some one broke my car

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    A cab driver backed into my bosses truck pushing it into my car andmy bosses sons car as well. She had a bag of beer go though her bumper, and a huge scratch on the back quarter panel. Here are pics I am upset.



      What the hell, was this guy going 60 through the parking lot or what?


      He said that the other guy stole his car and punched it, I dont know what actually happened, but if the other guy stole his car how did the guys bee end up through my bumper, on th epasenger side of the cab that did the damage?


        Awww…that poor beer 😥 Just kidding. Hope I made you smile and didn’t make you mad. It wasn’t a hit and run or anything, was it? He has insurance, hopefully, so you will at least have your cars fixed. And at least no one was hurt. Im sorry about your car.


        Was any of the beer in the driver? Makes me think he may have been drinking. Sorry about your car – that is really upsetting. Not to mention time consuming trying to get the insurance to get it fixed. Just glad you weren’t in the car!




          holy stars, who would have thought beer cans were stronger than a bumper??! @_@;;


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:


            I agree with that….my last car was hit in the parking lot at the mall in Fort Worth…..and that it a pain in the @ss to deal with….

            even though the lady that did it had insurance….it sucked cause they had to have my car fixed and mess with all of that….

            it’s just a pain in the butt….

            so I know how you feel right now


              sunhawk wrote:

              holy stars, who would have thought beer cans were stronger than a bumper??! @_@;;

              Now in this situation, would that be abuse of the alcohol, or abusive alcohol? Either way I think someone needs to go to AA…..:mrgreen:


                frozendragon wrote:

                Nirvanacat13 wrote:


                I agree with that….my last car was hit in the parking lot at the mall in Fort Worth…..and that it a pain in the @ss to deal with….

                even though the lady that did it had insurance….it sucked cause they had to have my car fixed and mess with all of that….

                it’s just a pain in the butt….

                so I know how you feel right now

                Can we bring out some good ol’ Italian “loving” on this guy? 😉 Ski, you in? Frozen? LoL


                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                  frozendragon wrote:

                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:


                  I agree with that….my last car was hit in the parking lot at the mall in Fort Worth…..and that it a pain in the @ss to deal with….

                  even though the lady that did it had insurance….it sucked cause they had to have my car fixed and mess with all of that….

                  it’s just a pain in the butt….

                  so I know how you feel right now

                  Can we bring out some good ol’ Italian “loving” on this guy? 😉 Ski, you in? Frozen? LoL

                  of course I’m in…I’ll drive….


                  LOL thanks for the offer guys, but if we beat him up i’ll never get her fixed. The sad thing is that everytime I go and look I find more freaking damage. It was like 4 am and the sun isnt up here ntil about 8 so it was pitch black. I found a spot where his door when right through, yes through, the body of my car above the rear quarter glass on the drivers side, which is also shattered, bt (thank the gods for tempered safty glass) is still intact.

                  This is where the guys door went through my car you can barely see, it bt it goes up and through the metal. The headliner is thick enough that you cant see the damage inside.


                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    frozendragon wrote:

                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:


                    I agree with that….my last car was hit in the parking lot at the mall in Fort Worth…..and that it a pain in the @ss to deal with….

                    even though the lady that did it had insurance….it sucked cause they had to have my car fixed and mess with all of that….

                    it’s just a pain in the butt….

                    so I know how you feel right now

                    Can we bring out some good ol’ Italian “loving” on this guy? 😉 Ski, you in? Frozen? LoL

                    Mos def!


                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    sunhawk wrote:

                    holy stars, who would have thought beer cans were stronger than a bumper??! @_@;;

                    Now in this situation, would that be abuse of the alcohol, or abusive alcohol? Either way I think someone needs to go to AA…..:mrgreen:

                    OH HO HO HO! *LOL* 😆

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