So, did a forum member win this?

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    It definitely looks like a knock off to me. The scales, claws, pose, and the little baby. Granted the tail is different, and then all of the other differences are very subtle, but it looks exactly like that dragon!


    i was gonna say there are no babies , then i looked again . So much for new glasses 😕 . Now that i see them it is very close to the drawing and may have been used to make it .


      I didn’t win THAT exact print, but I’ve got the same print from another auction long ago. I think I got mine for maybe $45, frame and all. I’ll get photos on Thursday if someone would like to see more.


        Necron99 wrote:

        it looks a bit similar but i would have to say its not a rip off. when it comes to mystical creatures your gonna have quite a few similar looking representations.

        No, I would say that it is definitely a rip off. The only differences are the details in the wingtips, position in the tail and the claw. The scale patterns are exactly the same as Melody’s drawing, as are the positions on the limbs, and wing design (which I have only seen Melody do).

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          Well, I received word that apparently it’s old, known and handled. So that’s good.

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