Tax Returns and Windstones…

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      Maybe cuz you had a long list of wants. If you are nice to santa, he will get them for you… Maybe??


      Ahhh TY Ski… LOL I guess I never thought of it that way. πŸ™„ I’ll probably keep right on buying them up until x-mas…But since Dave is laid off in winter because you can’t lay concrete we decided that X-mas would be on June 25…So I still have that to look forward to. πŸ˜† (But he doesn’t look anything like Santa!)


        skigod377 wrote:

        Maybe cuz you had a long list of wants. If you are nice to santa, he will get them for you… Maybe??

        Exactly. You never know when Santa will bring you something nice


          Dragon Master wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          Maybe cuz you had a long list of wants. If you are nice to santa, he will get them for you… Maybe??

          Exactly8. You never know when Santa will bring you something nice

          LOL DM! You’re crazy.
          …….unless YOU’RE Santa this year, in which case….bring us all Windstones!


            WolfenMachine wrote:

            Dragon Master wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            Maybe cuz you had a long list of wants. If you are nice to santa, he will get them for you… Maybe??

            Exactly8. You never know when Santa will bring you something nice

            LOL DM! You’re crazy.
            …….unless YOU’RE Santa this year, in which case….bring us all Windstones!

            well I look at it that EVERYONE is Santa. You never know when this good deed will be rewarded by that one. Some call it Karma and I TOTALLY believe in Karma


            I hear that!
            Sorry DM, sometimes what you say doesn’t make alot of sense to me, until someone explains it. But I am glad you’re still around! And even though I’m not your type and taken 😳 … <3 <3 πŸ˜†


              I don’t mean to confuse anyone


              I know, but in the end, I always have to laugh at myself, because there is usually a very easy way to figure it out…Gramma always said that I think too hard, and look past the answers. πŸ™„ πŸ˜†


                me too


                Ok…I finally sent out all the MO’s to everyone for this binge I am on. When it is all said and done I should have 14 new peices…Including 2 PYO wolves I plan to sell when they are done. I am keeping the Kirin because she will be my practice peice of that sculpt. Hope she turns out as pretty as alot of the ones all of you have painted! So actually 11 “real/finished” pieces!
                Emerald got her payment today, she was the closest, so ofcourse she got hers first!!!
                The 11th sculpt is my secret purchase though…
                πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ (Need dancing smiley here πŸ˜‰ )


                  secret Sculpt?? What did I start with tis secret things??
                  I was only keeping the secret because Melody told me to


                    Not a secret sculpt DM, just her secret purchase πŸ˜‰


                    Yup! Nothing everyone hasn’t seen before. πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰

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