Siri's PYO's – Commissions Open

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Siri's PYO's – Commissions Open

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  • #505097

    To try and clean up my photobucket, I’ve had to remove all the scattered PYO pictures. so I’ve uploaded them all into this first post =) In condensed form of course, no multi-views. My PYO gallery folder still has all the original multi-view pictures of each one though:

    I can do any of these colors as a commission if anyone is interested =P







    Foo Dogs:


    Nice work! 🙂


      Lovely colors.

      The No Idea Club… awesome!

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      As Secretary 🙂 of the NIC I have to say that this is a beautiful Mascot!! Looking really great Siri!


      Updated with new pictures of my progress! =D I love it so far

      The camera definitely doesn’t do him justice. the purple that is between the blue spine colors and the red main color looks far more dull than it really is, and the very center of each back scale is a iridescent green that isn’t showing up on camera…=/


        Oooo! I love how he’s looking so far. The colors you chose are great!


        Oooo! I love how he’s looking so far. The colors you chose are great!

        Thanks, I’ve always liked the blue-purple-red-gold look and jumped at the chance to paint my first PYO dragon in that color scheme =)


          Gorgeous! 😀


            Looking good! Cute griffin too 😉


            Finished Andromar! now to save up for a month before I can buy another dragon, this time using my dragon Adonis for the color scheme =D he’s mostly blues and greens, should be lovely.

            I’m sorry for the picture quality, my camera really has a hard time picking up detail in pictures….


            Took him outside since it was a gorgeous day and took some better pictures of him. He looks so much brighter out in the sun =D


            Ooooh, very striking! 🙂


              Very nice!


              YEAH the NIC has a brilliant Mascot!!! Woot Woot!! Now we can really have a cheering section as we have “no idea” in the next Quest!!! Great job Siri!! 🙂


              My newest PYO, Alor the griffin! He’s based off of a Red Shouldered Hawk and a Bay Cat. Loosely based, I messed with the coloring a bit =) Used a Matte finish on him instead of gloss

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