Show Your Collections Ver:10

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      As I have whined too many times, I was late to the party on the existence of grab bags and so missed all the baby uni ones. BUT through trades and sales with some lovely forum members (thank you, thank you, thank you) , I have managed to acquire 4 lovely little natural safaris and a lonely little candy corn.

      There definitely seems to be a unifying theme with the safaris. 😉 I need somebody with spots to add a little diversity. And I definitely need to find a friend for my little candycorn.

      Image and video hosting by TinyPic

      I love your 2nd baby. He’s gorgeous! I’ve got a spotted baby up for trade in my big trade ad if you’re trading any pieces and would like to take a look.

      I’ve always loved the Baby Uni at the front right, and was actually offered to purchase her at one time, lol!
      I also have a Baby Uni that might be of interest to you. Let me know! 😀

      ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

      • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
      ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
      ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
      ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

      • ► By Melody ◄ •
      ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
      ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
      ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


        Beautiful collection Aggie83! 🙂


          Thanks guys! I feel very lucky to have these pieces.

          Beautiful new collection pieces WolfenMachine. I can relate when you say pieces pop up when you can’t/shouldn’t buy them. Weren’t you the one waiting for the Blue Morpho Secret Keeper to be restocked? Did you snag one? I’m curious to see what one of those looks like in person because I’ll never have the funds to buy one. 🙂

          I was waiting for the SK in BM to be restocked 🙁 but again, I shouldn’t ….there’s only one left so Im very very very very tempted. I’ve got a few pieces up for sale hoping I can get her before shes gone >.<

          You should get it! I pulled most of the money from my new saddle fund to grab one. Now the horse and I are screwed on a new saddle for a few months but I think it’s going to be worth it!

          WWWWAAHHHH Someone grabbed the last one this morning 🙁 I thought about that SK all weekend and decided to bite the bullet and adopt her and she was gone 🙁 The good thing is, that Susie told me they would paint more if people wanted them, so now I have to sit and hope. I’d trade my Banana orange tiger rising spectral+$400+shipping for one if anyone is interested. Or any combination of things I have for sale.

          but you’ll have to post pictures of yours once she comes in so I can live vicatiously through you! lol


            Thanks guys! I feel very lucky to have these pieces.

            Beautiful new collection pieces WolfenMachine. I can relate when you say pieces pop up when you can’t/shouldn’t buy them. Weren’t you the one waiting for the Blue Morpho Secret Keeper to be restocked? Did you snag one? I’m curious to see what one of those looks like in person because I’ll never have the funds to buy one. 🙂

            I was waiting for the SK in BM to be restocked 🙁 but again, I shouldn’t ….there’s only one left so Im very very very very tempted. I’ve got a few pieces up for sale hoping I can get her before shes gone >.<

            You should get it! I pulled most of the money from my new saddle fund to grab one. Now the horse and I are screwed on a new saddle for a few months but I think it’s going to be worth it!

            WWWWAAHHHH Someone grabbed the last one this morning 🙁 I thought about that SK all weekend and decided to bite the bullet and adopt her and she was gone 🙁 The good thing is, that Susie told me they would paint more if people wanted them, so now I have to sit and hope. I’d trade my Banana orange tiger rising spectral+$400+shipping for one if anyone is interested. Or any combination of things I have for sale.

            but you’ll have to post pictures of yours once she comes in so I can live vicatiously through you! lol

            Awww I hate it when I think about things for too long and then they’re gone! The brown SK is really pretty too, you could buy her! I would if I could afford another one at the moment lol. My Blue Morpho arrives next Monday, will def post pics 🙂


              Oh, no! That’s a bummer Wolfen. I’ve been down that road plenty of times. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be since you needed to save for your new place. At least there’s a silver lining. At least you won’t have to choose and there will be more (like you said)…I hope.

              I’m planning on trying to save up for one myself. It’ll take me at least a year though. (Please paint more secret keepers!)

              I’m not going to lie mhcarr10, I’m a tad jealous of your secret keepers but also very happy for you! Can’t wait to see your new secret keeper “in person.”


                As I have whined too many times, I was late to the party on the existence of grab bags and so missed all the baby uni ones. BUT through trades and sales with some lovely forum members (thank you, thank you, thank you) , I have managed to acquire 4 lovely little natural safaris and a lonely little candy corn.

                There definitely seems to be a unifying theme with the safaris. 😉 I need somebody with spots to add a little diversity. And I definitely need to find a friend for my little candycorn.

                Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                Lookit Bongo look awesome with his new family! <3 They look amazing together! 🙂 – I know the feeling of the poor single CandyCorn, lol, but my Charming is used to it, lol…


                Haven’t done this in a while. I just purchased a Black Violet Coiled yesterday so soon he shall be added to this small but well-loved collection.
                First is “Jasper” the Scratching Jade, whom I am told is a somewhat rare color. He was purchased about seventeen years ago now at a mall and is my first piece. I had him on layaway and was super excited to take him home after many $15 payments! How I miss THAT store, which sadly no longer exists.
                 photo 20151026_081709_zpskclxshwp.jpg
                Then there is the Emerald Peacock male I found in another mall about four years ago. I’d been wanting one of these regal males for years! Next to him is his young dragon counterpart who was a Christmas gift 🙂
                 photo 20151026_081522_zpsyzrsblqs.jpg
                Then there are the curled “twins”, I seem to recall someone trading with me or perhaps just selling me the pink one, and the one on the right not sure…jade, emerald?
                 photo 20151026_081828_zps5jddashi.jpg
                Then there are my prize signed dragons, of which the baby is unfortunately chipped (sigh) and I am currently looking for someone to repair him. Thankfully the lap is in pristine condition. I hope to add more signed pieces if they become available to finish the gold family. 🙂
                 photo 20151026_081626_zpsethsx0zc.jpg
                I hope you enjoyed looking at my humbly small but well-adored dragon collection! Believe me if I was rich I’d have many more!


                  Nice group. 🙂

                  P.S. If you had many more Windstones, you wouldn’t be rich [anymore]. Windstone collections appear to expand to exceed the money allocated to them!


                  No I wouldn’t be rich, I’d just be homeless on the street! LOL I might become homeless to own a Secret Keeper…wouldn’t that be worth it? 😛


                    No I wouldn’t be rich, I’d just be homeless on the street! LOL I might become homeless to own a Secret Keeper…wouldn’t that be worth it? 😛

                    Absolutely. I can picture it now:

                    You, curled possessively around your secret keeper, resting in the cave you discovered in which to sleep, gently stroking the statue’s head, muttering to yourself “My preciousssss…”


                    LOL Yup that is about right XD


                      Hey Dragons4life…is your Emerald Peacock male dragon one of the intense violet ones?

                      Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                        Pictures of the Checkered Gold Emperor that arrived today

                         photo IMAG0077_zps22mfgtev.jpg
                         photo IMAG0075_zps3xvszj1c.jpg
                         photo IMAG0074_zpsy5umc3p5.jpg
                         photo IMAG0073_zpsq5rnz4ko.jpg

                        Since the lights in my case wash out his head on camera I took some pictures in another spot as well.


                          Dragon Hoarder, he’s quite spectacular! Congrats


                          Hmmm dunno! Do you have comparison pics I can look at? He is about four to five years old so maybe, if it is some kind of older color variation.

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