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      I feel for you Stephanie. This story reminds me of my dog too! We rescued my beloved border collie Pepper from the pound when I was around 17 and he was about 4. No one wanted him and we found out later it was because he had been abused by men and was afraid of them and would bark agressively at any man and any other dogs when my mom and I would take him for walks. He would also chase our cats and had no sense of obedience when we first got him. After patiently training him for a year or so, he became the best dog, very obedient, very smart and learned to tolerate men, cats and other dogs. I would take him to agility classes, take him out to farms sheephearding for fun and was always running him and throwing balls for him in the park. He also loved going in the river and ‘fishing’ for the biggest rocks he could find, bringing them out of the water and waiting for me to throw them back in.

      He got cancer (Lymphoma) after a few years and we couldn’t afford surgery but they thought it would be too late anyway as we didn’t find out until it was already advanced. Although I ordered him some natural herbal medicine which helps kill cancer cells, it didn’t get here fast enough. I had to go away for a month to work on a cruise ship around the time we found out and I begged my mom to give him the medicine everyday and try to help him get better until I got back. Unfortunately after a week or two, my mom had to put him down because the tumors in his lymph nodes were pushing against his throat and he was choking. It was so sad since I wasn’t here and never got to see him again.

      I starting doing some reasearch after that about the cancer industry and found out a lot of scary stuff about what they make dog food with and that it is the dog food mostly that is giving our pets cancer just like people eating bad junk food can give them cancer as well. We have since tried to feed our cats and other pets more natural cat foods that don’t have bad chemicals and fillers. We have an old cat right now that will pass away soon I think as she has some kind of liver or kidney failure and is super skinny. It’s hard to have to deal with everytime a pet gets sick but I have had to watch many pets come and go over the years since I was a kid and got used to it being a part of life. We all love our pets so much and it is hard letting them go but that doesn’t mean we can’t fill our hearts with more love from new animals needing rescue and a loving home! I think the grieving process can humble us and put our lives in perpespective so we realize what’s important in life like loving others (pets and people) unconditionally. It teaches us good lessons.


        I’m very sorry to hear about your loss. It’s so hard to lose our fur family members.


        Stephanie, my heart truly breaks for you and your husband. I wish I could say something to add to any small comfort you are able to find….but all I can say is that you truly did everything for him, and he knew your love very much. You were such a wonderful mommy to him, and you have already said it, but I know he is not in pain anymore. *HUGS*


          Thank you for the thoughts and kind words, everyone. It’s been an exhausting weekend. I went into the back yard this morning to look after the garden and couldn’t stay out there very long. Supai was my gardening buddy and would sit and watch me putter around doing things. The gap he left behind is huge, but it’s all selfish pain that I’m feeling. I know he’s at peace and I’ll see him again someday. I grieve, but I still have no doubts in any decisions we made.

          TDM, I’m so touched you remember that! I minored in geology and while I was in college one of my professors had a black lab she’d named Kaibab. I thought it was such a great name for a dog I scoured the rock layers of the Grand Canyon to find a suitable name when we adopted Supai. The Havasupai layer is named after a local tribe, and we always used to say we Have-a-Supai. 🙂


            I’m so sorry. I’m crying just reading your post, and I didn’t even know Supai. Sounds like a great dog and although his life ended early, its nice that the six years you spent together were wonderful.


            I hesitate to say this because it is pure whimsey but years ago, when I was grieving for my deceased dog Simba, someone told me that our dogs, when they die, go to a wonderful place where they spend their days in the warm sunshine, running and playing and ejoying themselves but at night, no matter where they are, they come home to sleep by our beds. Thats how I think of her, sleeping peaceful by my bed every night….


              I believe that, rock-reader. Whimsey or not, it helps me remember him the way he was before he got sick.

              And I did hear him a few times last night.


                So sorry for your loss, Stephanie. I hope that Supai runs into my little Abysinnian Cherry over at Rainbow Bridge and says hi to her.

                Somebody wrote a beautiful poem about “Rainbow Bridge” where pets wait to be reunited with their loved ones.



                  Oh Stephanie, I’m so, so sorry for your loss. I know what you are going through as I went through it not five months ago with my dear little cat Streaker (who now sleeps in her beautiful box beside my bed. She is always with me, and I draw comfort from that). Supai sounds like he was a very loved and spoiled puppy! It is so very hard to clean up the house of all their things too. We had to do it as soon as we got home as we wouldn’t be able to if we left it. Supai is still with you, and he’ll be running around with all his new friends at the Rainbow Bridge and creating all sorts of mischief!

                  Here is a poem that comforted me when I lost my Streaks. I hope it helps you in your time of need.

                  To Those whom I Loved and Those who Loved Me.

                  When I am gone, release me, let me go.
                  I have so many things to see and do.
                  You must not tie yourself to me with tears.
                  Be happy that we had so many years.

                  I gave you my love.
                  You can only guess how much you gave me in happiness.
                  I thank you for the love you each have shown,
                  but now it is time I travelled on alone.

                  So grieve a while for me if you must,
                  then let your grief be comforted by trust.
                  It is only for a while we must part,
                  so bless the memories within your heart.

                  I will not be far away, for life goes on,
                  so if you need me, call and I will come.
                  Though you cannot see or touch me, I will be near,
                  and if you listen with your heart you will hear all my love around you,
                  soft and clear.

                  Then when you come this way alone,
                  I will greet you with a smile and a “Welcome Home!”

                  Alice Ramish


                    That is beautiful tethra

                    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss Stephanie <3 My furbabies mean more to me then life itself, it's comforting to know that there are many other people who cherish their pets just as much as their own children. You were a good momma <3 *hugs*


                      Your post made me cry, too, Stephanie. I know well what it’s like to lose a beloved pet. I wish so much that they’d never have to leave us. Supai was blessed to have parents that loved and cared for her as you & your husband did!


                      I mostly just lurk here now, but I wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss, losing a pet is never easy, but losing them young is especially hard.


                        Still sending you lots of love and hugs and healing energy for you loss, my heart aches for you! Remember the good times! I hope the hurt isn’t too bad =(


                          It’s taken me several days to post this because I tear up every time I read you tribute to Supai.

                          Hugs and kind thoughts to you and your family.


                            *hugs for everyone!* Thank you so much. It has been a long, emotionally exhausting and rough week, but the kind words and gestures from the people around us (and online!) have made it easier.

                            Thank you all so much for the continuing kind words.


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