Stolen Lap Dragon — RECOVERED!! (now with pix – pg 4)

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    Yes, they are supposed to get the name and type it in along with the signature, because most of the time the signature is illegible. I hope you get it back. In future I would require that they get a signature from you specifically and no one else, so this can’t happen ever again.

    I would also have a talk with UPS about them being so indiscriminate about allowing just anyone to sign for things, they should be required to ask for ID and proof the person lives at the delivery address. That would make it a lot harder for someone to get something that isn’t theirs.

    I would suspect the person who has it knows about your Windstone collection and knew just what it was they were signing for, so I would look close to home, it has to be someone you know.



    Kyrin wrote:

    Yes, they are supposed to get the name and type it in along with the signature, because most of the time the signature is illegible. I hope you get it back. In future I would require that they get a signature from you specifically and no one else, so this can’t happen ever again.

    I would also have a talk with UPS about them being so indiscriminate about allowing just anyone to sign for things, they should be required to ask for ID and proof the person lives at the delivery address. That would make it a lot harder for someone to get something that isn’t theirs.

    I would suspect the person who has it knows about your Windstone collection and knew just what it was they were signing for, so I would look close to home, it has to be someone you know.


    I was thinking the same thing Kyrin…If you know you are never home for deliveries, even though it may be a pain in the butt, have them hold it at the PO and drop a delivery card in your home box. That is what I did when I lived in the apartment.
    I hope it turns up soon. I will keep my eyes out over here by the QC area. Where in IL do you live?


      Rusti wrote:

      It boggles my mind that UPS would just let someone else sign for it and carry it off.

      When my friend bought me my black gold emperor for my birthday, I was the one who stayed at his house and sighed for it (since he works all hours that ups delivers)… and we have two extremely different last names. They just take your last name and that’s it. I’m not sure that they even look who the package is actually for.
      I think they allow these signing for… just the reason I said. Most people are at work during delivery times, so they have someone wait for it. However… I think some security should be used. Like take the person’s first and last name if it’s different than what’s on the box… so if it is signed for without consent, there is a full name to who signed for it (of course, people could just make up a John Smith name). There is no way to tell if that person signing for it had permission to do so.

      There are so many things that cannot be helped when it comes to packages. The safest way is to have it delivered for the post office and you go get it yourself (since they check id’s)… but until ups starts checking id’s, this will continue to happen.

      Nightcrow, I’m sorry this happened. I would be so angry if I was in your place. If the dragon does hit the internet, I hope one of us would find it… ): Try everything you can, contact ups and get to the bottom of this!


        Another option on something like this is have it shipped to where you work (if possible).


          Hooray! Good news that she showed up! But no idea where she was all this time? Man, that’s so scary, I’m glad I don’t deal with UPS!


            Congrats on getting it back! YAY!


            Well that is good, yay!

            I’d still make it required from now on that you and only you sign for these things, so they can’t walk off.







                So fill us in, where was it??


                  Just out of curiousity, was the tape on the package broken? In other words, dis it look as though anyone had opened it when you got her?

                  My guess is that they just delivered it to the wrong house, and the item was returned to you when the person realized the package was not theirs. A few months ago I had an mp3 player shipped to me, to be delivered at the Windstone factory, but it never showed up. The tracking said it had been succesfully delivered but we know it wasnt delivered to the factory because we were here at the date and time that the tracking said it was delivered! That package never did resurface. Someone out there is enjoying a free mp3 player because of it.

                  It seems to me that if someone had gone through the trouble to take it knowing it wasnt theirs, they probably would not have bothered returning it, even if it wasnt something they wanted.


                    Maybe you rattled someone’s cage… πŸ˜‰

                    Neighbor, UPS driver, whatever… at least you got her back…but I agree with others, I wouldn’t take a chance on it happening again…let them hold it and you pick it up or maybe they can arrange a drop off where you work ?


                      Glad you got it back


                        Blade-of-the-Moon wrote:

                        Maybe you rattled someone’s cage… πŸ˜‰

                        Neighbor, UPS driver, whatever… at least you got her back…but I agree with others, I wouldn’t take a chance on it happening again…let them hold it and you pick it up or maybe they can arrange a drop off where you work ?
                        Yes I agree there….so tell us how and who brought it back…WE ARE ALL CURIOUS! πŸ˜€


                          That is great that you got her back…congrats πŸ™‚
                          You should call UPS and still complain tho to make sure this never happens again…just in case… πŸ™‚


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