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      I’m glad your taking it easy, and feeling better 🙂 .


        😮 Take care of yourself and don’t ever lock that door again! :spank:


          What a chilling story, and glad you are okay now! I think your boss did a great thing, by checking in on you. Really a good wakeup call for anyone with diabetes that might read your post – and nice that you can now be more prepared for such an event. And those that work with you, it must have been frightening for your boss. Glad all is well and you are home resting!


          Blackdesertwind wrote:

          😮 Take care of yourself and don’t ever lock that door again! :spank:

          Thing is…. I NEVER lock that door. NEVER. When I was there at 8 at night (and I freak out when I’m working alone in a building at night) I didn’t lock the door. I can’t fathom a reason why I would have. Maybe I leaned on it when I came in (because my blood sugar was already low I bet), and it locked itself that way? I just don’t remember. :shrug:

          But yes, I deserve :spank: . I feel really … I dunno … ashamed? That I let this happen in the first place. I should have recognized the symptoms earlier! Something really bad could’ve happened, and it scares me to think about it.


          Oh my gosh-so scary!! I am so glad you are okay and taking it easy! Do the doctors know why your blood sugar plummeted? Do you have Diabetes? Take care, hun!


          eaglefeather831 wrote:

          Oh my gosh-so scary!! I am so glad you are okay and taking it easy! Do the doctors know why your blood sugar plummeted? Do you have Diabetes? Take care, hun!

          Yes, I am a type 1 diabetic. So probably I injected too much at my previous meal, though that was 4 or so hours before (long after the insulin should’ve worn off).


            HOLLY COW LADY!!
            i’m really glad your ok!! 😮


            That sounds frightening and it`s not hard to understand that the experience affected you emotionally as well… I`m glad your boss found you and that you`re allright. I hope you feel better now both physically and emotionally… Take care of yourself! 🙂


              Dragon87 wrote:

              Blackdesertwind wrote:

              😮 Take care of yourself and don’t ever lock that door again! :spank:

              Thing is…. I NEVER lock that door. NEVER. When I was there at 8 at night (and I freak out when I’m working alone in a building at night) I didn’t lock the door. I can’t fathom a reason why I would have. Maybe I leaned on it when I came in (because my blood sugar was already low I bet), and it locked itself that way? I just don’t remember. :shrug:

              But yes, I deserve :spank: . I feel really … I dunno … ashamed? That I let this happen in the first place. I should have recognized the symptoms earlier! Something really bad could’ve happened, and it scares me to think about it.

              Thinking about it, & knowing what I do about Blood Sugar & such, it very well may have been your sugar was already low, & it made you do that.
              Creepy thing that it is, sometimes when it’s low/high it’ll make you do things that are completely out of the norm for you, & you wont neccessarily notice it.
              You should see how close to have UofA Cops called on me I’ve been because of low sugar!! 🙄


              Lupin: They thought you were drunk or something? Since the outward symptoms look suspiciously like being completely hammered? Since I can’t think of why else they would call the cops….

              Although, if it was already low (it dropped VERY fast, I didn’t really have time to register that I had the symptoms), I might have stumbled and leaned on the door. Since my boss said it was only sort of locked, when she turned the handle, she heard it click into locked position.

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