Signature images

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      Glad you like them ddvm and tasgrs! 😀


      I like, I like! 😆 Besides, this is about as close as I’m gonna get to actually having an SK… 😉


      pegasi1978 wrote:

      If you do think of something feel free to ask me.

      Really?! I didn’t have one before, but thanks so much!! I will try and think of something! Thanks! 😀


        It’s no problem at all. At most they take 10 minutes to make an upload unless it’s something really complex like when I was rebuilding Ski’s to add in the pretty pink poad (I had deleted my files from the previous version of whippet’s that I had remade). But even that didn’t take very long.

        I enjoy making them. They let me brush off some old photoshop editing skills that might get rusty otherwise.


        Oh! Silly me! Just looking at my Windstones thinking of what I could do-then it hit me-FLAP CATS! Could you please maybe make me something with Flap Cats and my name? (can’t think of a quote) Maybe the Siamese or the Birman since they look good against black? I would really appreciate it! 😀


          That’s very kind of you…. How nice to be in the company of so many talented people! I haven’t a clue as how to do any of that; as you can see, no siggy, no avatar…. *goes off to think….*

          twindragonsmum 😀



          Hehehehe……I *did* manage to figure out the avatar thingamabob…..but I won’t say how long it took me. 🙄 😆 It’s not exactly the picture I really wanted which is a shot of one of my evil-eyed cats. I just couldn’t get that to work. So I scrounged around on line and found the one I have. I liked the color. (My “stable colors” are black and royal blue…)
          I have the photoshop program around here somewhere, but heaven only knows what the Sam Hill I did with the manual. 🙄 And I’ve forgotten how to use half of the dadgummed thing. *sigh* And I really DO love the siggy! If Melody ever does do the rest of the dragons in twilight, I am gonna be SO broke….. 😉


            Eleu wrote:

            Oh! Silly me! Just looking at my Windstones thinking of what I could do-then it hit me-FLAP CATS! Could you please maybe make me something with Flap Cats and my name? (can’t think of a quote) Maybe the Siamese or the Birman since they look good against black? I would really appreciate it! 😀

            How’s this?

            To add it go to your profile
            scroll down to signature
            in the box put the following exactly, but take out the spaces (make the “]h” and the “g[” touch)

            And that should do it! 😀 You sometimes have to post again to see it.


            Wow! That’s awesome! Thank you so much I love it!!! 😀 😀 I have PSP9 but after 4 years I still can’t do much with it 😳 *dances* Thank you!! 😀


              I’m so glad you like it Eleu. I’ve never played with PSP. I learned a little bit about photoshop when I was in school and then at the newspaper I worked for. I can’t do the complex stuff like painting in it like Jennifer and so many of the other talented artists here, but I can piece together a signature image. It’s not too different from designing a newspaper page.

              I am trying to work on a new signature image for you Megani-chan. I’ve got the cat and mouse wizards, it’s the magic effect that’s giving me some problems. I’ll keep playing with it and hopefully will have something for you soon.


                I was inspired! 😀


                Oh, thanks so much, Pegasi! My signature is still around because you made it for me, but would you mind making me a new one? If you could use the head of my Spring Green Riser, and then write Carpe Diem in a flowery font (like this one)? Let me know if you need a better photo.


                  I don’t mind making a new one at all. That’s a pretty font! I’ll get it made here in a little bit.


                    How’s the new signature look GB? Does it work for you?


                      I’ve thought once or twice about trying to rework mine…but there’s not exactly any purple cat sculpts out there to take new shots of….sigh…I like deeper purples, but I also really like the stripey purplecat siggie I’ve got…. Feel free to take a whack at mine if you like, I’d like to keep my quote. 🙂

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