drag0nfeathers wrote:
Wow! You NEVER see mantis around here! I saw one once a LONG time ago (like at LEAST 10 years ago) and we kept it as a pet for about a month and fed it crickets until we set it free. and BUNNIES!!! I’ve never seen baby bunnies in the wild… unfortunately the only time I see bunnies are squished in the road 😥
I DID see a deer for the very first time while driving to work last week. At first I was like “Wow, that’s a big dog…HOLY CRAP IT’S A DEER!!!” 😯 It was SO AMAZING!!!
I hate living in the city sometimes. I’d much prefer a more tranquil area. I’d take the lulls of chirping crickets to the ambulance sirens and car alarms any night!
Should go live in northern Alberta then, if you want to see Deer… saw a bunch in Downtown Grande Prairie (pop. 50000 I think) not to long back.
Of course we also had someone take a moterboat down mainstream last year….
BUNNIES!!!!!!!! I see a bunch of full grown ones in Edmonton, but not the little babies *squee!*