
The role of the masculine?

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      I am referring to women who feel the need to prove that they are as “good” as men and in doing so, try to be men. I am a woman; Different both emotionally and physically from a man and aware of it. We seem to forget that we can be proud to be a woman and not constanly strive to be something we are not. We have lost alot because of it.


      Nicely put, Ski.


      How would I sculpt the healthy male? I really don’t know. I cannot even find an archetypal expression for the male/ female relationship. Is he big and muscular and she is looking up to him feeling protected? I can’t get myself to sculpt that. There are so many wonderful expressions of male female relationships and they seem to be best in a most personal and individual expression of a single moment. Maybe the ideal as we knew it does not exist anymore. Each cycle of growth seems to have its own ideal and demands. Relationship is no exception. Nowadays this freedom of unfolding seems to be costing our traditional relationship ideas.
      I have many single women in my circle of friends. Healthy, strong women who have a well differentiated male and female aspect to them. The stories I hear seem to point to the experience, that many of these strengths got developed out of the necessity of being single and having to create a life for oneself and often the children too. Of course one can do that within relationship and there might be a crux of what we are discussing here. It is my personal experience that it has been extremely difficult for me to be my changing, growing and individual self in relationship.
      I do believe that man are learning to respect women in our society. With the choice of separation there seems to be some real negotiation and compromise possible. Mostly the hard way, but its happening. Ultimately this is a real blessing for our society.


      seems like the masculine spirit touched a cord…
      how great….
      our world aches for the healthy masculine to stand in full support of the healthy feminine.

      Each seperate. Each linked.


        I’d appreciate a healthy masculine who knows how to respect, not just support, a healthy feminine.


          Ditto for me!!! 😉


          Somebody’s been digging through the archives again…

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