
Show Your Collections Ver:10

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  • #926968

    Stormdancer, congratulations on your Baroque Black Oriental!!

    Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


      We have three collectors in the house. The vast majority below belong to my oldest. She has been collecting Windstones since she was around 12 – she’s in grad school now.

      <img src="http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x441/melbill88/DSC_0493.jpg&quot;


        Aggie83, I loooove that mug! Stargate inspired maybe?


          Stargate inspired DEFINITELY. 😉


            is that one of the ebay glow in the dark pieces i see? i was curious how much it glows?


              Lovely collection!


                @Betrluk1 – Are you referring to my PYO unicorn? Actually that lovely little baby was done by machine-guts. She does look like she glows though, doesn’t she?


                  @jmoore – and it is about to get “lovelier”…..;)


                    yeah that pyo. according to her ebay listings those spots should actually glow in the dark. i was curious if you had tested to see how brigth they are in the dark.


                      @Aggie83 Yes, indeed – mine, too! 🙂

                      I think the eBay listing for machine-guts’ PYOs (like the one you have) says that the stars are painted with glow in the dark paint. Or at least the ones that are currently listed say that. Does yours glow in the dark at all?


                        I seriously need to pay more attention to listings (insert rolling eyes), I didn’t even notice the info about the stars glowing in the dark – all I saw was the overall “pretty-pretty”. And yes, the small white dots do glow. Not that brightly, but you can definitely see them in the dark.

                        Danzig Moon (Karen)

                          :bigsmile: Yes, they do glow in the dark!! That is her signature style… it is really cool!! :bigsmile:

                          *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?


                            She had a gorgeous PYO griffin in black/pale green/light brown with the galaxy look up on Ebay a few days ago. I don’t think it sold, so she may relist it. It really is lovely.


                              I didn’t realize how much I’ve spent the last several months since I started collecting. (Besides the hatching baby I’ve had since high school). Here are pics of my collection! It was a nice day today.

                              My two GB wolves(recent batch) and an ivory.

                              My GB baby hoppy poad, GB fishy fat cat, and GB lady cat.

                              My bat-eared foxes. African Wild Dogs in the back, GB front left, and Natural color front right.

                              My GB arctic fox, and Sand color Fennec.

                              My red foxes. From left to right, GB, Odd-Ball GB, Ivory, and Red color.

                              My mini keepers. Blue morpho and GB.

                              My version 1 peacock hatching dragon (first and only piece until late summer last year), blue-eyed albino standing baby kirin, and my Quest 18 participant prize.

                              ‘Deep Ocean’ PYO Keeper by Hannah.

                              My Finished PYOs by me.

                              My PYOs in progress. Eyes by Dreaming Tree are not glued in yet.

                              Thank you to all of those who traded or sold stuff to me here on the forums! You guys are awesome!

                              Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                                *double post*

                                Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.

                              Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 601 total)
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