Shell Pink Dragons

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      Awww….a pink Poad….that would be adorable: -)

      I apologize if I was rude to you DM. You may have been to the factory and have developed a more personal relationship with Melody than most of us, but still, she is doing a job that she loves and that can’t be said for most of the world. I guess we can just agree to disagree on this issue.


        I think she would take offense to the statement that she is older than 99% of the people on here 😆 (Just playin!)


          lamortefille wrote:

          Awww….a pink Poad….that would be adorable: -)

          I apologize if I was rude to you DM. You may have been to the factory and have developed a more personal relationship with Melody than most of us, but still, she is doing a job that she loves and that can’t be said for most of the world. I guess we can just agree to disagree on this issue.
          I just KNOW I’d be going crazy with all the requests. After all she is only Human. As I said I’m guilty too since I finally got my green Fledgie but that was also way back when we had many fewer members and I was one of the only ones asking for something and it was a piece already made and in a regular color so it seemed it was naturally next to come out


            skigod377 wrote:

            I think she would take offense to the statement that she is older than 99% of the people on here 😆 (Just playin!)

            lol – I can say that because I am older than 98% of the people on here; -)


              Dragon Master wrote:

              I just KNOW I’d be going crazy with all the requests. After all she is only Human.

              And a Woman… we understand you cant handle all we can. 😛 (Another joke, DM… I am just teasing you 😉 )


                skigod377 wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                I just KNOW I’d be going crazy with all the requests. After all she is only Human.

                And a Woman… we understand you cant handle all we can. 😛 (Another joke, DM… I am just teasing you 😉 )

                But I was a part time women for 11 years!! Remember that!!


                  I need to chime in a squeek for a pink dragon. I need one to start my little girls collection muhuhahaha (can you hear my husband screaming nooooooooo in the background?).


                  Great idea, purpledoggy! 😆


                    Come on Melody, will the puppy dog eyes work? /puppydogeyes 🙂


                      Does Melody like peanut butter? I can send her a batch of my chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies. 8)


                        Hey send me a batch of cookies, lol.


                          Hey, if we get those pink dragons sometime… then I will definitely send you a batch to celebrate, and to celebrate your baby girl! 😀


                            I like peanut butter…


                            me 2. I like peanut butter.


                              Peanut butter and chocolate!

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