
Stephanie's Art – Dog Ate Some of it :(

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    Leigha wrote:

    looks like the dragon’s flight test proved fatal O.O

    I feel kind of bad for it, but I laughed when I saw what Leigha said…

    I’m assuming Apoxie won’t hurt the dog, will it? I think the dog’s more important then the sculptures, right? (though you might not have thought so when you were probably wanting to punt that dog to next Tuesday…)


      I was so heartbroken. I get way too attached to things. But yes, Supai is more important. I don’t think he actually swallowed any of it…he just loves to chew things. There were lots of little pieces around that he could have gobbled up, but he didn’t. I think he’ll be fine.


        Bad dog! Sorry about that, Stephanie.


        Well, at least he’ll be okay. But that is really too bad about your sculptures… at least my dog when I was younger just tore through the garbage can… smelly, but it’s not something you’ve worked your butt off to make…


          Oh no!! What a little booger! 😯 Gotta love your pets but sometimes they drive you batty! I am glad though that he didn’t get sick or anything, but that’s such a shame you lost so many pieces πŸ™ My little blue butterfly dragon is safe out of kitties reach 😳


            Eleu wrote:

            Oh no!! What a little booger! 😯 Gotta love your pets but sometimes they drive you batty! I am glad though that he didn’t get sick or anything, but that’s such a shame you lost so many pieces πŸ™ My little blue butterfly dragon is safe out of kitties reach 😳

            I’m glad for that! πŸ˜€

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