Ski- he’s handsome! I’m not fond of the gold colors, but he looks nice. I DO love the gold Sitting Spectrals though. Something about that huge “blob” of brown on them. Your OW has a lot of brown on him too, probably why I like!
Does Wolflodge have a wepage? I can’t find it and I always like to check them out! 🙂
We do have a web page but the Windstones aren’t on it yet. I am working on getting them there 😀 You can always PM me with any requests.
My em-pea scratcher came!! Yay!! He has a really pretty lime color to him with a carribean blue. He’s beautiful! I have a conga line of scratchers!!
The royal bronze one is a scratcher I could never fully repair, he’s got glue seams sticking out where someone else tried to fix him…spiderwebs of cracks too, but i made him pretty anyway. 😉 [/list]