Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone SUGGESTIONS ????

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  • #544790

    How can you paint them that fast? Mine takes more than 15-20 hours, and they don’t turn out even half as good as anybody elses.


      hmm…I’m not gonna say how long it takes me…but I know it’s not 15 hours worth of painting…

      I do them over a few days…let everything dry first…


      My recommendation is use smaller brushes, go for 0 or 00 to do the small details, and work in small increments on the piece. Don’t try to do it all at once.


      Check out your local Walmart for practice pieces. I found mine carries a line of plaster pieces including a foal, puppy, bird, cat, turtle, fish, butterfly, and others for about 50 cents each. They are nice size at 2 to 2 1/2 inches long or tall. One Walmart even carries a larger 7 or 8 inch mare w/ foal for roughly $6. They are a lot of fun to do and you can see your results fairly quick with the smaller ones. Warning – Use a few layers of white base coat to even out the paint absorption or they will be splotchy. My first one was terrible, but I got better…


        i see alot of potential in the idea for the griffy. I agree seems like you need your paints thinned down a bit, esp for blending.i have been to alot of walmarts now that all have the acrylic pearl paints for around 1$ i paid 30 cents more a piece at the local craft shop ! layering is good too,it may take a few more coats but less likley to have missed places where paint didn’t get too. (remeber when laying use the light colors first) i expect my pyo ideas will probably cost me tons of hours of work another idea for detailing if you are having a hard time with paint in fine lines try colored pencils

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