
The "I just bought a – " celebration thread

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    Congrats, emerald! That sounds like one amazing hunk of griffin-dom. I’m sorry you didn’t get your kirin, though… 🙁 Don’t give up, I know there’s one out there with your name on it!


      Wow!!! All three griffin families!!! Congrats!!! 😀


        Well, I’ve had the whites since they first came out. And I’ve had the Tan Male and the Black Male since the end of last year/beginning of this year (I can’t remember exactly, old age, you know). So, now I’m just finishing up the families.

        The nice thing about the new arrangement is that I’ll have room on the table where I’ve had the White family for the Wolf family (so I can start collecting them when I get another windfall — like that will happen). At least I can take my time with them.

        Thanks, Megani, I think you’re right about the Male Kirin. I just know there’s one out there for me. 😀 It will come to me when it’s ready to.


        Congrats on all the griffins, emerald! You’ll have another heading your way from me pretty soon too. 😉




            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Congrats on all the griffins, emerald! You’ll have another heading your way from me pretty soon too. 😉

            Yay! 😀


              Congrats on the new griffs, Em!


              I just paid for the Owl Cl and Critic from PhoenixTears, the White OW and tan griff chicks, and I’ll have the Grimalkin and Vampire Bat CLs coming from emerald… Plus, Wolfen is selling me her ruby fledge and I’m waiting for an invoice for the pair of black griff chicks. Ten new Windstones this month! 😀


              :000! *envyenvy* Congrats!


              😀 Thanks!


                Wow GB! You are on a roll!! 😆


                  Oooh, congrats!! Pics! pics! 😀


                    drooling with envy! congrats!




                    I heard that GB! Congrats!! 😀 This month I got, the Wolf family of Griffins, black mom, tan and black crouchers, pink curliie, 2nd VF curlie, gold OW, 2nd VF Fledgie, and I am sending out payment today on my tan griffin momma!! *pants* But I hadn’t spent anything on them for over a month before I “splurged” LOL. 😆

                    (And I don’t own a credit card! 😛 )


                    Thirteen new pieces! Way to go, WSC!
                    Will you believe it? I actually look forward to getting my monthly CC bills. Because I know as soon as they’re paid I can go spend again. 😳 Thank goodness for the limit on my card. 😆
                    I’ll post pics when the pieces arrive.

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