Tags-to keep or to remove?

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      I’m curious what everyone’s opinion on this is. The tags that come with your Windstones-do you remove them or keep them? I usually tuck them under the piece, but some pieces like the oriental dragons, small flap cats and the griffin chicks don’t have much room for you to hide that big tag. I’ve removed a few of mine-like on my grab bag baby uni and on one of my orientals. If it can’t be hidden underneath, I usually dont like the tags, but I keep them on in case I need to resell them and the potential buyer wants the tags attached.

      In addtion, I’m curious-to you personally, does lack of a tag devalue the piece? Even if the piece comes with the tag, its just not attached?


        *rubs chin* For me, it kind of depends on the piece. Ebay pieces…the lack of a tag would devalue it in my eyes. Not saying I wouldn’t buy an ebay piece with the tag removed, but it just wouldn’t be worth as much to me because it wouldn’t be ‘mint’ anymore in my mind. Production pieces…unless it’s something still in production (in which case, why would I buy without the tag, when I could have it with?), I can live without a tag – but again, given the choice, I’d prefer the piece that has it still attached, unless the price difference is outrageous. I’ve never taken a tag off any of my pieces, but I’ve certainly bought some that didn’t have them.


          Tags can drive you nuts at times . Especially if they are bent or messed up .
          Some of mine still have them , some don’t . Old ones never had them .


            Most of my guys I remove the tags. They are a pain the butt to deal with, especially on the smaller sculpts. But I usually save the tags with the box, so if I ever sell the item, I’ll be able to include it.
            The one’s that remained tagged are my singed pieces. My Poads have them, as does my Birman Flap Cat. Hmmm, come to think of it I think I took the tag off my Armadillo.


              Up until a month ago, I kept the tags on all my windstone that came with one. Then I started ripping them off pieces that I knew I’d probably never resell (except in a finacial emergency). Having the tags attached, besides being annoying, are a constant reminder to me the piece is a statue and nothing more. So I got rid of them so they wouldn’t hinder my imagination when I looked at them.


                I leave them on the bigger sculpts but everything fleggie and smaller has had the tags removed and stuffed in the box. I hate the tags the most on the small flap cats because their base is so small even the string bump makes them wobbly.


                I’ve never taken a tag off just because it seems part of the requirement for “mint” condition, even when the tag is damaged, wrinkled, or someone in a store put a price tag on it and the sticky won’t come off! But I also don’t like them, a bunch of my older dragons don’t even have them, which I prefer. I also tuck the tag under the statue, or if the statue is too tiny, I flip the tag upside down, then it blends it with the black velvet lining my cabinet. /yay 4 sneakies!


                  The tags don’t bother me, straight or bent, and so I don’t take them off. I’m also one of those that think it helps the value of the piece to have the tag. That’s not the reason I keep mine… I keep mine because I’m one of those weird people that don’t remove things. All stuffed animals I have still have their tags (I’m talking about price tags and stuff… not the small tags that tell about the fabric and stuff). Messenger bags/backpacks all still have their tags… and even that clear film you get on electronics? Don’t take that stuff off either. My laptop even had those dumb ad stickers on it for awhile. I eventually took them off because I had a friend that bugged me all the time about them.
                  I’m just weird. I’m not bothered by things like that and really prefer them to be on… even if I have to answer every person that says “your messenger bag still had the tag on it…” 😐 Got that almost every day in college.


                    I don’t remove tags but i don’t care if the piece doesn’t have one. I actually kind of like it when it comes without one cause they are a pain but i feel like i’m committing a crime if i take one off… so i never have. Plus i never know which pieces will be permanently mine so i don’t want to devalue them if i decide to sell them someday. but otherwise i hate them. They make the piece wobble or they stick out and make the statue seem more statuesque


                      Tags drive me nuts. I remove them. The only time I didn’t was when I bought a Poad, and when I received it, the colour didn’t agree with me. Since I knew I’d be reselling it, I kept the tag on. Since I keep the box of the smaller pieces, I put the tag in there. For the bigger ones, off with their heads! and into the garbage.

                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                        I leave them on if it came to me that way.It helps to protect the felt pad as well by placing them underneath.If you have a bad dust and pollen in your home like I do,it only helps and I dust every couple of days.Otherwise,it doesn’t really matter unless it is labeled as a “mint”piece.

                        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                          LOL.Kujacker,my husband dives me nuts with that same habit of leaving the clear coat on electronics.His laptop is two yrs.old and still has the stickers on it,the stereo facing,etc.He notices when I pull one off too. 😀

                          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                          I don’t remove tags but i don’t care if the piece doesn’t have one. I actually kind of like it when it comes without one cause they are a pain but i feel like i’m committing a crime if i take one off… so i never have. Plus i never know which pieces will be permanently mine so i don’t want to devalue them if i decide to sell them someday. but otherwise i hate them. They make the piece wobble or they stick out and make the statue seem more statuesque

                          This, for me. They drive me nuts (since most of my pieces are smaller ones) but I don’t take them off because that’s how they come. Whether a piece on eBay/Forum for sale has a tag or not makes no difference to me.

                          I’m glad the PYOs don’t have tags, because hiding them under a PYO Kirin would drive me nuts!


                            I leave the tag on if they come with one.


                              Click me, Bodine 🙂

                              Sorry, couldn’t resist ;p This is my phone right now. Peeling plastic. And that little sliver of plastic gets in my way of texting, and I still don’t take it off.

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