your mind. Five seven five. A haiku!

      You feel giddy or perhaps it’s terrified exultation? The steps reverberate under your feet as something heavy begins to climb them. You don’t have time for too much thought and throw your lot in with Lady Luck. You punch the fifth, seventh and fifth characters from the note into the pin pad and pray.

      Lady Luck smiles upon you and the door slowly swings open. Without looking back you leap through and hurriedly slam the door shut behind yourself. When you turn around you are somewhere new. And for once, ‘new’ doesn’t just mean someplace you’ve never been before. This place looks as though time is a stranger here. You look around in awed wonder and are startled to see someone looking back at you.

      “Um, hello?”


        (Please disregard my comments. It was not my intention to criticize anyone and I apologize to Lysithian as I just happened to post after her but my focus was not on what she said. I just wanted to help move the story forward because not many were contributing and I couldn’t figure out how without backtracking a bit again but I did not ignore her contribution. I also think everything posted has been well written and creative. I actually didn’t think I had a good enough idea to contribute myself but tried anyway. If you want to delete our comments, we can continue on with the story and no more chatter.)

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        (Please disregard my comments. It was not my intention to criticize anyone and I apologize to Lysithian as I just happened to post after her but my focus was not on what she said. I just wanted to help move the story forward because not many were contributing and I couldn’t figure out how without backtracking a bit again but I did not ignore her contribution. I also think everything posted has been well written and creative. I actually didn’t think I had a good enough idea to contribute myself but tried anyway. If you want to delete our comments, we can continue on with the story and no more chatter.)

        Fascinating. You admit your focus was not on what I said! That was obvious when you ignored what I added to the story. Which made it obvious who your original comment was about. And again, by what you just wrote above, mentioning my name, it was me you were originally criticizing.

        I was done with the chatter, as my last post did say- let the story go on.

        But you continue the chattering. And here I am chattering back at you! Lol! I feel like a crazy squirrel chattering at an annoying cat!


        No answer.

        Maybe she didn’t hear me? “Hello?”

        Standing there, arms akimbo, she glared at me with an icy unwelcoming stare. “How dare you enter my store!?!” she snarled. “You have nothing I need! LEAVE!!!”

        The music keeps getting louder. But not loud enough to hide the thumps of something attempting to break the door down behind me.

        “I can’t. . .” I start to tell her that I can’t leave, but she had already turned around. Ignoring me, she starts dancing in front of a large mirror.

        Stepping away from the door that is now starting to splinter, i realize there is nowhere to hide. And I have no weapons, just a couple of keys and a note, and bare feet! Now why did that make me laugh? I’m about to die and I’m chuckling over my bare feet?! The dancer turns around. “Didn’t I tell you to leave?!” she screeches. I point to door that is about to be broken down. “Look what you’ve done now!” she yells. What? It’s my fault some monster thing is about to break down the door? She lunges at me just as the door crashes open.

        A huge head, with teeth as long as my forearms reaches in and grabs her! Was that a,a,a, dragon?! My mind is stuttering! “You’re welcome” he purrs, after he swallows.

        “Um, thank you?” I’m talking to a dragon? I’m talking to a dragon! Wait, what if he is still hungry?!


          You are talking to a dragon, but all you can stammer is “You ate her! You ate her!”
          “Well”, the dragon replies, “You never did feed me breakfast.”
          You are so surprised that you really look at the dragon for the first time. All you noticed so far were his teeth. A long scaly body and very long scaly tail that you can see beyond the broken door, one gold eye, one green eye, six toes on each foot … Wait a minute! Your cat has one gold eye, one green eye, and six toes on each foot! The dragon winks at you.

          You force yourself to speak softly, though you would prefer to scream. “If you get to be a dragon, why am I standing here barefoot and wearing pajamas covered in sand? And I haven’t had any breakfast either!!”

          The dragon nods. “I’ve been wondering that too. You are the Traveller, why don’t you request things that you need?” He sighs and continues, “It would make our life SO much easier. Look at what we had to do just to get you this far! I wake you up so you will find the key that I brought, then you ask questions at the Arbordoor and get sent to the Beach At The End Of The World instead of simply stepping through the door and coming straight here. I hope that the Warrior never hears about the message in a bottle. He won’t stop laughing for a week.” …


            “Warrior..?” You let the question hang as your mind buzzes with so many more.

            The dragon settles his weight, lying on his belly and folding his front limbs around his chest, his tail curling around his body. His head seems to nod in response to your unanswered questions. “Yes. Answers become questions, questions are the answers. There is much I wish I could say, but we Guides are under a…geas…to limit what we’re capable of. Know though that I am always on your side.”

            Stepping toward the beast with one arm outstretched, your hand comes to rest upon the hide of his chest. It’s warm! Unable to help yourself, you start to stroke his scales. A rumbling echoes deep within his breast, suspiciously reminiscent of a purr.

            “So then…what can you tell me?”


              [Bump – this is a request that one of the creative storytellers on the Forum (i.e. not me) start the story again. I love the way that Rylorien left the door open for all sorts of possibilities!]


                [Bump – this is a request that one of the creative storytellers on the Forum (i.e. not me) start the story again. I love the way that Rylorien left the door open for all sorts of possibilities!]

                (Secondary Bump – I also enjoy how Rylorien left off. I’m just drawing a huge blank at the moment. Having a bit of a herp a derp in my creativity at the moment. Perhaps one of the other writers?)


                The dragon stretches out an arm, beckoning you to sit down. As you abidingly settle on the warm, scaly surface, he brings his great head close.

                “Listen carefully. Like any traveler, you have a destination. A…” The beast churns his talons, as if struggling to grasp the right words. “A conclusion, where your journey will and must end.”

                You pause for a moment, trying to make sense of what he said. “So I’m trying to get somewhere. Isn’t that obvious?” The warm scales beneath your hand shift as his feline eyes narrow. “I don’t think you quite understand. Listen.” He gestures towards the threshold.

                The frantic pounding has grown louder; with each shudder, you can hear the hiss of sand against wood and crashing waves. It sounds, for a moment, exactly like that beach. Are you going to be dragged back there?

                “This story is trying to repeat itself.” His gravelly voice is right in your ear. “You have to stop the wheel.”

                [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                Stop the wheel.

                What is that supposed to mean? The air around you starts shifting, the mirror shatters and you see fractions of what you had gone through in the broken shards of glass.

                Stop the wheel.

                No, seriously, what and how am I supposed to stop some wheel. The pounding wont ease up. The crashing waves get louder.

                Stop the wheel.

                Is this a physical wheel? You don’t remember any form of wheel anywhere. You didn’t walk by any wagon. There wasn’t any mill around. A car? You turn to ask the dragon, but before you can say anything, he shakes his head sadly. “Too late” he says regretfully as he starts to dim and fade away, his sad eyes are the last things you see as the floor starts crumbling under your feet.

                “How am I supposed to stop this?!” you cry as you scurry closer to the wall. A gaping hole has formed where you had been standing, growing larger with each moment.


                  You try to fight down your panic and think. Phrases float through your mind … “You are the Traveller” … “Why don’t you request what you need …” It seems silly, but maybe this will work.

                  You take a deep breath and say, “I need to go back to 10 minutes ago”. The destruction pauses, then the floor begins to repair itself. The shards of the mirror go back together and the mirror is whole once more. The sound of the waves fades away. Best of all, the dragon reappears! He bows his head to you. “Well done.”

                  You would like to snuggle close to him again for comfort, but you know that there is no time. “Quick! What else can you tell me so this doesn’t happen again?”


                  “I have told you all I was allowed” the dragon quietly replies as the pounding start growing louder again. “Think. Remember”. he adds a little louder over the sound of the crashing waves.

                  Hairline cracks start to form on the mirror. The story is repeating itself once again. And the last time that happened, the dragon disappeared.

                  I start to remember . . .

                  Answers become questions?
                  Questions are the answers?
                  Request what I need?
                  I am a traveler?
                  I have a destination?
                  I have to stop the wheel?
                  The dragon is always on my side?!

                  The mirror is about to shatter, and the dragon will fade away again, unless. . . you rush over to him.

                  “If I am a traveler, I am not supposed to be in this room. Take me to where I am supposed to be”. You take out the original key, the one your cat had left on your bed and show it to the dragon, who maybe might be your cat, you still haven’t quite figured that out yet, but you can figure that out later. Time is slipping away! You wave the key in front of the dragon as you hear pieces of the mirror fall and shatter. “This is the key to where I should be”, and you giggle a little when you realize you had just rhymed. Why do you always seem to laugh when things look bleak?!

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