Super super bored with hair….HELP

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    Okay so I have had the same dang hair or like 4 or 5 years. I am super bored with it. But I have limitations…number one, super short. It must be shaved up the sides and back.
    Number two, I work in a pretty serious place. I can get away with a little, but not a mohawk.
    Here are my first ideas…what do you think?

    AND I have always wanted bright colored hair, but my workplace forbids it. So what about growing a rat tail and tucking it into my shirt? Is that super lame and get over it girl?



      I vote for # 1. 🙂


      I know you won’t like this…but I like your hair the way it is now!

      You have such nice, thick hair. 🙂


      your style is fine now. if you want highlights, go for the red ones.


        Yeah. I think if you want to do something different, you should go with #4. Otherwise the way it is looks nice. 🙂


          I vote number 1 as well, though I kind of dig number 3 as well =)

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            well I say #5 why should I be the only bald one here???


            If you’ve gotta change it I’d say #1, but I think you look best in “now.”


              Go for something like #1 or #4, but at first, try darker highlights, like light brown. Then as you need to redo the highlights, go lighter and brighter. That way, your workplace will get used to it slowly and you get what you want (just not fluorencent or glow in the dark stuff 😀 )

              I’ve had your type of haircut for a number of years, and I did get sick of it too. I mean, it’s really hard to change the style like you could with longer hair, so I get ya!

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                I also like #1 and #4…but #4 if they are similar to that orangey color, not a red 🙂


                I like 1 or 3. I would do what dragonmedley suggested if you choose 3.


                I like 1 or 4, but think 4 would work better, especially if you use a shade of red highlights that blend into your hair a bit. Blond I think would be too loud, but woulc probably look good. But your work may not care for it.

                Silly question, but why must it be short?



                Kyrin wrote:

                I like 1 or 4, but think 4 would work better, especially if you use a shade of red highlights that blend into your hair a bit. Blond I think would be too loud, but woulc probably look good. But your work may not care for it.

                Silly question, but why must it be short?


                Okay people…I am going with number 4. I will post pics when its done! yay!

                Um as for why it must be short. I have a form of Eczema in my hair line and eyebrows. It gets pretty bad and I have to put a steriod cream on it. I can’t do that with long hair. And unfortunalty one of the side effects is a bad dry rash that makes me look like a snowflake factory. So the short hair brushes out the dandriff better. 🙂


                  I had that once….very itchy and uncomfortable!!! You have my sympathies. 🙂

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