Silhouette Young Unicorn 12/09/16 GB Show Off Thread!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Silhouette Young Unicorn 12/09/16 GB Show Off Thread!

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      I decided to circle the ones I liked. I would be super happy if I got one of the starred ones in the first photo. I wish there were more with colours like those!

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        Thank you Kim for posting the photos!

        They are all so beautiful, but I really love the grey and white ones best.
        I put a heart on my top pick, pink checks next to my favorites and a green check next to the others I would love to get.

        I hope Christmas magic helps everyone get one that they love.

         photo young1_zpsn0duxmej.jpg

        Looking for:


          I like quite a few of these. I have blacked out ones I would not want to keep at all, and put arrows on my favorites. I think I’d have to see more of them in person to pick a real favorite, but I’m leaning toward the purple white and black one with the orange mane, the orange and purple ones, and the silvery ones that don’t have blue eyes, and the jewel tone evening colored ones. So many gorgeous ones in this batch, though.

           photo young1_zps0yzsrn66.jpg

           photo young_zpsgakekodq.jpg

          Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
          ANY Red Eyed Unis
          ANY Test Paint Bat
          The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
          Male- Snow Leopard TP
          White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
          Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
          Mother: Okapi
          Gothic - Mahogany
          PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
          DRAGONS: Male Coyote


            Now…don’t get me wrong, I love the silhouette pieces–and I respect the amount of effort it takes for Melody to craft even one of these beauties–however, I was fairly disappointed when I saw the class photos of this batch. There’s an excessive amount of white and yellow/burnt orange but only a handful of blues and not a single green or red piece. I realize that’s all personal preference and this <i>was</i> a small batch to begin with…but there wasn’t much color variety. _insert sad frowny face_


              I was thinking the same thing Rylorien as I thought there would be more blues, purples and pinks like the poads. I am not into orange or brown colours myself so I only really love like 4 of them although I do like some of the others. I am wondering if it had anything to do with Melody asking if people liked light or dark colours because she said she usually does light colours but a few people mentioned they liked darker colours. So maybe she decided to change up the colours to do some darker ones for a smaller batch. I wish it had been a larger batch with more colour variety but that would have taken her a long time for her to paint, especially trying to get last minute pieces out before Christmas.

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                I could swear I posted here last night. I clicked “submit”. But it is nowhere to be seen. Was I hallucinating, or did Shihiv decide my post didn’t meet standards?

                Anyway, what I said was that I have never gotten a young uni before because I don’t like the sculpt – but when the first pics were posted and I saw the bronze-headed one in the second close-up pic WOW! My first young uni.

                I want the one with the #1 and heart. I’d be happy with any of the starred ones. If I don’t get one of them, and cannot trade for one of them, mine will be for sale.

                Young Unis Most Wanted

                My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                  Mine is on the way! Can’t wait! I’m trying not to jinx myself by picking out favorites, but it is so hard…..


                    I’ve got to admit I’m not really a fan of the young uni sculpt either (or generally of silhouettes), but that grey one with the blue bottom on the bottom left of the 1st class pic really speaks to me.
                    I didn’t get one nor am I in a position to buy 2nd hand, but I hope whoever gets that one posts closeup pics here!


                      Tracking says that mine is at the local post office! He should be delivered today.


                        I am in love with the silver and white ones.They are all just incredible.Sorry I couldn’t get one.

                        Every act matters.No matter how smallđź’ž
                        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                        Male day🤞Dream on.


                        Mine will be here later today!! *jumps up and down and squeals with excitement*


                          I got the fantasy zebra – first group, second row, third from left. [big smiley face] I suspect that I would have tried to trade for him or buy him, so I’m glad he saved me the trouble.

                          One of the few with brown eyes – yay! He joins a group of striped unicorns (zebra, quagga, bay zorse, cuttlefish, and a few miscellaneous patterns) and fits right in.


                            You got one of favorites! Congrats! Hope everyone shares pictures of the details on these. They are so pretty!


                              Lucky you Etruscan!!!! The fantasy zebra was my absolute favorite too. So jealous. Please take lots of pics to share with us.


                                Mine showed up a day earlier than USPS tracking said, and SO GLAD! She’s gorgeous lilac & golds with a mix of birds, cat, and a neat serpent on the rear. I’m inclined to keep her, but would trade her for either of the two purple GBY’s or the one with the big dragon on the side.

                                Here’s she is;

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