Super super bored with hair….HELP

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      I’ve had Eczema since birth and it can be very painful at times. I wish you luck


      Thanks guys! Yeah I have been fighting it for like 15 years now. Its not always horrible, mostly a dry rash that is not tooo red. But I get it on my cheeks and eyelids and wherever hair grows on my head. And unfortunatly I have PCOS too, so I sometimes get it on my chin when hair grows there. ha!
      Bad outbreak on my elbow this week, but I found a new body butter that is very helpful. 🙂


      Have you ever tried straight, plain, pure shea butter? My hubby gets excema and uses it. It helps him alot, plus if he gets something on his face he doesn;t have to worry about getting hydracorison(sp?) in his eyes…

      Personally, tho it may be too late, I would choose something like #4, only with caramel highlites and a deep gold copper/red low lites. It’s too bad you can’t grow out your hair just a bit, like to chin length in the front, and then have it brought up in the back shorter. I love hair, can you tell?? I’m probably the only forum member that wear extensions! 🙄


        asinnamon wrote:


        I love hair, can you tell?? I’m probably the only forum member that wear extensions!

        No, you’re not. But I usually go for wigs and hairpieces.


        rock on!!! I have to say I feel bald without them now!! I’m glad I’m not the only one!



        whippetluv Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 5:16 pm Post subject:


        Thanks guys! Yeah I have been fighting it for like 15 years now. Its not always horrible, mostly a dry rash that is not tooo red.

        My sister had something similar and nothing worked ’til she used Kenalog spray.

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