The picture went into the blog in July, and now we’re near the end of September with no sign of any new colors. Didn’t Melody also say somewhere they were still having trouble with the gypsum? We probably still have plenty of time to save, drag0n. 🙂
As of October 9, 2009: We don’t have any Old Warriors in Amethyst that are ready to leave the factory. We have a few that were painted (and one of them I understand stared in a photograph with Jordan which prompted the many questions I’ve received about them) but these Old Warriors are not healthy and are residing in the Windstone Hospital where they hope to overcome knee problems and grow horns. This could take a long time and I’m sorry we don’t know how long. :shrug: There is no need to watch the store for them anytime soon.
If “growing horns” is equivalent to “teething” then you prolly have a “hospital ward” full of cranky Old Warriors. Add to that “knee replacement surgery” and I’ll bet the poor things are uber crabby! – recovery from surgery is a real pain in the patootie! I speak from experience 😀 Hope all those “boys” get to feeling better soon! 😆