Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5

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      Geez, Hannah, your collection is growing FAST! Congrats!!


        Thanks skeeter!! 😀 It’s been amazing how quickly I’ve amassed a small Windstone army since wandering here in October 😆

        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


          holy freakin’ gosh!!!! Now THAT’S a collection!!! Mine is paltry in comparison – CONGRATS!!!

          twindragonsmum 😀



            Awesome collection, Kujacker!! Which new curlie are you waiting for, did you get a serpentine? If you did, wait til you see him, I think he’s even prettier in person! 🙂


              I spy Badger Balm!! Tee hee.. I used to be friends with the W.S. Badger Co. owner’s daughter – yeesh that has to have been 10 years ago now at least!

              Beautiful collection Kujacker!!

              Also – I’m still totally in love with that green/cream/gold Keeper that you did <3 <3 <3

              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                AWESOME collection! I love all the fuzzy mo-hawks! 😀

                I see half of Liger and what I believe to be a Konig Wolf. I’m a nerd!!


                  Pokie!! Sorry, I love Garfield. 😀 Nice collection. I really should update my pics but half my collection is in storage til we move. 🙄


                  :o…Oh my…What a marvelous collection Kujacker!

                  Wampus Dragon

                    Is the white/spotted looking sun dragon a repaint? Looks almost calico from this angle. Interesting.


                      skeeterdeee wrote:

                      Geez, Hannah, your collection is growing FAST! Congrats!!

                      It most certainly has, and you have quite a variety too.
                      Thanks 4 sharing.

                      And wow Ahar! Love those SK’s.
                      You also have a very nice collection too Wolfen.
                      All the pictures are making me want to decrease my savings a little.


                        KUJACKER! You have a GORGEOUS collection! Wow! That roan appoloosa mother unicorn-did you paint her? I adore her! And what are those cute little white wolf pup looking figures underneath your amethyst baby oriental/black baby unicorn?

                        Is that an emerald peacock rising spectral or a peacock one?

                        I love your sleeping Garfield too ^_^ I LOVE Garfield. I’ve got a small collection of stuff Ive been amassing since I was a kid-pillows, plushies, books, watches, cups-anything I can find that’s reasonably priced 🙂

                        And here’s a question for you and anyone else who has one-is your Black Gold OW really that vibrant in person? I got mine over Christmas and he’s soooo pale compared to my BG spectrals and mother dragon. (anyone want to swap? :D)


                          Wampus Dragon wrote:

                          Is the white/spotted looking sun dragon a repaint? Looks almost calico from this angle. Interesting.

                          He’s a koi fish dragon.

                          WolfenMachine wrote:

                          KUJACKER! You have a GORGEOUS collection! Wow! That roan appoloosa mother unicorn-did you paint her? I adore her! And what are those cute little white wolf pup looking figures underneath your amethyst baby oriental/black baby unicorn?

                          Is that an emerald peacock rising spectral or a peacock one?

                          I love your sleeping Garfield too ^_^ I LOVE Garfield. I’ve got a small collection of stuff Ive been amassing since I was a kid-pillows, plushies, books, watches, cups-anything I can find that’s reasonably priced 🙂

                          And here’s a question for you and anyone else who has one-is your Black Gold OW really that vibrant in person? I got mine over Christmas and he’s soooo pale compared to my BG spectrals and mother dragon. (anyone want to swap? :D)

                          Nope, I didn’t paint her. Got her off ebay along with the two males.

                          Those wolves are an oooold collection I got when I was younger. I always regret that I’m missing just one from the collection 🙁 They rarely show up on ebay, and when they do never the one I’m missing.
                          The penguins I didn’t get them all because it was “one or the other, not both”. They also had a bear set that went along with the wolves and penguins.

                          The rising spectral is peacock.

                          That garfield was part of a larger collection, if I remember correctly. It was the first of the line. I didn’t get the rest because at the time, I was just a kid, so if we didn’t have extra money at the time I couldn’t get anything. One of my old friends loves Garfield too 🙂

                          All my BGs are really vibrant. Except for one. So here’s a question, does he have a matte, or glossy finish? Do his colors look more like my BG mother’s? She’s the only one that has a matte finish. So perhaps all you need to do is give your OW a glossy finish? 😀 I would have glossed the mother over, but for some reason I felt the matte looked decent on her.

                          Wampus Dragon

                            Some pictures of the parts of my collection that I currently have displayed. Theres still a whole bunch of Windstones packed away until I move, so here are these in the meantime:

                            My Wampus Cat raffle Emp and my Ruby Emp. If there was a fire, these are the two I would grab first.

                            Okapi unicorn family(minus the Male, which I’m waiting on #3), Gothic Reborn PYO by purpleturtle, and an Okapi Webkinz.

                            My growing collection of PYO windstones. Can you identify who painted what?

                            Pearl Hatching Emperor and Empress, Griffin Candlelamp, my little collection of Jasmine Becket-Griffith Dragons.

                            Flock of Griffins, including the Tuxedo and Penguin sitting chicks, Jade Coiled, Dragon Bookends, Old Green and Peacock Hatchers. Glacier, Amethyst and Serpentine Coiled. Copper Serpentine Baby Ki-rin, Old Green young, Black Tuxedo Flapcat, Sylvan Flapcat.

                            Sunrise Lap, Jade Oriental. Silver Spectral, Hatching Emperor, curlie. Copper Oriental Sun, Gold Male, Albino Vampire Bat, Black Gold Scratcher, Barbados Sheep baby uni, Dark Ruby fledgling (and my ‘Hot Hot Hot!’ pocket dragon is hiding in there somewhere)

                            That’s all I have displayed at the moment. And a couple I took out specifically for pics, so they will be going back into their boxes.


                              Awesome!! Thanks for the preview Wampus 🙂 That Okapi Webkin looks so cute with all of the Okapi Windstones!!

                              I wanna know who painted the small dusty pink dragon PYO on the left there – those colors are marvelous! Or should I say mauve-elous? (hur hur hur!)

                              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!

                              Wampus Dragon

                                It was painted by Purpleturtle. I think around the beginning of fall 2009.

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