
Selling curlies (pg. 7)

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    Thank you, Cat, foxfeather, PhoenixTears, mmloda, sunhawk and Skylover for your well wishes. You’re very kind.
    So far I have people definitively interested in a little over $2000 worth of Windstones (calculated at the prices I bought them for; all are LP though and so actually worth more), and requests about $500 worth more. After definitive interest is expressed in at least $3000 worth of Windstones, I’ll decide whether I want to break up the collection.

    Thank you all again so much for your sympathy and help.


      we were in the blackforrest that sunday (Tannenmühle) and I was just wondering how traffic can be handled in those serpentine dead-cornered things called “roads”. And this comes from someone who has a holiday house in the alps. No seriously, that place is awful. I am so glad you are all right, thats the biggest relief.
      Hopefully you can get out the best with finances, I can imagine how hard it is to sell them, they look so happy at your place 🙂 I wish I could help, but my finances are pretty tight. Anyhow, if there’s anything I can do, du weisch woni wohne u wie mi erreichsch.


      Glad to hear that you’re okay!


      Akeyla wrote:

      we were in the blackforrest that sunday (Tannenmühle) and I was just wondering how traffic can be handled in those serpentine dead-cornered things called “roads”. And this comes from someone who has a holiday house in the alps. No seriously, that place is awful.

      The stretch is perfectly gorgeous. I can’t wait to drive it again. You can really swing into the curves and most of the roads are well-visible and so much fun to drive.

      Akeyla wrote:

      I wish I could help, but my finances are pretty tight. Anyhow, if there’s anything I can do, du weisch woni wohne u wie mi erreichsch.

      You can help by taking your sweet time on finishing all my commissions, because I’m going to be so broke until the end of the year, at least. (Good thing I got your Christmas gift ready a couple months ago. 😆 )


        I’m very glad you’re okay too. Sorry about your bike.


        Man. Be gone for a few days and lookit here. 🙁 I’m sorry for your bike GB! And I am glad you only have a few bruises to show for it. Motor vehicle drivers, need to learn to watch for bikes. There are alot of accidents like that here. I always stay behind people on bikes, but I stay far far back from them. My dad has been riding bikes for all the eyars I can remember. The one accident he was in he was in alone. I hope you get better and I am sorry to see you have to sell your WIndstones. I won’t be selling mine, and I owe $18,000 as of now. 🙄 Goodluck! *Hugs*


          Poor you and poor Beastie. 🙁 I’m glad you weren’t seriously hurt!


            I’m sorry to hear about your accident GB! Thank goodness you’re okay though.
            I sorry to see you putting your collection up for offers, but I understand how some things are just more important than others. I really wish I could afford to buy back the Cinnamon Pearl guy. He is so pretty. I’m also low on funds at the moment though. I just bought a new set of tires for my car over the weekend, so might be selling even more of my collection to make up for it. *sigh* It’s always one thing or another anymore.


            Well, I’m actually quite confidant nobody will offer me a price that would convince me to part with either the Spring Green or the Cinnamon Pearl Riser. I’d hate to part with either. 😀
            I’m still not sure I’ll be selling at all. Offers are just over $2000; I’m still debating.


              Well good luck either way! 😀
              Spring Green and Cinnamon Pearl need to stay together with you!


                I’m so sorry to read about this!!
                The most important part is that you are OK. Bikes can be replaced YOU can not!!
                When I got rear ened in 1999 at midnight the idiot backed up and took off. I wish people where more responsible then they got raised to be.
                You are in 1 piece and that is the most important part of all
                I still firmly believe that eVERYONE should have to ride a bike for at least a year before they get to drive a car. It would teach you to be a VERY defensive driver and to watch out for bikes at all times


                Oh GB!! That totally sucks. But I’m so glad you’re okay.


                Dragon Master wrote:

                I’m so sorry to read about this!!I still firmly believe that eVERYONE should have to ride a bike for at least a year before they get to drive a car. It would teach you to be a VERY defensive driver and to watch out for bikes at all times

                DM actually has a pretty good point there. I’m glad not everyone is required to drive a motorcycle for a length of time, or we’d have even more bad bikers on the roads. However, nothing teaches you to read and respect the road and your fellow motorists faster or better than not having four walls around you. 😕


                Well, we’ve reached the $3000 mark. People are interested in OWs, sitting Spectrals, curlies and various smaller pieces. Here’s what I’m thinking:
                I’m easily willing to part with pieces like Poads, hatching royalty, young dragons, the lap, and my LE OWs, since I don’t have complete collections of those, and my OW collection will still have all the RP and LP pieces. For other pieces like various curlies, or breaking up my Spectral pairs, I’d need a lot more thought.
                I’m PMing the people who expressed interest in the above-mentioned pieces. If the prices are right, I think I’ll rehome them.
                Still, if anybody is interested in any other pieces, do PM me. The sale is only just beginning.


                  I’m sorry this is coming a little late, but I’m very glad you didn’t get seriously hurt. I’m sorry you have to sell off some of your lovelies, you have a beautiful collection. You have some of my ‘dream’ peices, but I can’t even think of making any offers 🙄 . It’s too bad someone’s carelessness put you in this situation, but at least you didn’t get badly hurt. Makes me wonder why stuff like that happens sometimes… Good luck on your sale, I hope you get a lot of nice new home for you pretties and it helps with your finacial situation 😀 .

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