Silhouette Young Unicorn 12/09/16 GB Show Off Thread!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Silhouette Young Unicorn 12/09/16 GB Show Off Thread!

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      I missed the email by an hour! I jumped online and waited – so thankful one fell out of a cart. I was able to snag one too. I wonder how many were in this group of Grab bags.


        Dang, I didn’t think I even got the email until after they were sold out. So bummed I missed these. If anyone gets one and doesn’t lilke it, please keep me in mind. I have lots to trade or would buy!


          For those who missed them I am sure there might be some for sale or for trade once they ship. I always wanted to get a silhouette young so was excited when I saw the pictures but also a little nervous because I am not too into any with the colours orange, brown or grey. I did manage to get one as I just happened to see the email 4 minutes after it was sent but I am really hoping for something with colours like blue, purple, teal or pink. If I get anything with the colours I am not into, it will for sure be for trade or sale.

          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


            I ended up grabbing one, but for me (like Kim) it’ll depend on which one I get… otherwise it’ll probably be up for sale/trade.

            I really love the dark blue one in the store photo, and there is one in the photos from facebook – grey and teal and looks very wintery – that I also like. Other than that I’ll have to wait and see class photos. Curious to see how many there were, too.


              Looking at the only pictures I’ve seen … There appears to be only about 20? Is that possible I wonder…


                I think it was posted a while back that there were 30, not sure???


                  I haven’t been able to be on much of late, where are the pictures of the silhouette youngs. I looked on the Windstone FB page and Melody’s and I don’t see them. Am I being dense? (a distinct possibility!)


                    Pictures were posted on the poad thread:

                    Don’t think the link worked – page 9 and 10.


                      These are the class photos of the unicorns that Melody posted on her facebook page. So from these it looks like there are 36.

                      These are the closer up photos that were posted on the poad thread page before.

                      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        Yep! MY Favorite is the ‘Frolicking Dragons’ one that transitions from tan to blue-green to lavender to white at the bottom. 😀

                        Congrats to whomever gets him! Although All of them are Gorgeous!

                        IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                          Thanks for posting the photos! I’m so glad I was able to snag one!


                            Thanks for posting the class pics Kim! These class pics are much clearer than normal. I guess because the class is much smaller.

                            I’m loving the deep purple uni, all the silvery ones, the dragon ones, and quite a few others. I think one has water lilies on it?? I like the palomino one with dragons a lot.

                            I got the shipping message but I don’t think it has actually shipped yet, still waiting to be dropped off at the post
                            Office. Wonder how much the mail is delayed due to the holiday crunch this week?


                              Thanks for posting the class pics Kim! These class pics are much clearer than normal. I guess because the class is much smaller.

                              I’m loving the deep purple uni, all the silvery ones, the dragon ones, and quite a few others. I think one has water lilies on it?? I like the palomino one with dragons a lot.

                              I got the shipping message but I don’t think it has actually shipped yet, still waiting to be dropped off at the post
                              Office. Wonder how much the mail is delayed due to the holiday crunch this week?

                              I also got the shipping message. Presumably the unicorn will go out on Monday. Usually he would get here on Wednesday, but I suspect it could be Thursday this time.


                                Thank you so much jmoore and Kim. Oh, my goodness, so gorgeous.


                                  You’re welcome. Hopefully they will start shipping today as mine will take a little while to get here!

                                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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