The Editing Stage…bleh…

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    I looked at the link and your book really looks good though I don’t think I’ve every read anything quite like it. But from how it sounds I would like too. Good luck with the sequel and the third book. Lol, I kinda like the Eragon books. I don’t nit pick others books I just enjoyed it for what it was. Course I was in high school when I began reading that series and my tastes have changed alot since then but I still want to read the last one for closure sake.

    Writing is exhausting and sometimes annoying when going through writers block but enjoyable all the same.


    Thanks, Chessie. πŸ˜€

    Red – I have to say I’ve never really had a writer’s block that lasted more than a day or so. If one story isn’t cooperating I can go work on another.
    As for Eragon, well, my little brother consumed the two books like most folks read Harry Potter, but I couldn’t even finished the first one. Tolkien spoiled me.


    I think Tolkien spoils everybody. Its hard to match him when Tolkien was the one person to really define the fantasy Genre. Fantasy itself is hard to write, at least it is for me. The one book that I’m attempting to do in fantasy is a roller coaster. I already know that I’m gonna have to re-write the last 30 pages I’ve written. But I’m working on another book now. But I’m still thinking of the fantasy one in the back of my mind.


    Well, I came to the conclusion that generally fantasy centers on three things: saving the country or world from a dark menace in out and out battle, going on a quest against the dark menace, or revenge against a dark menace. I find that there is always a clearly defined good and clearly defined bad.
    That’s what other folks. So I’m doing something different. If you ever find the time to read the still-untitled WIP (Lamar’s Jay is just the working title), you can tell me what you think. πŸ˜‰


    That is true, but I know of one guy that did a fantasy where there was no clear evil in any of it. Just difference of opinions and both sides have there good and bads. I don’t know if you’ve ever watched a film called “Princess Mononoke” but it is really good. The man who makes these films has such an imagination its crazy. I don’t think there is anything he can’t come up with. His stories are unconventional but always send out a message.


    Oh, Miyazaki is incredible! Princess Mononoke was an excellent film, particularly storywise. Spirited Away is amazing, too.

    Nowadays it seems there are more fantasy stories centered around less-cliche ideas. The genre has gone nuts in the last couple of years; a lot of the stuff spewed out of the fantasy boom was uck, but there are still some amazing things out there, like Suzanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.

    Anydangways, I too am working on (or trying to work on) a high fantasy novel without any clear-cut good and evil (not because I set out to do it that way but because it just happened), and I’m finding it tough to keep the plot strong. All I gotta say is kudos to people who can pull it off.


    Oh, good I wasn’t sure if anyone here was a fan. Princess Mononoke and Spirited away are some of my favorites, along with Nausicaa.

    Good luck with your book, I can’t imagine writing something like that could be easy. The one story I’m focused on right now does have a clear cut good and evil but its the oldest form of it there is still I’m writing the point of views from each side which I don’t think many people have done or many people even think about. Its been taking a lot of research but its coming along slowly but getting there either way.


      Let’s not forget Howl’s Moving Castle and Castle in the Sky πŸ˜€


      I know, I like both of those too. There was no clear bad guy in Howl’s moving castle either. There was a crazed evil person in Castle in the Sky. Anyone who hasn’t seen these movies, you might want to look into it.


      Yeah, all those movies came out here. But I’m no fan of the anime style, and I only make time for new movies about six times a year…


      I never really classified his movies as anime. I’ve watched a few animes and found that the heroine is always whiney and annoying and completely useless, accept for a select few. A little unknown fact about Hayoa Miyuzaki is that he his a feminist. All the heroins and women in his movies are strong independent women which contredictes all of Japanese culture and their view on women, hence the role many women play in the animes that they make. In Princess Mononoke all the iron that came from the town was maid by women. I’m not a feminist but I found that fact interesting. I’ve always found his films to be works of art.


      That’s interesting. But I’m no fan of feminism, to put it lightly, so I probably won’t make time or money to get any of his films. Thanks for the info, Red.


      Np, I’m not much into feminism either at any rate. Anyway, I think we got a little off subject. So as you may have summed up by looking at the time I posted this, that when I get on a writing kick I don’t stop writing until I get to the point where I’ve planned to stop. During these things I can’t sleep a wink until I’ve finished. Unhealthy yes but even if I tried going to bed, of which I have in these situations. I can’t sleep until what is in my mind is on the computer. This is the part I love most about writing. The joy of creating. I’ve done much research on what I’m writing about and in doing so I’ve broken passed my writers block and a flood of creation has swept through me so I’m gonna ride this wave till I can write no more πŸ˜‰

      Any of you reading this at this hour, you’re crazy, go to bed. Its severely unhealthy πŸ˜‰ j/k


      It was posted at 0843 hours for me, by which hour any reasonable person should be up and working. πŸ˜›
      Figures my brothers were all still in bed. πŸ˜†
      Glad you got over your writer’s block!


      I’m still writing, I just thought I’d take a small break and check the forum and go down to Gabby’s to get a fish sandwich since I haven’t eaten yet. I’m now past page 200 so I’ve written 150 pages from when I started last night. I’m still surfin the wave and it doesn’t look like I’ll be stopping any time soon. I know what you mean, I called my brother around 2 in the afternoon and Ivy picked up (my sister in law) and my brother B.G. was still in bed πŸ™„

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