
Shameless Plug. ^.^ Custom Model horses on ebay!

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    And if anyone needs some bodies…I have a butt load of breyer baits that I can’t seem to move. i have not tried ebay yet…but blah.


      Hey, I have a question, for horsey painting people.

      If you totally screw up, multiple times, and start building up too much paint, how easy is it to strip paint off of these? I’d worry that the acetone would damage the plastic. Does it?


      SPark wrote:

      Hey, I have a question, for horsey painting people.

      If you totally screw up, multiple times, and start building up too much paint, how easy is it to strip paint off of these? I’d worry that the acetone would damage the plastic. Does it?
      no…I striped one with acetone..it was fine.


        whippetluv wrote:

        And if anyone needs some bodies…I have a butt load of breyer baits that I can’t seem to move. i have not tried ebay yet…but blah.

        Hey Whippet… I might be interested… depending on what you’ve got… LMK! 😀


          SPark wrote:

          Hey, I have a question, for horsey painting people.

          If you totally screw up, multiple times, and start building up too much paint, how easy is it to strip paint off of these? I’d worry that the acetone would damage the plastic. Does it?

          ::grumbles!:: lost my post…

          ANYWAY… Be careful of Acetone.

          Acetone will eat away at Breyer’s plastic (And I’m pretty sure Stone’s plastic too…)

          It will work… but if you soak the horse in it for too long it will start to eat it.

          I use “Easy Off Oven Cleaner”… I haven’t had any problems with it stripping Resins or Plastics. 😀 Works WONDERS! 😀


            CherylKaufman wrote:

            So I have a nekkid Anuk su Namun, Sabir 2, Abu Asaalah, Jasmine, and possibly a Antar. How much is a dun paint job?

            Hum… what shade of dun? Silver? Golden? Shouldn’t be too hard. 😀 PM me… I’m a smidge behind the 8 ball right now (especially with the show and moving soon…) but I could probably work ya in. 😀

            LMK. 😀


            Fantastic paint job! I have been asked to paint breyers but haven’t had the heart…now after reading about show classes and all, forget it, LOL. If you have any draft horses you can’t unload though, I might free it up for you and give painting one a try.


              Watergazer wrote:

              Fantastic paint job! I have been asked to paint breyers but haven’t had the heart…now after reading about show classes and all, forget it, LOL. If you have any draft horses you can’t unload though, I might free it up for you and give painting one a try.

              Oh Water that’s the FUN of it! The competition! the drive to improve! I LOVE showing! though it can be stressful…. 😯 But hey… I LOVE seeing the horses come to life at my hands. 😀

              Hum… drafters eh? Lemme see here… I think I put one “body” up for sale… he should be listed in my ads on MH$P… Take a look. 😀 I’ll see if I can part with any other drafters…


              Hum… thinking about it… I might have a real “BODY” that needs a lot of help if you want to practice. 😯 he needs a lot of help… but hey… he could be fun. ^.^


              I want Ravishing Ronald :p When you die can I have him? Make sure to update your will :p


                Oh don’t TEMPT me Cheryl!

                I have recently decided to “collect” the Ronald Mold.

                Mostly because a friend of mine traded me her broken Ronald to repair. So I now have Two Ronalds… and a couple of the Equine Collection War Horse. All I need is Crusher.

                I’m in such need for $$… I’m tempted to put the second Ronald up for offers… but… I wanna keep him too. I like Ronald too much. 😯

                Oh gads don’t make me do it! 😆

                But as far as my ORIGINAL Ronald goes… no way! He is MINE Precious! 😀 He wouldn’t have it any other way! 😉


                I’m sure he would be too expensive for me which is why I want him Willed to me from you :p


                  Well… one way or another Cheryl… I do have two now. 😀 He’ll be here… and I will keep ya in mind. 😀

                  BTW… PM me about those horses you wanted painted. 😀 I’m in the process of moving… but I could work something out for ya… no since having those nekkid horses staring at ya! 😀

                  I don’t think I’m too expensive… and I can work with ya… and I take trades too. 😉 Just maybe give me a bit to get moved… 😛 UGH packing…


                  I went to WalMart and actually picked up a family box set of Classic Breyer model horses. I will try those before I buy a draft model.
                  I’m just going to give it a shot for kicks…nothing fancy like the stuff I’ve been reading. although the repositioning sounds like fun it aso sounds like it could go wrong real quick, so I’ll probably not mess with that and just paint what I got. I got a mom, dad, and foal.


                    Awesome Water! Be sure to post them when you are done! I’d love to see! 😀

                    hey guys… plug again… the auctions are ending tomorrow and Sunday! 😀 check them out!



                    ladybrooklyn wrote:

                    whippetluv wrote:

                    And if anyone needs some bodies…I have a butt load of breyer baits that I can’t seem to move. i have not tried ebay yet…but blah.

                    Hey Whippet… I might be interested… depending on what you’ve got… LMK! 😀

                    Here is a pic of them all. Some are not bait really…but good to fair condition. Like the woodgrain foal lamp. That is a fairly rare peice, but is missing the shade and has a few small problems. The grey grazing hartland is in good shape too. But for the most part….

                    Get them out of my house!

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