So why do you like Windstones?

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      Hmm, I fell in love with these dragons when I was a little girl. I remember seeing them in a Wick n Sticks (Emerald colored). I was in aw with these dragons. The relisted features and textures of the dragons are what I fell in love with. They were so real looking. I loved petting them. But, my mom didn’t like dragons so she wouldn’t buy me one (or let me buy one). So, later down the road when I got a job I found a store in my area that carried Windstones. I was sooo excited! Heh, without my mom knowing I bought a peacock male (i wanted the emerald male I fell in love with, but he was retired). It was my own earned-worked money. So, she lived with it. Now, I’m moved out of the house and i can buy as many as i want. 🙂

      Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
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      Dragon Master wrote:

      There are times it’s VERY dark and times when I can almost see thru it. It seems that during my hard times the Ruby is very dark and during better times I can see to the middle of the stone. both Rubies are light now so I’m taking it as good times coming up.

      First off, SKI- sorry for the threadjack!

      Secondly, DM, since you had this epiphany already, there’s no point in my saying exactly what you pointed out. I have a very benevolent, kind and positive spiritual side to me (I dont go so far as to call it religion but some ppl do). I see signs and omens (usually good but I pay attention to the ones that say “heads up”) everywhere, all my life. I love doing for others and it brings me more happiness and peace to do for others than to get for myself. Sometimes it’s a twisted logic because by doing something for another, I AM soothing myself too. Some can counter it’s even selfish but I disagree.

      Anyway, you and I seem to be on a very similar, if not the same wave length. Why is it I can connect with ppl across the world or country and not in my own backyard?! I mean, yea, I have friends of course but sometimes during talks on a board such as this, which to me has fostered such a safe space to share and talk, it’s almost easier to open up to others that are complete strangers. I love your energy, even through cyber space. There are several others of you here that I have also connected with on a higher level. Thats not to say theres anyone I dislike for there isnt. But some ppl here have scurried into my heart and will remain forever there. Since this is Ski’s post, I’ll admit she is one of them 😀

      DM, if you ever want to chat in PM or emails, Im always here for you. I may not work in the psych field anymore, but having the degrees and always being the psychologist for all my friends (I may chat/type/write a lot but Im a fantastic listener… Im much quieter in person than online), Im very comfortable listening to others and letting them vent in a safe space. I am NEVER judgmental and have friends all over the world of all walks of life and life choices. All that matters to me is that the person have a good heart and a good soul. I can usually spot BS a mile away.

      Im going on the hunt for The Secret at every place possible. It sounds as though it will align with my spiritual practices and sounds like what Ive done most of my life anyway. It will be a nice reinforcement during these trying times. Speaking of which… get this (so that we can add a comment on point!)… when I go in for my treartments, the doctors allow me to take in a Windstone with me when I want! YAY! Each time Im hospitalized, Ive always been allowed to bring something from home. The nurses and doctors have always enjoyed and admired which ever Windstone I brought with me. AND… Ive gotten some of them (all over the country) hooked on Windstones now. Some of them that I see often have said that they have now become addicted, hold me responsible (jokingly) and didnt realize that they would be hit with Windstone Fever! If they allow me to ever walk around the hospital, I like to go to the childrens wards so that they can look at the Unicorn or Pegasus or which ever piece I bring and I sometimes like to regale them with a made up story. It’s fun and it’s giving back AND it gets Windstones involved for the next generation.

      My last note is to say that I laughed when you said “high maintenance” for being someone who does NOT drink, smoke or do drugs! In my experience, it’s been my friends that have gotten into sticky situations and scrape after scrape and close calls due to drinking too much or having a bad reaction to which ever drug they may have taken. They are few in my life but being the caring person I am, and the fact they have other wonderful qualities, I never cut them out of my life for doing what they do (as long as they dont force it on me… I dont like drugs because I dont like feeling out of control and the anxiety attacks they give me). Drinking just never caught on but socially I use to but not to excess.

      My point is- to me the sober person is NOT the more high maintenance; the one who needs looking after during a night out or more- thats the high maintenance. But, to each his/her own.

      😯 YIPES sorry for the ramble and again, Ski, sorry for the thread jack!

      Back to your regularly viewed posting! WINDSTONES RULE!!!

      sorry! carried away


        Hahaha!! A hi-jacked thread?! Say it ain’t so! 😆 Its perfectly ok… esp since I weasled my way into your heart 😉

        I just had a thought… do you have any of Mayas peices? Since you take them to the hospital, I thought one of hers would be nice. They fit in the palm of your hand and are very soothing. Hmmm… I was gonna send you mine, but she is “unity” and that is not too appropriate for that… maybe “serenity?” Just a thought…


        Don’t worry PT, most ppl don’t mind if the thread is Hi-jacked. 😉


        skigod377 wrote:

        Hahaha!! A hi-jacked thread?! Say it ain’t so! 😆 Its perfectly ok… esp since I weasled my way into your heart 😉

        I just had a thought… do you have any of Mayas peices? Since you take them to the hospital, I thought one of hers would be nice. They fit in the palm of your hand and are very soothing. Hmmm… I was gonna send you mine, but she is “unity” and that is not too appropriate for that… maybe “serenity?” Just a thought…
        No I dont have any of Maya’s work. Had it been a decade ago when money wasnt an issue and having seen what I see of Maya’s today, Id be buying a few of them. But it is the thought that counts and thank you for thinking of me! *tear* <3

        And btw, you didnt weasel your way into my heart. You more like kicked down the ventricles and said, “hey baby! Here I am! Let’s party!!!” 😆 :smooch:


          I am so in love with the Windstone editions because they are the first fantasy sculptures i’ve seen that look realistic. Other figures tend to look poorly made and have too many flaws. The Windsones inspire my own art in body structure and details you may not be able to get from a picture.



            I have always liked fantasy and mythical creatures. I have loved Windstones from the first time I ever saw them. The thing I like about Melodys dragons is, she makes them look regal. They are very benevolent which is why I think women like them more than men. They are peaceful. I love them now even more because I have gotten to meet Melody and her family. They are the most wonderful, down to earth people I have ever met. Other than that, they are good for my soul, what else can I say? 😀


            -I’m a huge fantasy nut. Love dragons and griffins.
            -I’m an artist and I can really appreciate that they are not only the nicest dragon and fantasy sculptures I’ve seen; I can really get into how they were created and the pure craftsmanship and skill it took to make them.
            -They’re, hands down, the highest quality fantasy collectible I know of
            -They’re made here, in the USA,
            -I like the people that make them. They are real, generous, down to earth people (okay, I know the down to earth part is debatable, but I mean they aren’t snobs!) that we can all relate with and become friends with. 🙂



            Oh, and what is wrong with India. hehe


              I think I like Windstones so much because I love winged creatures. The dragons and griffins are my favorite Windstone creations. But I do love the Poads just as much because they have little birdie faces. I’m so into birds! I love to watch them and draw them. The detail and accuracy that Melody puts into her creations are superb. They are so well done, and worth every cent they are sold for! They are the highest quality fantasy collectible to date IMO… and probably always will be.

              I think it is a great bonus that they are crafted here in the US as well. And this may seem a little weird… but I really like the fact that all her dragons, griffins, etc. have glass eyes. For some reason… and I don’t know why… this is a huge treat for me! I guess it’s because so many other collectible companies and manufacturers use cheap plastic eyes on their items. I love the glass eyes and little crystals she uses. Just perfect in every way! I look forward to buying more Windstones for many more years to come! 😀


                travistie wrote:

                And this may seem a little weird… but I really like the fact that all her dragons, griffins, etc. have glass eyes. For some reason… and I don’t know why… this is a huge treat for me! I guess it’s because so many other collectible companies and manufacturers use cheap plastic eyes on their items. I love the glass eyes and little crystals she uses. Just perfect in every way! I look forward to buying more Windstones for many more years to come! 😀

                Thank you for mentioning that. I grouped that into why the details of Windstones are so great. Both of those characteristics make them so much more classy than anything else on the market.


                  EXACTLY! Nothing else can compare to the classy look of Windstones! 😀


                    PhoenixTears wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    There are times it’s VERY dark and times when I can almost see thru it. It seems that during my hard times the Ruby is very dark and during better times I can see to the middle of the stone. both Rubies are light now so I’m taking it as good times coming up.

                    First off, SKI- sorry for the threadjack!

                    Secondly, DM, since you had this epiphany already, there’s no point in my saying exactly what you pointed out. I have a very benevolent, kind and positive spiritual side to me (I dont go so far as to call it religion but some ppl do). I see signs and omens (usually good but I pay attention to the ones that say “heads up”) everywhere, all my life. I love doing for others and it brings me more happiness and peace to do for others than to get for myself. Sometimes it’s a twisted logic because by doing something for another, I AM soothing myself too. Some can counter it’s even selfish but I disagree.

                    Anyway, you and I seem to be on a very similar, if not the same wave length. Why is it I can connect with ppl across the world or country and not in my own backyard?! I mean, yea, I have friends of course but sometimes during talks on a board such as this, which to me has fostered such a safe space to share and talk, it’s almost easier to open up to others that are complete strangers. I love your energy, even through cyber space. There are several others of you here that I have also connected with on a higher level. Thats not to say theres anyone I dislike for there isnt. But some ppl here have scurried into my heart and will remain forever there. Since this is Ski’s post, I’ll admit she is one of them 😀

                    DM, if you ever want to chat in PM or emails, Im always here for you. I may not work in the psych field anymore, but having the degrees and always being the psychologist for all my friends (I may chat/type/write a lot but Im a fantastic listener… Im much quieter in person than online), Im very comfortable listening to others and letting them vent in a safe space. I am NEVER judgmental and have friends all over the world of all walks of life and life choices. All that matters to me is that the person have a good heart and a good soul. I can usually spot BS a mile away.

                    Im going on the hunt for The Secret at every place possible. It sounds as though it will align with my spiritual practices and sounds like what Ive done most of my life anyway. It will be a nice reinforcement during these trying times. Speaking of which… get this (so that we can add a comment on point!)… when I go in for my treartments, the doctors allow me to take in a Windstone with me when I want! YAY! Each time Im hospitalized, Ive always been allowed to bring something from home. The nurses and doctors have always enjoyed and admired which ever Windstone I brought with me. AND… Ive gotten some of them (all over the country) hooked on Windstones now. Some of them that I see often have said that they have now become addicted, hold me responsible (jokingly) and didnt realize that they would be hit with Windstone Fever! If they allow me to ever walk around the hospital, I like to go to the childrens wards so that they can look at the Unicorn or Pegasus or which ever piece I bring and I sometimes like to regale them with a made up story. It’s fun and it’s giving back AND it gets Windstones involved for the next generation.

                    My last note is to say that I laughed when you said “high maintenance” for being someone who does NOT drink, smoke or do drugs! In my experience, it’s been my friends that have gotten into sticky situations and scrape after scrape and close calls due to drinking too much or having a bad reaction to which ever drug they may have taken. They are few in my life but being the caring person I am, and the fact they have other wonderful qualities, I never cut them out of my life for doing what they do (as long as they dont force it on me… I dont like drugs because I dont like feeling out of control and the anxiety attacks they give me). Drinking just never caught on but socially I use to but not to excess.

                    My point is- to me the sober person is NOT the more high maintenance; the one who needs looking after during a night out or more- thats the high maintenance. But, to each his/her own.

                    😯 YIPES sorry for the ramble and again, Ski, sorry for the thread jack!

                    Back to your regularly viewed posting! WINDSTONES RULE!!!

                    sorry! carried away
                    Thank you so much for the words. If you ever need anything and I’m still a part of the Forum let me know. I’m trying to use the Secret to stay positive


                    travistie wrote:

                    …But I do love the Poads just as much because they have little birdie faces.

                    Personally, Ive never found it so hard to say no to crack in my life! You need to understand my humour to appreciate that statement which has nothing to do with drugs. But while youre admiring their faces, Im in love with their posteriors! Pinchable!

                    travistie wrote:

                    but I really like the fact that all her dragons, griffins, etc. have glass eyes. For some reason… and I don’t know why… this is a huge treat for me!

                    I concur whole heartedly! These statues are so amazing right down to the smallest details which makes them of such high quality and perfection. For me the idea of glass eyes is sensational because (there is an actual word for this phenomenon that’s escaping me; they mention it in the Jackie Chan movie Shanghai Knights) it appears as though the eyes follow you. The depth of the glass is enough to be that realistic whereas other less quality statues that don’t use glass, have one dimensional eyes that fall flat. I believe that’s mostly why many collector’s say (among other things) that their statues are somewhat alive if not entirely, or have souls or most commonly, are always watching over them. It definitely in my list of my love of Windstones.

                    DM- no problem. If you ever need a pick me up, just PM or email me and I’ll always be a non-confrontational, accepting and never judgmental shoulder for you. Happy to offer but sad if you need to- you know what I mean. Im always available and honored to be there for others that have been nice to me either in life or online. From what Ive read and heard about you (no one is talking poorly behind your back- trust me), youre a wonderful soul so I extend my own to you.


                    I fell in love with Windstones when I was 14. I was a mallrat, and every friday, I would go into wicks n sticks and drool over the unbelievable real dragons. After that was Windstone or nothing. There really is nothing comparable. even when I think the word dragon, i see my windstones. The older I get the more I can aquire. I love them soo much

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