Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5

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      Same here, I need them to try and get stores near me to pick up the line. (And maybe get my mom to give the stores back in Labrador another go) But I’m not going to bring my Pretties all over the city with me!! 😯


        Jennifer wrote:

        Yeah… honestly, I can’t blame them if they are trying to keep their business alive. Most people other than collectors just aren’t able to or willing to shell out $70.. $150.. $200 for a nice collectible right now with the economy is as it is. 🙁

        At the same time, I’m the stubborn type. I try to always sell high quality with higher dollar amounts at the risk of losing sales rather than sell low quality at low prices to make more sales. I’d sink with the ship.. but those are just personal standards. Each person is different and I can totally understand doing what is necessary to continue making sales.

        Let’s hope for an economy that gets better, and soon!! And for people to start realizing that cheap stuff from overseas is not worth their dollar.. 😆 With all the nasty stuff China’s been putting in their products, I hope some people are starting to realize…

        Could also be their mark up is too high? The one store in Toronto is selling the fledge for $100. I can buy that online and possibly get cheaper even with shipping. Especially now that the Canadian dollar is comparable.


          Jasmine wrote:

          Jennifer wrote:

          Yeah… honestly, I can’t blame them if they are trying to keep their business alive. Most people other than collectors just aren’t able to or willing to shell out $70.. $150.. $200 for a nice collectible right now with the economy is as it is. 🙁

          At the same time, I’m the stubborn type. I try to always sell high quality with higher dollar amounts at the risk of losing sales rather than sell low quality at low prices to make more sales. I’d sink with the ship.. but those are just personal standards. Each person is different and I can totally understand doing what is necessary to continue making sales.

          Let’s hope for an economy that gets better, and soon!! And for people to start realizing that cheap stuff from overseas is not worth their dollar.. 😆 With all the nasty stuff China’s been putting in their products, I hope some people are starting to realize…

          Could also be their mark up is too high? The one store in Toronto is selling the fledge for $100. I can buy that online and possibly get cheaper even with shipping. Especially now that the Canadian dollar is comparable.

          Not to mention the tax. I paid $80-something for the fledgling I bought at our local store, with tax. He was marked up two dollars over store price, but…hmm. I think our tax is a little above 7 percent or so, and that’s not bad, compared to, say…California. >___>;


            Well, when you get used to paying 15% now down to 13% in Ontario, California isn’t that bad… 😕


              kitsunelady wrote:

              Could also be their mark up is too high? The one store in Toronto is selling the fledge for $100. I can buy that online and possibly get cheaper even with shipping. Especially now that the Canadian dollar is comparable.

              Not to mention the tax. I paid $80-something for the fledgling I bought at our local store, with tax. He was marked up two dollars over store price, but…hmm. I think our tax is a little above 7 percent or so, and that’s not bad, compared to, say…California. >___>;

              Mark up would definitely be what kills it here, more than duty/taxes. Again $75 for a Fledge, when I could pay $43 for it on-line, even in US$(When we were only getting 80 cents for a dollar) With shipping, and Duty, I’d probably still pay less. I’m willing to pay over a hundred Dollars for a piece, but something that small (Still talking normal Hatcher here) $75 is a little hard to justify!! (And yet I still have my Curl Army growing 😯 ) Oh and Fledges are at least $125 here.

              Have to add:
              And yet I still pay it!! *SIGH* Am I fool or what?


                😀 Nice new additions kitsunelady!
                And thanks for the brochures


                  kitsunelady wrote:

                  Could also be their mark up is too high? The one store in Toronto is selling the fledge for $100. I can buy that online and possibly get cheaper even with shipping. Especially now that the Canadian dollar is comparable.

                  Thankfully my “local” (if a 30 to 45 minutes drive is local…) dealer doesn’t mark the prices up. He also likes to give me discounts 😀
                  When I was in California a few months back, I passed a store in the mall and got excited because I saw Windstones. I went in there later to look at them, and was like “omg no” when I saw that they were charging $62 dollars for the gryphon chicks and $160 for the Male/female gryphon.
                  They also wanted $120 for a peacock fledgling.

                  Even IF I had money to shell out, I wouldn’t buy the statues KNOWING that their prices are so much higher than if I went online or so another brick store. In my opinion, they’re losing business because they had them so high marked up (the statues’ normal prices are high enough :?). I really wanted that Black sunset Male gryphon, but not for $20 over the price!


                    Lupin wrote:

                    Mark up would definitely be what kills it here, more than duty/taxes. Again $75 for a Fledge, when I could pay $43 for it on-line

                    Wha? :0 I thought the Fledglings cost $74 in the online store? @.@!!


                      Fledges are $74. $75 is not at all unreasonable. Remember that physical store locations have many, many costs that online-only stores do not. That’s why so many are going out of business.

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                      My art:


                        I think Lupin meant the Hatching Dragon, not the Fledgling.


                          Yeah Thanks Emerald!!
                          $75 for hatcher’s Minimum $125 for Fledge!!

                          Aieieie I’m tired!! 🙁


                            Lupin wrote:

                            Yeah Thanks Emerald!!
                            $75 for hatcher’s Minimum $125 for Fledge!!

                            Aieieie I’m tired!! 🙁

                            Keh. o.O @ $125 for the fledgling. I don’t think those old guys at the store I bought mine at had changed the price on him since they got him. Everything in there was dusty. XD But cleaned up well! I wish they’d order some new ones. 9_9 I’d rather have had him in the new Red Fire color (he looks less bratty in that), but Ruby is pretty too. I just turned him so he’s facing the wall, haha. I didn’t have anything in that color so I was sucked in! Well, the regular dragons, anyways. My sun dragon is ruby, but that’s different! Different, I tell you.


                              I went to Ikea to get two new computer desks and picked up two bookcases for my larger dragons. I’ve moved some of them from the glass display cases downstairs to my office.

                              The shelves have a 66lbs weight limit and they sell glass doors for the bookcases. Since Ikea owned me buying two desks and the bookcases I’ll get the doors some other time.


                                Very nice purpledoggy 😀


                                  Lovely! They look nice against the black. 🙂

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