Special Items Section In the Store

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  • #904496

    It’s nice that we are getting Special Items in the store again. I love “Jericho” the Stray Large Winged cat and the Salmon #1 Old Warrior Dragon (which sold almost immediately!).
    I’m sure more of our favorites from the factory pictures will start showing up…


      It’s nice that we are getting Special Items in the store again. I love “Jericho” the Stray Large Winged cat and the Salmon #1 Old Warrior Dragon (which sold almost immediately!).
      I’m sure more of our favorites from the factory pictures will start showing up…

      Actually, the Salmon OW is available again. Someone must have grabbed him and then changed her/his mind after looking more closely at the dragon.


      Aaggghhh! So many pretties, so little money 🙁


        It’s nice that we are getting Special Items in the store again. I love “Jericho” the Stray Large Winged cat and the Salmon #1 Old Warrior Dragon (which sold almost immediately!).
        I’m sure more of our favorites from the factory pictures will start showing up…

        I have put Jericho in my cart about six times…..only to release him again. The LAST thing I need to do is fall in love with another sculpt…..sigh…..


        It’s nice that we are getting Special Items in the store again. I love “Jericho” the Stray Large Winged cat and the Salmon #1 Old Warrior Dragon (which sold almost immediately!).
        I’m sure more of our favorites from the factory pictures will start showing up…

        I have put Jericho in my cart about six times…..only to release him again. The LAST thing I need to do is fall in love with another sculpt…..sigh…..

        I keep talking myself into buying Jericho, and then talking myself back out of it. Every day I check his page in the store, on one hand hoping he is sold, on the other crossing my fingers he isn’t. Oh, the inner turmoil!


          Luna and Dionysus were pulling at me more but can’t afford! they were so pretty but fortunately they sold quick so no bad bad temptation…..

          4 things I'm looking for:
          1. Mother Meerkat
          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


          Luna and Dionysus were pulling at me more but can’t afford! they were so pretty but fortunately they sold quick so no bad bad temptation…..

          Which ones were Luna and Dionysus?


            Luna and Dionysus were pulling at me more but can’t afford! they were so pretty but fortunately they sold quick so no bad bad temptation…..

            Which ones were Luna and Dionysus?

            This is Dionysus
             photo DionysusFlapCat_pic1_zps0b71444c.jpg

            This is Luna
             photo LunaFlapcat1_pic1_zps8b3c7549.jpg

            I lucked out and managed to grab Luna because I got home from work early. So not only did I spend money, but I earned less than should have that day. Oh well 😉 (And I have to say, it took a lot of hand slapping for me to remove Dionysus from my cart before checking out.)


              Here’s Pipkin as well if you didn’t see her either. (Another hard one to pass up)

               photo PipkinFlapcat_pic1_zpsaac8602e.jpg


              Oh wow, all three of them are gorgeous, I didn’t see any of them!


                It’s nice that we are getting Special Items in the store again. I love “Jericho” the Stray Large Winged cat and the Salmon #1 Old Warrior Dragon (which sold almost immediately!).
                I’m sure more of our favorites from the factory pictures will start showing up…

                I have put Jericho in my cart about six times…..only to release him again. The LAST thing I need to do is fall in love with another sculpt…..sigh…..

                I know what you mean! I LOVE the OW in this Color and would love to grab him, but alas, not much room to display nor coin have I!

                IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                Luna and Dionysus were pulling at me more but can’t afford! they were so pretty but fortunately they sold quick so no bad bad temptation…..

                Which ones were Luna and Dionysus?

                This is Dionysus
                 photo DionysusFlapCat_pic1_zps0b71444c.jpg

                This is Luna
                 photo LunaFlapcat1_pic1_zps8b3c7549.jpg

                I lucked out and managed to grab Luna because I got home from work early. So not only did I spend money, but I earned less than should have that day. Oh well 😉 (And I have to say, it took a lot of hand slapping for me to remove Dionysus from my cart before checking out.)

                Thank you for the pictures – Dionysus and Luna are fabulous! Congratulations on getting Luna – now I really want to get Jericho!


                  Thank you for the pictures – Dionysus and Luna are fabulous! Congratulations on getting Luna – now I really want to get Jericho!

                  I noticed this morning that he’s missing from the special items slideshow. I hope you got him.


                  Nooooooo *SOB* :((


                  Aww, sorry rock-reader. After Dandrusky13 posted the pictures of the other ones, and I realized I had already missed them, I decided to stop waffling and snag Jericho while I had the chance.

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