
The "I just bought a – " celebration thread

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      congrats what version is this one??


        It’s the older Green version with more browns on it.


          I’m sooo happpy!!!! I just picked up an Emerald Rising Spectral for $230.00 + tax. He is mint with tag, no original box though. The store also has a Peacock Scratcher for $198.00 and a Peacock wizard mouse for $66.00. The store is called Golden Coast Gallery and their number is 559-297-8049. The lady I delt with was Carrie. She was the nicest lady and it seemed like we had a few things in common. It’s nice to talk to someone who thinks the same way I do!!!! πŸ˜€
          Oh yah, she also gave me the winter 2005 Windstone brocher with the Rock Dragon on the front!


            WOW! I didn’t know stores still had those sitting around. Where’s a picture? πŸ˜€ Major congrats.


              He needs a bath!!!


                But he’s still pretty! πŸ˜€


                  Thanks Gb! I can’t wait till he comes out in EmPe!


                    You’re telling me! 😯


                      emerald212 wrote:

                      I just found a Mother Dragon in Old Green on Ebay with a Buy Now of $99! So I did! Wheee! It’s the pretty one like WSC has that I’ve been drooling over, with the browns in it too. Yay! Oh, I’m so naughty. 😳 I’m so broke. I shouldn’t have done that. But I wanted it. *cries* I’ll never get caught up with bills. πŸ˜• But she’s so pretty. πŸ™‚

                      And congrats on the emerald sun dragon. The seller messaged me letting me know the pic was up and I went to go buy it, and you already had. What a great price! MIB, too! Lucky dog!


                        Oh, thanks! I didn’t know it was something you were after. I’m probably going to resell it. It was too good a price not to try to make a little money on. Sorry! 😳 I’ll see how much I love it first though, and what condition it arrives in. I wasn’t going to say anything until I actually got it.

                        I did get my Green Mother Dragon today. She’s perfect and was wrapped really well, following the guidelines from the “How to Package a Windstone” page. She’s very pretty and matches my Young Dragon well. I’ll try to take a picture today. I’m not sure if I’ll have time though, because we are starting to get sales from the Elevation Indicators, so I have some packaging to do and a trip to the post office to make. (Tomorrow we are driving 333 miles each way to pick up my stepdaughter for her summer visit.)


                          Be careful on your trip! πŸ˜€




                              :D:D:D I just snagged a mint gothic unicorn for $100! I don’t know if he comes in his original box…and of course he hasn’t arrived yet, so I don’t know if he’ll make it intact…but if he does, I’ll be SO HAPPY! I’ve wanted one of these for several years since my old one mysteriously disappeared from one of my old appartments….OOOH I hope he makes it!! >_< I've left VERY SPECIFIC packing instructions, but we all know how big a difference that makes….

                              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                              -J R R Tolkien


                                Congrats, Arlla!


                                  Congrats Arlla. I saw him, but I am not a big gothic uni fan. I’m glad he went to someone who really wanted him: -) Best of luck with the packing/shipping.

                                  I just received a uni – it’s horn came off in shipping and it chipped it’s ear and rubbed paint off all over. πŸ‘Ώ Even sending the packing tutorial doesn’t get the message through to some sellers I guess. πŸ™„

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