
Send bourbon…lots and lots of bourbon, please!

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    Well, here it is, almost New Years. After losing a beloved cat in July, getting laid off in August, having our dog diagnosed with cancer in November, now, on Christmas Eve I slipped on ice and fell, breaking my ankle. Merry freakin’ Christmas. 😮

    I just had the damned thing x-rayed tonight, after almost a week of keeping it elevated and icing it down with not much improvement. Of course, walking around on it wasn’t exactly helping. 😳 🙄 And then, just for “laughs” we got like 2″ of rain, which melted the 2 feet of snow we had–like all at once, and the basement had water in it–in the room with all the music equipment in it….of course. 🙄 🙄 🙄

    I have had enough now, please and thank you very much.

    I’m still out of work, although given this newest development that might not be such a bad thing now; at least I won’t miss work. 😈 Of course, being on crutches means I can’t carry anything, and now my poor husband has to take care of the horses, cats and dog until I get off the crutches…….in about a month or so….on top of his working a full time job with 10 hour days and over an hour commute each way. Read this as at *least* a 12 hour day for him, and then he gets to go feed 7 horses. I can hobble out to the barn and get the feed together, (I think) but I can’t carry it to the horses. There are so many stupid little things we take for granted when we’re in one piece–like walking out to the kitchen and coming back with a drink–that can’t be done while using crutches.

    At this point, I give up. I’m crawling into my bed and staying there. Wake me up when spring gets here. *SIGH*



    Awww. I’m so sorry for all your woe! 🙁 *Sending warm fuzzies and lotsa hugs*


      Poor tasgrs! That’s really one load of misfortune after the another. I hope your ankle heals up quickly and well. Hugs!


        🙁 Poor you. I sure hope you’ve ‘used up’ all your bad luck for the next 7 years. Here’s hoping 2010 is better for you both!


          Oh Bless your heart. They “say” that when the year ends badly the coming year is a good one.Here’s hoping the old cliche’ is right 😀

          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
          (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


            Oh i’m so sorry for you, try to keep your chin up… as best you can… when things get bad around here, I always keep it mind it could always get worse…thinking that way helps me cope with whats going on in the here and now…. Give your hubby a big hug and kiss, and thank him for all his hard work, it will go along way 🙂 I am in somewhat of a similar situation… I also do not work right now..our frist born son was diagnosed with autism… and its been an up hill battle ever sence… alot falls on my hubby’s shoulders! I hope things start to turn around for you soon! Hugs!


              Ok, that’s enough bad luck for you, Missy! *shares a drink with you*


                Awww, I’m so sorry – that really sucks! Hibernation for the rest of the winter sounds like a good idea to me 😈 😀 😀

                twindragonsmum 😀



                  Aw, that sucks. Certainly hope the New Year is good to you.


                    You’ve got my sympathy on your ordeal! Yeah, have some of that Jack Daniels–warms the insides and numbs the mind–no pain, no pain, no pain! 😈 I sure hope things get better for you!


                    Okay…I’m gonna make a major effort to see something good in all of this….poo. The husband gave me a bottle of good bourbon for Christmas, and my mom gave me the latest Stephen King book Under the Dome. (It’s like a 1000 pages!!) If I can figure out a way to get the chocolate truffles in here too, I’m gonna park my sorry butt here in the hubby’s armchair with a couple of fingers’ worth of bourbon and that book. Now all I need is a potty chair. 😈 Hmm….now THAT’S a disturbing mental picture…. 😀

                    I know there are other King fans here; anybody read the newest one yet? Maybe we need to revive the book thread?
                    And thanks guys—You all rock! 8)

                    Seriously, though….anybody got suggestions on how to carry things when using crutches? The best I can come up with is putting stuff in a bag, and kind of slinging it over my wrist or shoulder as I hobble around. Obviously this has its limitations… It wouldn’t be *quite* so bad if I can bring stuff to my immediate area on my own. I’m here alone for most of the day with everyone else at work, so any ideas that allow me to be somewhat self-sustaining would be greatly appreciated.

                    My best friend/next door neighbor, (who is also a horse person, thank Heavens!), is helping us out with the herd. She’s had some major injuries of her own over the years that we’ve gone through with her, so she’s definitely sympathetic AND a huge help. She’s gonna come over tonight for New Years’ so I won’t have to ring in the new year alone–George has to work tomorrow, so he’ll be in bed long before midnight. I can hope that the cliche` about ending the year on a bad note means a turn around for the new year is true. I really don’t even want to THINK about how things could be worse……nope, nope, nope….not going there at all….


                      I generally make myself a “peg leg” post surgery (I’ve had waaaay to much of that) and it usually gives me a little more stability than crutches. Grab a kitchen chair that has back to it and put your bad leg on the chair. The chair acts as your leg from the knee down (I’m assuming you can put weight on your knee). It takes a bit of getting used to but I can hobble around the house with my chair ‘leg’ better than than using crutches. It also frees up one hand so I can carry things. Sometimes it takes a couple trips but it’s better than trying to move stuff when you’re on crutches…

                      twindragonsmum 😀



                        I have one of those walkers from my husband’s aunt when she passed away. Keep it around just in case. If you have one of those and attached a bag to it coud help carrying things around. Believe me, if you were close by I’d lend you mine! Parking yourself in hubby’s chair with boubon and a new books sounds great–and instead of a potty chair–depends? I know it’s not a much prettier mental picture but you don’t have to look at it! 😈 [oooops, bad idea–you have to sit in it :puke: ]

                        Yeah my year is ending in a bad way too–different bad way but bad all the same–hope that means a good resolution for next year. Ever have murder on your mind–been on mine a lot lately! So I’ll toast you as I drink myself into oblivion tonight and hope things get better for you. Starting to already–your neighbor is coming over to keep you company and help with your herd. What a great neighbor!!! 😀


                        Ooh! Cool; I’ll have to try that; Thanks! Yeah, the knee is okay. I got a couple of light kitchen chairs I might be able to use around the house. I’m guessing that stairs would be out of the question, though. 🙂
                        I also just figured out that if I wear a pullover hoodie sweatshirt, I can stuff all kinds of things into my “pouch”. The last 3 leg injuries were all during the spring or summer months when you wouldn’t think of wearing a sweatshirt. D’oh! 🙄
                        But I now have my bourbon, some iced tea in a sports squeeze bottle, the book and my pain meds all in the same place. Next trip will be for the chocolate. Aah, Nirvana! 😆
                        (and yes, I’ll be careful about mixing the meds and booze. 8) )

                        Yeah, Jean IS a great neighbor. And I’m very thankful to have her. We’ve been friends for over 20 years, and when the house next door came up available, I talked her into buying it. It’s a win/win for both of us over the years, because we watch out for each other. If she goes on vacation, I take care of her horses and cats, and likewise for us. Plus, it gives us both someone to ride and carriage drive with. And she’s also in the same line of work as me, so we talk shop alot too. Now I’m trying to talk her into buying some of the property next to ours down in KY. (she wants out of NJ, too.) 😀

                        I do have a walker,(and thanks for that idea and offer, too) but have never quite mastered the art of navigating with it. I like TDM’s idea of the chair, since that’ll give me a free hand. I’ll have to keep you guys posted on that one. I wonder if I can bungee things to the chair? Hmm….
                        😆 @ the Depends….Eeeewwww! LOL I’m thinking I’m not “going” there, either. (pun intended…)

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