So, did a forum member win this?

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    I LOVE this print. How adorable are those babies? <3 I bid and lost of course though.

    Anyone we know win this? If so, can we see pictures! ^.^



      I was bidding on it too, but I didn’t win it. I would have loved to have it to go with the male dragon print that I have. It just went a lot higher than I was willing to go.


        I bid and lost too. Just can’t spend that much with Christmas shopping to be done.


          I wanted to see who won that one as well, and the male dragon print. I only bid on (and won) the unicorn one.


          Congrats, siberakh. I was surprised at how high the one print went.


            me too….I got mine for $15….but I think I got lucky, as it was mislabeled. 🙂 It is an awesome print though, and well worth having, congrats to whomever won it! 😀


              Holy flying mackerel, I have a beltbuckle that looks just like that print. 😯

              Off to report to John I guess.


                Maplecarver wrote:

                Holy flying mackerel, I have a beltbuckle that looks just like that print. 😯

                Off to report to John I guess.

                Oops… 😆


                Maplecarver wrote:

                Holy flying mackerel, I have a beltbuckle that looks just like that print. 😯

                Off to report to John I guess.

                Really? Can we see a photo?


                  Of course.

                  I thought it was a nicer than average design when I bought it, now I know why… 😛


                  Maplecarver wrote:

                  Of course.

                  I thought it was a nicer than average design when I bought it, now I know why… 😛

                  it looks a bit similar but i would have to say its not a rip off. when it comes to mystical creatures your gonna have quite a few similar looking representations.


                    I would say the pose and the babies taken alone could be coincidence, just as every curled up western dragon isn’t a Mother. But the scale pattern and wing shape is extremely close.


                      Maplecarver wrote:

                      I would say the pose and the babies taken alone could be coincidence, just as every curled up western dragon isn’t a Mother. But the scale pattern and wing shape is extremely close.

                      My thoughts exactly. I see several similarities but at the same time I see some differences – like they intentionally changed some things hoping people wouldn’t recognize where the inspiration for the piece came from. No matter what it can’t hurt to send a photo of the belt buckle along with any details you might have about it (manufacturer’s name or where you bought it) to John so he can have the final say on it.


                        Yup, I sent him the info.

                        It’s a bit of a shame. Whoever made that, clearly had enough technical skill that they could have come up with something very nice by themselves. Or have learned to. 😕

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