So why do you like Windstones?

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      PhoenixTears wrote:

      travistie wrote:

      …But I do love the Poads just as much because they have little birdie faces.

      Personally, Ive never found it so hard to say no to crack in my life! You need to understand my humour to appreciate that statement which has nothing to do with drugs. But while youre admiring their faces, Im in love with their posteriors! Pinchable!

      travistie wrote:

      but I really like the fact that all her dragons, griffins, etc. have glass eyes. For some reason… and I don’t know why… this is a huge treat for me!

      I concur whole heartedly! These statues are so amazing right down to the smallest details which makes them of such high quality and perfection. For me the idea of glass eyes is sensational because (there is an actual word for this phenomenon that’s escaping me; they mention it in the Jackie Chan movie Shanghai Knights) it appears as though the eyes follow you. The depth of the glass is enough to be that realistic whereas other less quality statues that don’t use glass, have one dimensional eyes that fall flat. I believe that’s mostly why many collector’s say (among other things) that their statues are somewhat alive if not entirely, or have souls or most commonly, are always watching over them. It definitely in my list of my love of Windstones.

      DM- no problem. If you ever need a pick me up, just PM or email me and I’ll always be a non-confrontational, accepting and never judgmental shoulder for you. Happy to offer but sad if you need to- you know what I mean. Im always available and honored to be there for others that have been nice to me either in life or online. From what Ive read and heard about you (no one is talking poorly behind your back- trust me), youre a wonderful soul so I extend my own to you.
      Thank you very much. I try to be a good soul myself. I’m doing better now that I’m looking at things more positively. the Secret really helped me. If something upsets me I deal with it and then laugh at it


      I absoultely LOVE Windstone dragons. I love their quality, and strangely enough how heavy they are. All other fantasy dragon sculpts I’ve seen are crap. They look cheap and mass produced, even if they are not. My wife collects Pocket Dragons. Her family actually hung out with Real while he used be at Tex Ren Fest way back then. Even though they are cute, there is no comparing their quality to Windstones.

      That being said, the only other dragon sculpture I considered buying other than Windstone was one made for the movie Dragonheart. I didn’t buy the one I saw at the local comic store because a couple of spikes on the spine were broken off. Apparently it is hard to find one in perfect shape. Kinda regret it now. Anyone on here seen that one or have him? If so post a pic. Miss him 😥


      I love windstones because of the big bulky sculpts. They are just so much different from anything else i collect. They are not as detailed and individual as my other pieces but the colours are AMAZING!
      Almost the highest quality of collectable in fantisy figures i know of. 😀


      Draco from Dragonheart? He comes up on ebay every once in a while, I’ll keep an eye out for you DRAGO.


      i saw the draco sculpt a few times but never got around to getting him..the only draco i have is the huge 1 foot long electronic draco figure..and yes he still has his box >.>


        Dracomancer wrote:

        i saw the draco sculpt a few times but never got around to getting him..the only draco i have is the huge 1 foot long electronic draco figure..and yes he still has his box >.>

        I have that one too. I got him at Goodwill in amazingly perfect condition. Like he was never touched. I didn’t know what he came from at the time. I was just though, “dragon for 50 cents. Why not”. No box though 🙁 I like keeping toys in the boxes too.

        although I honestly have no idea where he is NOW. Probably in the attic.


        Kujacker wrote:

        Dracomancer wrote:

        i saw the draco sculpt a few times but never got around to getting him..the only draco i have is the huge 1 foot long electronic draco figure..and yes he still has his box >.>

        I have that one too. I got him at Goodwill in amazingly perfect condition. Like he was never touched. I didn’t know what he came from at the time. I was just though, “dragon for 50 cents. Why not”. No box though 🙁 I like keeping toys in the boxes too.

        although I honestly have no idea where he is NOW. Probably in the attic.

        lol mine is displayed on my tv..the box is in the closet..i got him mint in box for $20 off ebay a couple years back along with bowen and the other two dragons also in their boxes


          Ever since I was a baby, I had this thing for lizards, then dinosaurs when I discovered them as a toddler, then dragons. Just something about a lizard or lizardy creature with the freedom of flight and power of a big predatory dinosaur (nope, pterosaurs were too bat/birdlike to hit the spot). I always imagined and drew them, fell in love with McCaffrey’s Pern (have a fire lizard tattoo), and then one day wandering in a little gift shop near my job I found this awesome, totally realistic family of dragons that looked like my dreams come to life. Unlike most dragons I’d seen, they looked like wild animals- not some wizard’s pet. I admired the scientific artistry of the sculpts (if that makes sense), the richness of the paint jobs (the shop had an old green family and a brown one), the lifelike glass eyes as opposed to flat painted ones… So here I am 21 years later (and still have that old green family I paid for weeks but had to have!)


          Largely, it’s the eyes and the sculpting around them. Those eyes watch you and they follow you around the room. To me that’s a degree of artistry and attention to detail that is miles beyond anything else on the market. It doesn’t hurt that these creatures–most especially the dragons and griffins–are remarkably detailed and richly colored. It also doesn’t hurt that they all have a slight smile . . . which you can interpret as you like! 😛

          Well, OK, it isn’t just the eyes at all, because you could mount these same eyes in a badly-proportioned, carelessly-painted dragon and they would look AWFUL. What draws the viewer’s eye to a Windstone in the first place is its beauty of line and color. But the thing that hit me in the stomach as a kid, and still gets me, is their wonderful, expressive eyes. 🙂


            I’ve been going through old threads lately searching for titles that catch my eye and decided to read through this one! I love the stories so even though it’s old, if there are some of you who haven’t read the postings on here yet, now you can too and post your own! I enjoyed the stories.

            I like Windstones because of the colours and fine details. I first saw them in a gift shop in my local mall probably about 17 years ago now when I was around 13. I remember seeing the colours on the peacock fledgling and loved them along with the small size of the sculpture, the finely sculpted scales and wings and the cute face! I just loved that dragon and saved up for a while til I could buy one.

            I had always loved fantasy and mythical creatures but unicorns were my favourites, followed by dragons. I have a big thing for colours that harmonize well together so the Windstone dragons just really stood out to me. I got a young dragon in the peacock colour too a while later and thought I was done until I saw the rainbow colour come out which just left me awe struck! I didn’t have the money at the time and never did get my rainbow dragons so have been looking for the rainbow fledgling ever since. I have the rainbow young though now at least.

            I just collect the smaller sculpts as I have always been into small and miniature things to collect rather than bigger pieces. I never really noticed the unicorns or other sculpts until I got on ebay last year searching for more dragons and found this website and now not only do I have pretty dragons but also unicorns, pegasi, kirins, griffins and even poads which I fell in love with because I love birds, used to own a parrot and think poads are just the cutest things!

            Also as people were mentioning in previous posts on here ‘The Secret’ and ‘The Power’ are awesome books. I also highly recommend reading ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘A new Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle for those of you who haven’t read those books. They completely changed the way I think and view life for the better! Amazing books if you read with an open mind!

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              I love the stories so even though it’s old, if there are some of you who haven’t read the postings on here yet, now you can too and post your own!

              It IS nice to discover this thread and the old stories; we do have a newer thread now though called “Enter the World of Windstone” (if I remember the title correctly) where we’ve been sharing our stories of discovering and falling in love with Windstones!

              As for why I love ’em? As many have said, they’re simply beautiful. They really add something nice to my home and I enjoy walking into my living room and seeing them. I absolutely love dragons and I really only collect the dragons from Windstone(I have a whopping 2 non-dragon Windstones), but I enjoy seeing the other things on here, too.


                For their beauty and the smiles they bring. :bigsmile:

                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                Male day🤞Dream on.

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