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- This topic has 34 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 15 years, 2 months ago by tasgrs.
January 1, 2010 at 5:50 am #798975
I SOO sorry to read this too
I hope 2010 is better for all of us! goodness knows we all need it
I had a flash back to Lucy when she and Ethal decided to go into the Salad Dressing business and at the end they decided to deliver it on roller skates in the canvass sacks that paper boys used to use. I had them for my handel bars for my paper route as a kid. You put your head in the middle and have a huge pouch in front and back and your arms are free completly
or maybe an apron with large pockets??January 1, 2010 at 5:10 pm #798976Congratulations on the good news! Enjoy your Curlie! 😀
I am still working on Just After Sunset, as I haven’t had time to read like I like to. But, I also got a copy of Under the Dome, and can’t wait to finish the last book and get started on this one! I love me some Stephen King! I have all his books in hardback, except The Plant, but that one is in a binder…Darn Online books…It took me 3 years to get that copy. It came in Chinese, my friend got a program to convert it to English, converted it, sent it to me in a zip file, and wah-la! I sent a copy of the 6th part to…Jasmine I think. :scratch: Someone missed the last part…LOL Yes, I even have a copy of the kid’s book of The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. *still miffed about the ending of The Dark Tower series 😡 *
A good book is a friend for life!!! So, curl up with your bourbon, and your book, and enjoy some quiet time in the “Land of make-believe”!
(Did I mention I liked King? I have all the movies on VHS that have ever been released on VHS, and am about half way to getting all the DVD’s released of his so far. )January 1, 2010 at 9:16 pm #798977I’m so sorry your life is throwing so many misfortunes right now 🙁 ….
sending ya a big *hug* 😀 ….
Hopefully wining that pretty curlie is a sign of better times ahead 😉 . I aways look at occurrences like that as the universe giving you a little ‘pick-me-up’ after it’s done giving you a load of negative crap 🙄 !January 1, 2010 at 10:33 pm #798978I’m still totally in shock about the curlie!!! 😮 😮 It’s funny, ’cause I was up until about 1:30 AM, watching a Nicholas Cage movie, and the last thing I did before hobbling off to bed was to sign in here and check to see who’d won, and I didn’t see anything, so off to bed I went. Then today I put off logging on to the forum in favor of doing some antivirus/spyware scans, which took a while. When I finally did log on, and saw a winner had been picked, so I looked, never once thinking it’d be me. Wow!
What a great beginning to the New Year! I promise to post pictures of him once he gets here. 8) 😀 (And I really hope this is a sign of a good year to come! Fingers crossed there)DM, where can you get a newspaper boy’s carry bag? That would probably work real well.
WSC, I must have missed Just After Sunset; what’s that one about?
My stepson gave me a gift card for Barnes and Noble for Christmas, so maybe I can snag that one. Turn me loose in a book store, and I’ll need a pack mule, for sure. 😀
I agree with you 100% about the ending to the Dark Tower series—after all these years, you kill off 50% of the good guys, and dump poor Roland right back at the beginning? Oh, mAAAaaan! :shout:
I read Duma Key a couple of times. It wasn’t one of my favorites, though.
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon was a bit odd, even for King.
I’ve got most of his books either in hardcover or paperback. I’m not picky. 😀 If I can’t get my hands on new books, I re-read which ever book I can grab that I haven’t read lately.
Did you read From A Buick 8?January 2, 2010 at 12:32 am #798979Under the Dome is great!! but my favorite King’s are Rose Madder and The Stand. 😉
January 2, 2010 at 1:04 am #798980tasgrs wrote:
WSC, I must have missed Just After Sunset; what’s that one about?
My stepson gave me a gift card for Barnes and Noble for Christmas, so maybe I can snag that one. Turn me loose in a book store, and I’ll need a pack mule, for sure. 😀
I agree with you 100% about the ending to the Dark Tower series—after all these years, you kill off 50% of the good guys, and dump poor Roland right back at the beginning? Oh, mAAAaaan! :shout:
I read Duma Key a couple of times. It wasn’t one of my favorites, though.
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon was a bit odd, even for King.
I’ve got most of his books either in hardcover or paperback. I’m not picky. 😀 If I can’t get my hands on new books, I re-read which ever book I can grab that I haven’t read lately.
Did you read From A Buick 8?
Just after sunset is a book of short stories. Have you seen Tales From the Darkside the Movie? If so, remember the one about the Cat From Hell? Yeah, that’s King’s too, and it’s in there! It was never published prior to that book. It’s pretty good, although once in a while he really gets out there.
Yeah, that was so unfair to Roland! 😥 I was like OMG!!! WTF?!?!?! OMG!!! But, I enjoyed it very much up until the last paragraph. 😉
Yes, I have read From A Buick 8, and wow…Whenever I finish Dome, I want to go back and read that one again. See, my problem is I like 4 main authors, King, Dean Koontz, John Saul, and James Patterson (But only the Alex Cross series…None of that Women’s Murder Mystery crap!). In the matter of a couple weeks, I managed to pick up about 55 hardbacks off ebay in pristine shape for less than $125 bucks! I now have enough books that if none of those authors wrote for the next 4 years, I’d still be set! LOL
I keep better company with Hardbacks, as I read many books over and over. I already wore out a hardback edition of Insomnia…I just love Ralph! If I had to pick a favorite, it would be Insomnia, and a runner up would be The Stand. I have the new edition in hardback and the first edition in hardback. I love the old dustjacket on the first edition better than the newer editions.Laurie wrote:Under the Dome is great!! but my favorite King’s are Rose Madder and The Stand. 😉
Oh, my! Rose Madder was an excellent book! Mess with the bull you get the horns! 😀
January 2, 2010 at 5:23 pm #798981The Stand is one of my favorites, but I like the “unabridged” version he released some time ago. Once I read that one, a lot of things in the first version that I had read and thought “Huh?” suddenly made a lot more sense. I liked the books of short stories, Night Shift and Skeleton Crew. I wanted to see “The Mist”, but never got around to it. It’s been on cable lately, but on a channel we don’t get. (which figures, lol)
I remember “Creepshow”, which was a screenplay based on some of his short stories. His sense of humor was very apparent on that one. 😀I understand entirely about the hardcover vs paperback; I have a couple of books that I’ve literally read to tatters. Some of them are by other authors. Like The Hobbit and the LOTR set, which I got back in high school. Another is The Horse Goddess by Morgan Llwellyn. I’d love to find that one in hardcover. It’s out of print now, I think. I re-read a lot of books, too. My husband is always saying “Didn’t you read that already?” He can’t understand how I can do that.
I had forgotten about Rose Madder!—I must’ve put that one in with a box of books that got put away. Most likely in the garage or some other equally inaccessible-at-the-moment place. Now that it’s been mentioned, the want is gonna be there like the itch under the cast. 😀
I like Koontz and Patterson, too. My mom is big on the murder/mystery books, so when we do a book swap, I get those from her; she’s given me a lot of Patterson’s stuff. I also like Anne McCaffrey; I think I’ve read just about all of her stuff; and Piers Anthony, Stephen R. Donaldson, and Tanya Huff. The bottom line is I’ll read pretty much anything at least once. :yes: I’d rather read than watch tv. I carry a book with me just about all the time–you never know when you’re going to have to sit and wait for something. I go bonkers if I have to sit around and wait without something to do.January 2, 2010 at 6:53 pm #798982Ahhh…The infamous Creepshows! I loved them. And actually, the first Creepshow was released in a “comic book” form. It has covers like the Large Paperbacks, sorta stiff, more so than the small paperbacks, and it is actually done, like the movies comic book parts! I am not sure, but sometimes I wonder if the pictures you see in the movie that look like comics, aren’t the actual ones in the book. I have both copies of the uncut Stand. I’ve never read the edited version. :scratch:
The Mist is excellent. It actually follows the story fairly well, and should since the story is only 90 pages long.
If you liked all the short story books, then you will enjoy Just After Sunset. Most of the stories in it are older stories, that you might have caught in a movie, or in a magazine. Mostly unpublished in book form before. I was just trying to make it last until he wrote another. It’s been a habit for me until I started reading other books. I hit Walden’s and Border’s and Barnes & Noble about 4 times a year and pick through all the 6 to 10 dollar hardbacks and sometimes I find things that look interesting on the jacket and usually the book is pretty good. Oh, I used to read Clive Barker, but when he wrote Everville, he changed his style of writing, and I never had a liking for his new style. 😕 I will tell you one book, that I think EVERYBODY should atleast try to read is Whitley Streiber’s “Cat Magic”. That was the first book my dad ever bought me. I still have the softback copy he got me when I was 12 or 13. But have since, replaced it with a Hardback from Ebay, and even got a spare copy for my son. The softback is in relatively good shape, as I always have taken good care of them. I believe books are one of the greatest creations of man. I don’t read as much non fiction as I should, but I do watch alot of history shows. Oh, and for short stories, there is a book called “Don’t Open This Book” It’s got some WEIRD but good stories from authors you probably have never heard of…I know I hadn’t. Another is, “Throne of Bones”.
Oh, and I also belonged to many book clubs too, and I can attest to joining them. The book will cost you less, even with shipping, and some like “the Stephen King Book Club” even give you a list to choose from. In the beginning you let them know what books you already have, and they never send you a repeat! If he puts out a new book, that is the book you get for that month, otherwise every month a new one comes from the list you need. It took me a few years, but I caught up and had doubles, I wanted of each book. My last book I got from them was From A Buick 8, I moved and decided I could keep up now and have since. SO, I guess you could say I not only collect the heck out of Windstones, I collect books too! 😆Now, movies, if you can get someone to set you up with a bunch of rentals! LOL The Mist, 1408, The Shining, The Stand, and can’t forget Kingdom Hospital series…Those are a few of my favorites. But I have to say my all time favorite is, Maximum Overdrive. Gees I love the Green Goblin Truck! LOL And I like the old, cheap flop movies anyway. Christine, I loved the car…I’ve probably watched it 1500 times sine I got it on VHS the first time. LOL Double that count for Maximum Overdrive. LOL Oh! And I just started watching Nightmares and Dreamscapes, the series made for TNT. I missed it when I worked 2nd shift, and I didn’t have cable, so my Dad and Peg got it for me for Christmas! YAY! Along with the Unrated version of Hitman. YAY again!!! 😀 (Timothy Olephant *drools*) Oh, and I got Sweet November on DVD too! *does fisted arm yank* Yessss. I have about 300-400 DVD’s too. Every payday I used to go to Walmart and hit the $5 bin and buy 4 or so. $20 will get you far when there is movies in that bin you like! Kingdom Hospital is 13 episodes long. 1 and 13 are an hour and a half and the others are 45 minutes or so. No commercials is nicer than trying to watch it on a crappy tv at the Nursing Home! Especially when even if the other aides answered the call light it was usually for me anyway. 😕
I hear ya on the Rose Madder thing…Now I got an itch to read a “short” book before I set into that whopper that is his latest!
I want to read the Vampire series by Anne Rice. Lestat and Interview with a vampire.
I love my ghoulies, and ghosties and long leggedy beasties! 😈
January 2, 2010 at 7:12 pm #798983Adaneth wrote:🙁 Poor you. I sure hope you’ve ‘used up’ all your bad luck for the next 7 years. Here’s hoping 2010 is better for you both!
What Adaneth said. 🙁
But seams like the new year is starting better….You won the curly! 😀 Congrats!January 2, 2010 at 7:46 pm #798984Aw, Catmagic, love it, have it. I like his communion books too. (wellll….. 😕 😳 ) I’ve read every Ann Rice. love her. 😉
January 2, 2010 at 8:02 pm #798985This is turning into a literary corner 😆 ! I need to get new reading glasses because my favorite place to read is right before bed. I have contacts but it won’t do when I just want to turn off the light and sleep. I have glasses but they need to be updated pescription wise! But all this sounds so interesting–I need to get my living room straightened up more because there is a nice littler corner that would be perfect for reading! So many good books that I don’t know where to start!
January 6, 2010 at 1:30 am #798986So….who else has got cabin fever?? I am going out of my freakin’ skull here. I can’t get comfortable enough to sit for very long to read, and lying down with my leg in a splint, well……that’s not much better. *grumbles*
I go to the orthopedic doctor tomorrow morning; it’ll be only the third time since I broke the ankle that I’m getting out of the house. First time was to get the damn thing x-rayed, second was to take the dog to the vet…..I just hope this ankle isn’t going to need surgery or anything. From what I saw on the x-rays, it looked like a simple break. They certainly didn’t see the need to try and mess with it at the hospital. 😕 I dunno…..what I DO know is that it still hurts like a mad b@st*rd if I move wrong. 🙄 🙄
January 6, 2010 at 5:24 pm #798987I guess I missed this one earlier but take care
January 7, 2010 at 1:04 am #798988Well….good news and bad news. Bad news is I’m in a hard cast to mid-shin for the next 2 weeks. Good news is it’s only for 2 weeks, and I can put 50% of my weight on it. So I can walk–gingerly–with the crutches taking half my weight, and I can stand on it. The doc said to use what he called the “green light/red light” approach. If I do something and it doesn’t hurt, green light! If it hurts, then red light. Duh :spank:
I’m in the standard short hard cast for 2 weeks, then I can move to a “removable” cast and have to wear that for a few weeks. *sigh*
Helllloooooo cabin fever! :bye:
Oh well….coulda been worse, right?January 7, 2010 at 1:17 am #798989Ugh…But at least it is only for a few weeks! Ugh, I hate cabin fever the most! I’ve got enough to keep me busy, but it does get tedious sitting inside all the time. Although right now I avoid outside since it’s in the teens and single digits here. 😛
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