Show your Windstone collection – Part three!

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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Nice collections. Two more Orientals and you’ve have them all, right, Rusti?

      Yup, need a regular peacock oriental and a ruby babe and I’ll have them all.


      Wow, that is a nice room ladydark and nice a nice collection. I am floored that they made it that far without no harm.


        I’m really liking the jade color. And now that Melody said she based the oriental sculpts on ferrets, I really see the little critter ready to get into mayhem!

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Oh, DarkLadyPhoenix, I need to learn your packing secrets. Amazing that not one was damaged!

          And those are really interesting rooms. You’ve got a lot of space to play with. Beautiful collection; they look happy in their new home 🙂


          Very pretty, DarkLady. Of course the Japanese creatures in your Japanese room are especially striking.


            siberakh1 wrote:

            Nagasaki Prefecture! Ooooh… what are you doing over in Japan, if you don’t mind me asking? 😉

            Work. Same thing. I told them I’d extend for another two years if I got shore duty Japan, Sasebo. My orders were in my inbox the next day and my parents were all forms of not happy.

            siberakh1 wrote:

            I’m hoping to make the move to Japan in a few years to do JET, but I’m paying off some college debt first and getting a couple more years of computer administration under the belt first. I’m hoping to be placed up in Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, or Miyagi prefectures (preferably), but any will do 😀 .

            Hokkaido is COLD! Although I suppose that would be a good thing. It’s VERY humid here. Not sure where Iwate is but Miyagi is beautiful. I’m just mad I missed the Cherry Blossom season by 5 days >.<

            siberakh1 wrote:

            Wow! Very spacious! How did you pack and move your windstones there unharmed? I’ll need to know this advice for future reference 🙂

            Actually, I had to fight the Italians on this one. They came in with just boxes and some large sheets of paper 😯 I MADE them use the original boxes for the ones I had, using the logic that if the boxes can make it through the brutal mail system and be okay, they should survive this move. Some of them though were just wrapped up in paper and put in a box of stuff and clothing unceremoniously. (they wanted to hurry up and have lunch..)

            I nearly fainted when they packed up the wine in boxes and just taped them. I thought for sure I would end up with a box of nice, smelly vineagar with the carefree way they were packed, but everyone made it! 😀

            And yes, the eindstones have a room all to themselves. One of my tatami rooms is an ironing room.

            Yeah, I think I need a decorator or something. Or maybe a roommate and cash in on more money, but we’ll see.


              skigod377 wrote:

              I agree. I really need to get an oriental dragon. They are awesome.

              I agree with you ski, I’ve been looking at the orientals for a while but now I really want the set of three. I like the peacocks the best and then the emeralds. Not too keen on the jade.


              My Gold OW

              and Kinglet

              arrived yesterday. The OW is gorgeous. Poor Kinglet is getting rather ignored in comparison to the big guy, but I just can’t take my eyes off the two newest OWs.
              They moved in comfortably.

              I had to move my sitting Spectrals over to the other curio to fit them.


                That gold OW is awesome!!! What a great addition to your collection!!! And, I love the little kinglet too! 😉


                The Kinglet is so cute. He’s my first old brown piece. Now the only production color I’m missing is old green.


                  hmmm…we can’t have that…we’ll have to find you something. 😀


                  There’s plenty of green males on E-Bay all the time. I’ll get one of them – but much later. First I need the EmPea OW and new Spectrals. 😀


                    I see you have your priorities 😆


                    Oh yeah! 😉


                      DarkLadyPhoenix, what are the shelves space built into the wall meant for? They seem low for a shelving unit.

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