Thank you Snap!

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      Thank you Snap for the successfull migration and minimum down time of the forum! You do work magic and we appreciate all you’ve done for Windstone, the forum and us over the years!




          I agree, thanks for all your hard work! I see that you are now amusing yourself with giving people odd ‘titles’. >.>; Why is Dragon87’s “Fragmented Mind”?? 😀


            If I remember correctly it’s probably because he fixed her computer when the hard drive was 100% fragmented.


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              If I remember correctly it’s probably because he fixed her computer when the hard drive was 100% fragmented.

              I lol’d. 😆 @ 100% fragmented


                kitsunelady wrote:

                pegasi1978 wrote:

                If I remember correctly it’s probably because he fixed her computer when the hard drive was 100% fragmented.

                I lol’d. 😆 @ 100% fragmented

                EWWW???!?!?!?! Dragon87, it’s called defrag gui. use it >.< LMAO

                P.S. Snap if you read this and happen to know an answer off the top of your head….Why is Window’s Vista’s defrag ui such a pain in the ***?? Can you fix that plxkthxbai! <3


                  I’ll join everyone else and thanking you, Snap for the successful migration! Not too many problems and nothing that couldn’t be fixed right away! Thanks for all you do! 😀


                  I noticed nothing, which means it’s a huge success. Thanks, Snap!


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    I noticed nothing, which means it’s a huge success. Thanks, Snap!

                    Ah, see, that’s the best compliment — “Something happened?”
                    That’s the best thing I can hear during server migrations. :yes:

                    Outside of the SNAFU with the store certificate (which I didn’t account for ahead of time). Pleh.
                    It’s like that saying, you make 25 mistakes when you commit a murder, if you can think of 10 of them you’re a genius.

                    Those titles have been around forEvvvvvvver. Except for Nirvana’s .. that one is new.
                    No one even noticed.

                    Nope, you didn’t.

                    Shame on you.

                    Go sit in the corner.



                      I wasn’t going to say anything…..It makes me laugh too hard whenever I see it XD XD


                        It hurt my brain to come up with that witty rhyming combination!


                          Adraenyse wrote:

                          It hurt my brain to come up with that witty rhyming combination!

                          Awww, poor brain! *kisses all better* Well I do love it though, thank you! LoL Seriously, I read it, start laughing, then forget what I was going to post about >.<


                            Burn. 😈


                            I particularly like how it said “…..go have a cookie….”


                            I did eat about 10 cookies, but was relieved when the board came back on about half an hour later!! 😀



                            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                            kitsunelady wrote:

                            pegasi1978 wrote:

                            If I remember correctly it’s probably because he fixed her computer when the hard drive was 100% fragmented.

                            I lol’d. 😆 @ 100% fragmented

                            EWWW???!?!?!?! Dragon87, it’s called defrag gui. use it >.< LMAO

                            P.S. Snap if you read this and happen to know an answer off the top of your head….Why is Window’s Vista’s defrag ui such a pain in the ***?? Can you fix that plxkthxbai! <3
                            Quiet you! *pokes Nirvanacat*

                            What it was was that I had put it on auto-defrag. I checked it for the first few months to make sure it was doing what it was supposed to – then I left it…. (I wasn’t getting reports or anything).

                            It turned itself off at some point, and I never noticed. I defrag manually about once a month or so… now….

                            I can learn from my mistakes! Really! 😳

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