Snape – Good or Bad?

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    Since they just announced the last Harry Potter is coming out July 21st I thought I would see what the consensus was regarding the teacher everyone loves to hate. Is he good? Is he bad? Inquiring minds want to know.

    By the way – do people think the initials refer to Sirius Black’s brother? And is it possible Creature has the pendant (I forget what Rowling called the objects with the pieces of He Who Shall Not be Named’s soul)



    I can’t wait to see that movie- I dunno about the initials, I’ll have to re-watch a few things.


    Where’s my “Snape is Delicious” option?


      I was looking for the “Creepy” option…


      skigod377 wrote:

      I was looking for the “Creepy” option…

      That’s part of what makes him delicious!


        SQUEEEE! I got my Special Editon for HP 7 pre-ordered from Barnes and Noble!!!! ($75 book for $45 after tax!)


          vantid wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          I was looking for the “Creepy” option…

          That’s part of what makes him delicious! 😆 I like him well enough. I think he is a good guy underneath all the harsh exterior.


          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          SQUEEEE! I got my Special Editon for HP 7 pre-ordered from Barnes and Noble!!!! ($75 book for $45 after tax!)

          I’ll probably do the reserve it at BN and pick it up at midnight – that way I can stay up and read it.

          I really disliked Snape in the books but I love the actor (Alan Rickman) who plays him. He does such great bad guys – my favorite is the guy from Robin Hood although he was good in Die Hard as well.


            I read the books after I saw the movies, so I had Rickman in mind the whole time. I love this actor! For Robin Hood, I think he was in the spoof Mel Brooks did, Men in thights, with the same character. It’s been a while though, so I may be wrong.

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Snape has Always seemed good to me underneath


                I can’t wait for the new book. I’ve read mostly the British versions (there really isn’t that big of a difference, just some of the wording I prefer).

                ddvm, yes, I think the initials are for Regulus Black.

                Vantid, Snape is indeed delicious! 😈

                I can’t wait for the last book. I wonder how big it will be! 😯


                  did I hear it was coming out in July??


                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    did I hear it was coming out in July??

                    July 21st, you can pre-order copies from Barnes and Noble on their web site!


                    Or you could also reserve a copy at your local library if you don’t want to buy it. The libraries generally order a lot of copies since its a popular book (my local library system has ordered 400 copies).

                    I like to buy the softcover version but I want to read it right away, so I just reserved a copy at my library and I was only the 18th person. So if you put in a reservation now chances are that you’ll be able to get the book right when it comes out.

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