Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5

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      Some of those are cute! Very colorful, too: -)


      Griffiness wrote:

      Because i have to pay postage and customs, the price of an Old Warrior over here is £160 about $320 but there are only two shops in the UK that sell windstones so i have to order them from here. Approx £10 per $100 for customs plus another £12 handling charge. Then the postage normally costs $60 for a large Dragon.

      So thats about $250 for the dragon, $60 for postage then $45 ish for customs.

      On top of that i have just started university and i havent got a job, mum gives me £60 a month to live off of. Because i can’t get any grants i have no spending money at all….

      🙁 🙁

      Woii! 😯 Griffiness, you are a truly devoted fan, laboring under complications like those. You have a lovely and varied collection–I have to congratulate you on your taste! Just don’t malnourish yourself for dragons, eh? I ate a lot of Top Ramen in school because money was tight but I insisted on buying my favorite anime series on videotape. 😳 As it was, I washed a lot of dishes and slung a lot of hash in the cafeteria. Learned plenty about institution food! (My dorm-mates thought the cafeteria called it Swiss Steak because the meat slices had holes punched in them. Wrongo! The slices had holes in them all right, but that was because the cut of beef came from a part of the cow that had lots of tubes in it. :twisted:)



        Setsuna i get customs on everything that is shipped to me from outside of Europe i think 😕

        Well Rats!!!!! I suppose if I ever make it back over there. I’ll have to check and see if there’s anything you need.

        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
        Sun Dragon Koi #3


          setsunawolf wrote:


          Setsuna i get customs on everything that is shipped to me from outside of Europe i think 😕

          Well Rats!!!!! I suppose if I ever make it back over there. I’ll have to check and see if there’s anything you need.

          can’t you have people mark things as Gifts to get away from that sort of things??


          I’m going to try to post pics of the SK’s. I need to dust off the others, they want to look their best for pics. Hope this works. fingers crossed[img]


          As you can tell, I’m not much of a photographer. Hopefully next ones of all the boys and girls will be better!


          They’re stunning, newfie! 😀


            Lucky you! 😉 That silver SK IS WOW! 😯


              WOW! Your wifey must really LOVE you! Those SK’s are absolutely stunning! Lucky, lucky you! Congrats

              twindragonsmum 😀



                My old warriors (Ruby, Brown, Emerald Peacock, Emerald, Peacock, White, and BVP #2)

                Intense Violet Emerald Peacock Lap Dragon and Black Gold Curl (my fave)

                Peacock Scratching Dragon and Gold Curl

                Rainbow Male Dragon and Red Flame Curl

                Wolf Griffins

                White Flap Cat

                This is only some of my collection since image shack is giving me a fit uploading pictures.


                  Awesome pics everyone!

                  Newfie, your SKs are so lovely. I love how the silver one has glittery paint, and the eyes are really cool too.

                  I see quite a beanie collection going on in the background! 😀


                    very pretty….


                      newfie07 wrote:

                      I’m going to try to post pics of the SK’s. I need to dust off the others, they want to look their best for pics. Hope this works. fingers crossed[img]


                      As you can tell, I’m not much of a photographer. Hopefully next ones of all the boys and girls will be better!
                      the Berry one is breath taking in these pics


                        pretty pretty SKs!!!!!! try putting your camera on a box at the same leval as your dragons or some books. it will help prevent blur.


                        Newfie, you’re one lucky guy. Those dragons are gorgeous.


                          Wow, if you ever need to re-home the Berry SK, call me first!! She’s gorgeous. 😯 😯

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