The Hidden Auctions

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      Nambroth wrote:

      They go for about 300 silver if sold to the right dragon! Though some prefer them deboned first.. 😉

      Too funny!


      😆 😆 😆


        dragonessjade wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        mmloda wrote:

        OHHHH WOW….I don’t know where I have been but i did come across those auctions too and I was watching the green Emperor and than it dissapeared…so I cantacted the seller and she stated that she recieved a really high bid on the Green Emperor and that he was sold….honestly I was thinking about getting him but I did not want a damaged Emperor becasue I cannot fix him myself, so I would just ahve to live with the damage.
        I’m sure more will come up tho…and Ski I’m sorry to hear what happened but maybe it’s for the best. 🙂

        Whats funny is the offer she got was not high for a green emp. 😆 She probably would have got more if she left it listed, hidden or not.

        So you know what the offer was?

        And GB, I had to read that a couple of times to get the other way. haha

        I totally agree, I know i really want a green Emperor 😀
        So does anyone know what the offer on it was ❓



        I didn’t even know there was a green emperor – somehow I missed him. I had seen the white and was lurking planning on sniping him from ski and keshete! 😉 BUT it wasn’t me who got him, either. Someone evidently bought the entire white family.


          Arlla wrote:

          …I have to admit, I’m confused…

          For one, do auctions labled with “Pena” really count as that hidden?? Windstones turn up under that search fairly reliably…

          I often times forget to search for Windstones that way so you could say yes and no to that IMO.


            skigod377 wrote:

            You guys are sooo silly.

            Us? Silly??? Why would you say a thing like that??? 😆


            ddvm wrote:

            I didn’t even know there was a green emperor – somehow I missed him. I had seen the white and was lurking planning on sniping him from ski and keshete! 😉 BUT it wasn’t me who got him, either. Someone evidently bought the entire white family.

            You are such a SHARK…hehehehehe in a nice way of course…..

            I am glad you got the Flap Cat….I still have 9 more tries 🙂



            Thanks, keshete! Things got crazy at work and I forgot to post about him.

            IF I had managed to win the white emperor over you and ski (and that is a big IF) I promise I would have felt guilty about it. Honest. For at least a minute.


            ddvm wrote:

            Thanks, keshete! Things got crazy at work and I forgot to post about him.

            IF I had managed to win the white emperor over you and ski (and that is a big IF) I promise I would have felt guilty about it. Honest. For at least a minute.

            Hehehe……you know…if I really wanted to pay that for the Cat…you wouldn’t have won 🙂

            She looks like my little Chupacabra (tortishell kitten) 🙂 and before it is over…I will have one 🙂 hehehehehe

            hehehehe…all in good fun and may the fastest sniper win!!!!


              LOL….I almost beat ddvm….almost….

              but she is soooo sneaky with the sniping…darn it


                Arlla wrote:

                …I have to admit, I’m confused…

                For one, do auctions labled with “Pena” really count as that hidden?? Windstones turn up under that search fairly reliably…

                For another, if those WERE weebean’s auctions, shouldn’t they be able to post them here?? If I were the seller and I discovered via a thread like this that my auctions were “hidden,” I would sure as heck want them to get a bit more publicity…

                For a third…maybe I’m not finding all of weebean’s posts…but aside from the “bad lighting” bit, I’m not seeing anything terribly rude…?

                ….maybe I’m missing something huge, but it just seems like a normally very nice group of people is coming down unnecessarily hard on someone…I MUST be missing something if Nam is threatening banning… 1. IMO, yes, they count as hidden. I think anything without Windstone in the title or description counts as hidden. 2. If she wanted to post her links, fine, no problem. Do it in your own thread in the flea market, Not mine please, since I obviously didnt want to give them away. I really would have had no problems if she came on, made a topic announcing her auctions, and left. Hell, I would have suggested she put Windstone in the description. 3. The comments she made are nothing more that 5 replies so she can post links. That is it. No comments that can be construed as anything but trying to get enough posts to post links of the auction. Not rude, perse… just spam. I dont want to come across as being rude, but I do want to show my irritation with the whole situation.

                I am only irritated because the auction had a bid on it and she pulled it (Assuming weebeans is the seller) to sell to someone else, for about $250. Yes, I know who it went to, and yes, they are a forum member.

                Also, weebeans, if those are your auctions, disclose the damage, cus the pics you sent me had several of them chipped in several places, and yet you told me they were all MINT. I will post the pics myself when I get home if anyone is interested.


                  ddvm wrote:

                  I didn’t even know there was a green emperor – somehow I missed him. I had seen the white and was lurking planning on sniping him from ski and keshete! 😉 BUT it wasn’t me who got him, either. Someone evidently bought the entire white family.

                  His horn was smashed, so I would not have minded losing him. 😆


                  Arlla wrote:

                  travistie wrote:

                  I guess I would consider the post under the “what’s in your name?” thread in the Community section to be kinda rude on that person’s part. Well, not really rude… just kind of a smart @$$ response.

                  Yeah – it’s definitely obnoxious and sort of stupid, but it’s not exactly rude…

                  They haven’t said anything since. I kinda doubt we’ll be seeing them again.


                    I think you’re right.


                    *nods* Yep me 2.

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