
Tell me about Windstones :)

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      Do people ever offer commissions to paint PYOs?

      All the time. 🙂  They’re accepted, too.



        Thank you for the compliments on Valkyrior the OW!

        Relatedly: I mostly don’t name my pieces, but Valkyrior is one of the exceptions.  I once read a myth that said the aurora borealis was considered a sign that the Valkyries were coming for a fallen warrior.  His colors remind me of the aurora, he’s a warrior of many battles, and “Valkyrior” (actually just the plural of Valkyrie) seemed like a great name!  The only other pieces I have that are named are “Echo” the GB fox, who came with her name, and my Oriental Dragon family.  Their names are Taishyou (Sun Ori), Shouwa (Ori), and Heisei (Young Ori).

        Love those Akhals!  It’s still my dream to have a real one someday, but until then I’ll make do with resins.  🙂  Breyerfest was so much fun when I was a kid, though it’s been years.  Last one I went to was… Atlantis Bey!  (Haha, I can remember them by model name but not by year.)  One of my never-sell favorite models came from BF, in the first year they released the “Tent Special” models.  I bought “Valentino” the glossy mahogany bay Silver, and I LOVE him.  I had to find a glossy bay Prancing Morgan to keep him company, because it turned out to be a color that I completely fell head over heels for!

        The “hats” you’ve seen are mysterious creatures called Fuzzies.  If you sign your Windstone order with “Love, Fuzzy” then a Fuzzy will hop in the box and come to your house!

        There are some excellent artists here who paint on commission!  You can check out the PYO section of the forum, which has a sticky’d post for people to list their commission information in, and you can also look in the Classified Ads – there’s a category for commissions there!  A year or two ago I commissioned Siberakh1 to paint a Kitty Griffin for me, and it turned out simply awesome!  You can see it here if you scroll down a few posts: https://windstoneeditions.com/topic/show-off-your-conga-lines/page/22/  Siberakh painted the one on the far right.

        Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


          Zexious, that’s a citrine crystal (pretty sure… it was a gift from a friend) and hiding in there is a little glass hermit crab 🙂

          The Ori isn’t really wearing a hat. She’s wearing a fuzzy 😉 If you want to do your homework on fuzzies, you don’t have to go far …



          Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


            Landipan – Less than an hour! Ack! I have supreme #fomo, and buy into just about anything that’s limited edition or advertised as special (probably why my makeup collection is so out of hand!) I have to jump on it. Do you cm models, too? I can’t get over how stunning your work is! Do people ever offer commissions to paint PYOs?

            Haha, I don’t think you’ll have to worry TOO much about anything selling out that quick, I think that was a special case due to Melody only having about 40 casting of those foxes, plus they were a ‘no nitpicking’ edition (due to possible flaws in the paint or on the sculpt itself, though I never saw any blatant flaws in the foxes I saw posted). I think most of the GBs these days do stay in stock for AT LEAST a few days. Though it’s been awhile since I’ve jumped on a GB, I’m hoping that we’ll see a fox(any) GB again eventually ( I’ve been really want to see an Arctic Fox GB in red fox color ways).

            I’ve tried my hand at CMing model horses, but I could never figure out pigments/pastels and I could never get Acrylic to look nice and smooth on the smooth plastic, there were always some brush strokes, CMing model horses just wasn’t meant to be even though I tried my best. But for whatever reason I do perfectly fine painting Windstone PYOs, maybe it’s the gypsum? I dunno, but it turns out nice and I enjoy it!

            And thank you! I really appreciate the compliment! And yes, people do offer commissions here, I have as well before. The last one I did I traded a commission oriental dragon for a GB baby Kirin, which I was so grateful for as I LOVE the Kirin family and I was SO lucky to get a blue baby as that was one of my top picks!

            Here she is btw, I love her!

            *Formerly meowmix101
            Not currently open for PYO commissions.


              Oops, the pic didn’t show up in the last post! Here’s my prized lil GB Kirin:


              *Formerly meowmix101
              Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                Forgot to say, but the only pieces that come with names that I know of are a few Ebay pieces (most or all of the “Stray Cat Edition” flap cats had names, if I recall correctly), some raffle items, and some of the Grab Bags.  Once, I remember there being a “submit a name for a GB Unicorn” web form where forum members could offer name suggestions for the upcoming batch!  That was fun.  🙂

                Speaking of which, if you haven’t checked out the raffle section of the forum yet, do that before the end of the month.  You just might win a Windstone!

                Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                  Hi Zexious.  Welcome to the forum.  I bought my first Windstone dragon like 20 years ago when I was about 14.  We used to have a nice gift store at the mall where I would buy beanie babies and they had a display case with all the Windstone dragons I would just go in and stare at and get booklets for.  I loved the colours and magical design of all the dragons and how gorgeous they were!  I was able to save up enough to get a peacock fledgling dragon but then they got in rainbow ones and I really wanted one of those too.  I couldn’t afford it at the time though and then the one I wanted sold and I don’t remember seeing anymore after that.  The store closed not too long after the beanie baby craze died down and then I didn’t collect anymore Windstones until I was searching on ebay a few years ago and found some and then found this site.  So I have been collecting on here for I think almost 5 years now.  I bought a peacock young dragon off ebay to go with my fledgling, then found a rainbow young.  It took a couple more years for me to find a rainbow fledgling on ebay.  In the meantime though I started buying pieces off here and one of my first ones was a grab bag young poad and then a grab bag baby unicorn and then I was hooked on grab bags and trading for ones I loved!  Melody has been doing grab bags almost every month now for the last while and yes each one is unique which is one reason I love them.  As others have said most batches are over 100 pieces and some would sell out in the first hour or day and others would stay in the store a few days depending on popularity of the piece and price.  Most of my pieces are grab bags now.

                  I started off buying a few pieces in the first year and now I am up to almost 200 pieces I think.  I had to buy some curio cabinets off kijiji classifieds to put all my pieces behind glass to keep them safe from my cats.  I found some cabinets for a good price and even though mine have glass shelves, they are fine because I mostly just collect smaller sculpts and they don’t weigh that much.  For bigger sculpts though people recommend bookcases or cabinets with wooden shelves.  I have now run out of room in my display cases though so I have been trading and selling more pieces recently.  If you are looking for any pieces to buy, a lot of us have ads in the classifieds on here and it’s a good chance to buy past grab bags or test paints or hard to find or retired pieces.  I have been able to buy and trade for lots of pieces I loved through the classifieds.  I think my best advice for what to buy first is see what catches your eye in terms of colour or design and if you want a one of a kind piece, maybe get that before a production piece because if a grab bag or test paint is for sale, there is only one like it that could sell anytime versus a production piece that you can buy anytime if they are still in stock in the store.  When new grab bags come out, I usually try and buy one anytime it’s a sculpt I like but I haven’t participated in the last couple so for a while I was buying pieces every month and now it’s maybe every couple months.  I try and combine shipping when I want more than one piece since I’m in Canada and shipping and customs fees make everything more costly to get here.  Where are you from?  What are your favourite Windstones you have seen so far or what would you like to buy first?

                  I would say my favourite sculpts are most of the grab bags.  I love the baby unicorns, young unicorns, baby pegasus, young poads, baby kirins and griffin chicks.  My favourite dragons are the fledglings, baby dragons and mini keepers.  I don’t really collect bigger pieces although I have a couple big dragons and griffins.  I also collect Hamilton Rainbow Dreams unicorn figurines which are really cute, Trail of Painted Ponies, Ty beanie babies and other stuffed animals that I’ve collected since I was a kid, rocks and gems, jewellery, globes and African animal statues and pictures.  I have pretty much always collected things for as long as I remember.  I think Windstones are the most pricey things I have ever collected and I have paid a good amount for some of my favourites but for some reason I don’t really think too much about the cost or second guess buying ones I love if I can afford them since I have gotten so used to their prices.  I just started setting aside money every month or selling things online to be able to buy the ones I really want when they come out like the grab bags I love.  Now I am waiting on Melody’s kickstarter as I love all the poads she painted for it.  Even though I am actually low income and haven’t worked a job besides the odd sales job in the last couple years, I have still managed to be able to save enough by selling things and saving the money in paypal for whichever ones I want most.  Here are pictures of my collection evolving from the first year to fourth year of collecting.  I have to post more updated pics in the Show Your Collection Thread soon too since my pictures aren’t showing there anymore.

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                    OUTSTANDING KIM!!Congrats.Your collection has come a very long way in a few years.beautiful!!

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                    Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                      Wow, Kim, that is a fabulous collection!  I’m sighing with envy over those beautiful shelving units, too.  😉  Your collection has really grown in just a few years!

                      Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                        etruscan – Very good to know! I’ll have to keep an eye out in the classifieds 😀

                        Nightcrow – I just tossed my name into the hat for the November raffle! I can’t wait to see who wins 😀 I can’t believe that Melody does this every month; that’s such a kind gesture! I think more companies would garner a more loyal fan base, if they gave back/interacted with their customers the way Ms. Melody does.
                        Can you get a Fuzzy hat through eBay orders as well? They’re so silly!
                        The last year I went to Breyerfest was the year they did Alborozo. Do you ride at all? (8

                        Angelika – Fuzzies are so silly! I feel like they add even more whimsy (is that possible?!) to a sculpt xD I love it!

                        Landipan – What’s a “no nit-picking” edition? (I imagine, it’s somewhat similar to how it sounds? xD)
                        I imagine it probably has something to do with the quality/consistency of gypsum! I know acrylics aren’t used that often in model horse world, save for detail work, unless it’s airbrushed.
                        And that GB Kirin is just the cutest thing! She’s got such a sweet expression!

                        Kim – Ah, beanie babies! We all collected those, I think ;)! Do you have any that you kept around?
                        Your collection is absolutely stunning; I love the way you have them organized by color or sculpt, it’s so eye-catching. It’s really wonderful that you’ve taken a “before” and “after”. Your collection has grown so much!
                        I’m from the States! I was born in California, I spent the last 17 or so years in Colorado, and moved to Texas in April.

                        Bodine – I can only hope mine will grow that much! ;O;


                        Big news! Etruscan reached out, and alerted me that she had an extra armadillo, and guess who’s coming to live with me!? :’) Boyfriend got it for me as part of my Christmas present, I’m so excited!!


                          Good luck on the raffle!  I wonder what piece it is this month…

                          I used to ride!  I took lessons when younger; mostly Western, sometimes English.  I even worked a horse camp at the stables where I rode as a teenager once.  It’s been years ago, though.  I just don’t have the facilities, the time, or the right weather these days.  Do you ride?  Do you have a horse?

                          I’m not 100% sure about Fuzzies and Ebay, but I don’t see why not; if you win something, stick “Love, Fuzzy” in your order somewhere and see what happens.  🙂

                          “No nit-picking” editions are what Windstone calls some of their grab bags.  They’re usually either the first big lot of a sculpt, or they’re a sculpt that for reasons of texture/size/casting process/other causes is difficult to paint cleanly.  So there are sometimes small flaws in the gypsum, or the gysum causes small flaws in the paint; it’s a fancier way of saying “sold as is” because the pieces may have small imperfections.  (The Horse grab bag was a no-nitpicking edition, and I know several other Pebble Animal grab bags have been NNPEs as well.  I think the smoothness of these sculpts makes them hard to get perfect…  Any miniscule flaw is magnified because it stands out more on the smooth surface.)

                          Which, come to think of it, is why I never customize larger models, only SM scale – the big models have too many large smooth surfaces that are impossible for me to get right.  (Of course, I’m an amateur painter compared to Melody & Co!  It’s probably just “hard” for them, instead of “impossible” like it is for me!)

                          Congratulations on your Armadillo, by the way!  I’m glad to hear that you found one, and that was really quick for a piece that old!  You should definitely post pictures once it’s in its new home.  🙂

                          Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                            Horse camp! I attended as a child, and I loved it!
                            And yes ma’am! I’ve ridden since I was seven; I purchased my first horse when I was in high school, and I’ve been a horse owner ever since. I competed on the A circuit in my late teens, but unfortunately had a non-riding related accident when I was 21, which hasn’t allowed me to ride for the past four years. I still own a horse, a retired Hunt-Type Paint Gelding named Gator :’) I’m thinking that I’m getting close to being able to ride again, but now I don’t have access to a rideable horse Dx

                            That makes a lot of sense! I’m not a customizer (at least, I’m no good at it :’) ), but I like to appreciate the skills of others.

                            Thank you all for all the great information!! I’m so excited to get my first piece (and already considering my second ;O; )


                              Awesome!  I went to several horse-centric Girl Scout Camps when I was a child, and took regular riding lessons, too.  You’re so lucky that you had your own horse, though!  My parents leased one for me for a couple of months when I was high-school aged – a handsome leopard Appy named Cookie – but it’s still not the same as a horse that belongs only to you.  We should start a horse thread in the non-Windstone section so you can post some pictures of Gator!  His name is cute.  🙂

                              Sorry to hear about your accident!  It sounds like you’re healing, though, which is good.  I hope you get to ride again!  Did you ride English or Western?  (Or something else?  Bareback?  Sidesaddle?)  😀

                              My customizing skills are beginner-level, but yep, I very much appreciate the work of those who are really good at it!  I’ve branched out into Windstone repairs, too, and have patched up a couple of Lap Dragons with pretty good results.  As with customizing horses, I’m still an amateur, but I’ve got an ad up in the classifieds in the hopes that I can find some more pieces to practice on and improve my skills!

                              Good luck deciding on your second piece!  They really are addictive, aren’t they?  I just bought myself a “Christmas present” Windstone because I noticed that the Store stock of something I wanted was almost gone and it seemed like a good reason to go ahead.  🙂


                              Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


                                Well, I made that model horse thread; it seemed like a good idea.  🙂

                                Model horse fans, head over here: https://windstoneeditions.com/topic/calling-all-model-horse-collectors/  if you have any horsey chitchat!

                                Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).

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