Siri's Art – Book Page Doodles

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  • #882322

      Nice work! I really like your eelish take on the sea serpent. 🙂

      Ditto on this. Awesome!


      HEre’s a sea dragon I affectionately call Valrama. This version of a sea dragon, for me, is a very fast one that swims much like a combination between a sea lion and a manta ray. I’m not sure if the point gets across in the picture, but he’s taking a chance of a easy meal by swooping through a big school of fish.


      Nice work–great sense of action!


        Wow! Great work, Siri :).


        Here’s a few more pictures. THe first one, my Spoonbill-Griffon design, was done for Susie here on the forums. SHe has the original =) I hope she doesn’t mind me showing it off a bit. THe second one is a far older picture, at least three years old, of my wyvern the Linden Mire Drake


        !!!Mermaids!!! (I’m such a sucker for them!) 🙂 With your beautiful artwork style, I know it’s going to be amazing when it’s all finished!


        ** ADDED THE SHIP ** next is the sky


        Wow your artwork is pretty awesome. I love the fins on the sea serpent 🙂


          Some very cool stuff here Siri. I really like those mermaids, very spiffy indeed!


          Thanks! =) I appreciate the comments, it helps bolster my sometimes faltering desires and dreams…art is only a hobby right now, though some day i’d like it to be a job


          I know how you feel!






          Decided to add soemthing again =) hope everyone likes it, it’s just a random drawing i did on my lunch break. I’m calling it “Imagination”


          That is totally cool! Wish I could do that with a lunch hour 🙂 It’s like a game of find the hidden items! So many teeny tiny things hidden throughout the image.

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