Siri's Art – Book Page Doodles

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    This is a older picture, but it’s one of my favorites that I’ve ever done. I love this Kraken.



      That’s really cool! I love how the sun rays are filtering through the water and the luminosity of the jellies. 😀


      Fantastic work! 🙂


        Beautiful . I love pretty bookmarks . I still read books , even if I have a kindle .


          Its beautiful! I love Jellyfishes. ^_^ “Jellyfish” is my best friend’s nick name because he was so afraid of stepping on one on the beach. I stopped him from putting his foot on one and hes like “OMG you saved my life” LOL


          Thanks for the comments, I’m really happy to hear them =)


            LOL! That is so adorable!!!


            Nice work! 🙂


              There’s several tshirt designs over at Threadless that looks strikingly similar to that.


              There’s several tshirt designs over at Threadless that looks strikingly similar to that.

              Are there really? Can you message me with links? I’ve had stuff stolen before…


              Gorgosaurus and Daspleteosaurus were both tyrannosaurs that lived in the same environment. THey were believed to eat different types of prey, but to my mind they’d probably eat anything they could get.

              This is my idea of a encounter between the two, a Daspleteosaurus confronting a piebald [because I could] Gorgosaurus who had taken down a already injured and weakened Styracosaurus, not its usual kind of prey but it was a opportunity.

              I plan to use this illustration in one of my work in progress books about theropods.


                Wow! Fantastic work. I love the dinosaur sketch particularly, but all your work is awesome.


                This is a bookmark I made, purely digitally in Corell Painter, of Laroc, the first one I designed. =)


                Wow! These pictures are incredible! You should sell prints of these! 🙂


                Wow! These pictures are incredible! You should sell prints of these! 🙂

                i thought about it, but i wouldn’t even know where to start. I sell my pictures locally, to friends and co workers, but i’d be afraid to ship anything since i woulnd’t know how to securely pack it.

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